CAAC Minutes: 2013-03-19

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Curriculum and Academic Affairs Committee Minutes

March 19, 2013

Members Present: Paul Allen, Paul Arrigo, Layton Childress, Rosemary Coffman, Stewart Edwards, Joseph Ganakos, Michael Gos, Graeme Cox for Karen Guthmiller, Tia Hall, Vicky Hart, Rod Hellyer, Charlotte Mueller, David Jaroszewski for Angela Noack, Jim Richardson, Jeff Thies, Ingrid Wallace. Guests: Charles Thomas

Members Absent: Bo Aguilar, Howard Bushart, Dana Byal, Doylean Sprauve, Donnetta Suchon

Meeting was called to order at 2 p.m.

  1. Approval of Minutes: Minutes from February 19, 2013 were approved as amended.
  2. Old Business: None
  3. New Business:
  • Rod Hellyer proposed adding new course MCHN 2381 to the Industrial Systems Technology degree and the Industrial System Machinist Certificate of Completion. A motion to accept was made by Vicky Hart and seconded by Stewart Edwards. Motion carried.
  • Charles Thomas proposed adding SCIT 1318 to replace TECM – Technical Math Selection in the Process Technology program. A motion to accept was made by Paul Arrigo and seconded by Charlotte Mueller. Motion carried.
  • Charles Thomas proposed inserting CHEM 1419 back into the Process Technology degree. A motion to accept was made by Joseph Ganakos and seconded by Dr. David Jaroszewski. Motion carried.
  • Charles Thomas proposed adding new course PTAC 1465 to the Process Technology program. A motion to accept was made by Joseph Ganakos and seconded by Paul Arrigo. Motion carried.
  • Charles Thomas proposed replacing TECM – Technical Math Selection with SCIT 1318 in the Safety Management Technology Certificate of Completion. A motion to accept was made by Joseph Ganakos and seconded by Dr. David Jaroszewski. Motion carried.
  • Charles Thomas proposed replacing ITSC 1309 with a technical elective from the PTAC curriculum in the Safety Management degree. A motion to accept was made by Dr. David Jaroszewski and seconded by Vicky Hart. Motion carried.
  • Charles Thomas proposed replacing the technical elective with CTEC 2445 in the fourth semester of the Manufacturing Engineering Technology degree. A motion to accept was made by Joseph Ganakos and seconded by Dr. David Jaroszewski. Motion carried.
  • Charles Thomas discussed the note changes for the Safety Management and Process Technology degrees. Safety Management degree note to read: Approved Technical Electives include: all PTAC division classes; others approved by Division Chair. Process Technology degree note to read: Approved Technical Electives include: PTAC 1465 Internship-Process Technology. Others approved by Division Chair. Note: Students must complete 50% of technical courses at Lee in order to receive a certificate or AAS degree. The Capstone experience must be completed at Lee College.
  • Layton Childress presented for Howard Bushart. Layton Childress proposed replacing ENGL 1302 with an Oral Communication in the Physical Therapist Assistant degree. A motion to accept was made by Joseph Ganakos and seconded by Stewart Edwards. Motion carried.
  1. Open Forum:

Al Zucha discussed adding a field in the Curriculum Maintenance System to describe measurable student learning outcomes as cataloged in WECM and ACGM.

Michael Gos reminded CAAC members about the upcoming election of next years’ officers. This will take place in April’s meeting.


Meeting adjourned by 2:45 p.m.

Respectfully submitted, Approved by:
Susan Keith, Secretary Michael Gos, CAAC Chair
