CAAC Minutes: 2019-10-15

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CAAC Minutes — Oct. 15, 2019

Members Present:

Paul Allen; David Jaroszewski; Vicki Hart; Charles Thomas; Karen Guthmiller; Bill Gammel; Stewart Edwards; Charlotte Mueller; Paul Arrigo; Sarah Tidwell; Onimi Wilcox; Layton Childress; Joe Ganakos; Ingrid Wallace and Rod Hellyer.

Members Not Present:

Howard Bushart; Doylean Sprauve; Andy Miller; Dylan Howell; Veronique Tran; and Rosemary Coffman

  1. Approval of Minutes:
    1. September 2019 Meeting
    2. September 2019 Minutes unanimously stand as read.
  2. Informational Items
    1. VP of Instruction: Veronique Tran
      Not in attendance
    2. Deans: Onimi Wilcox,
      Nothing to share at this time.

      Layton Childress

      What happens when we don’t meet deadline? We need to look at every item very carefully. What happens after December when we still have a lot of things hanging out there? Deadlines are missed often. This is one that we can not miss. In some cases there are massive changes. In some the whole program is changing. This has to be done in 2 meetings over 2 hours or we are not going to rubber stamp it.

      Joe answered – We did discuss having a January meeting during Professional Development Week. Many might agree that with multiple types of organizational changes pending for this campus, is that we would love a situation where all of these things align perfectly so we start with a blank slate and move forward. That being said – we don’t have the luxury for a first review. If the November meeting yields positive results, even if there are some minor changes, I still believe that in January we can accommodate those items. Ultimately, this is a question for Dr. Tran.

      January meeting will be on the 9th at 2 PM, if needed.


    3. Executive Director – Enrollment Services: Scott Bennett

      Nothing to share.

    4. Executive Director – Assessment & Accreditation: Brandon Combs

      We are in the Accreditation process, which has started effective this Fall. Expect the committee to start meeting and disseminating back to the various areas in January.

      Starting later this Fall and early Spring, we are going to start assessing the Core Curriculum. Details to be determined.

      As part of Accreditation, Syllabi and Assessment, PDSA worksheets or for the non- instructional area the five column charts make sure that they are being completed for every section of every course and also for unit.

      Pathways – the CAAC deadline is the November meeting, but with enough notice CAAC will allow a December meeting to ease the lift for Pathways. We still want to aim for November to get as much done and stay on schedule. As part of the Pathways there is an FYE Development Committee building the curriculum for the new FYE class that will be replacing EDUC 1200 for our on-campus students. The committee has a deadline of October 30, 2019.

    5. Joe Ganakos –
      Clarification on this possible December meeting. November is the Catalog deadline. November will probably be a longer meeting than normal. If there are items that are suitable for consent agenda then they will be moved into that, but preferably would like to take each item individually for safety sake. Also, so things do not slip through the cracks. If there is a December meeting it will be during the first or second week of December. CAAC will NOT be just a rubber stamp for this process. We need to be deliberative about the whole process. Review documents in advance. This meeting will be exclusive of any things that are sent to Core. February will be the Core meeting, which will be a lengthy one if there are a lot of Core changes. Dr. Tran feels that the Core is stable, and there shouldn’t be a lot of changes. CAAC chose to have the meeting in December the week preceding finals, December 5th @ 2:00 PM. Dean Childress offered to provide lunch for the meeting.

    6. Academic Integrity Taskforce: Paul Arrigo
      Not present – relayed that there isn’t anything to share at this time

  3. Old Business

    1. Howard Bushart

      1. Change/Update Degree/Certificate Plan: Health Information (1377)
        Reflects compliance with Pathways, WECM and AHIMA Accreditation.
        David Jaroszewski made motion; Sarah Tidwell seconded. Motion passes unanimously

      2. Change/Update Degree/Certificate Plan: Health Information (1378)
        Changing Pathophysiology from 2301 to 2201 to reduce credit hours so not to lose the course.
        David Jaroszewski made motion; Karen Guthmiller seconded. Motion passes unanimously

      3. Change/Update Degree/Certificate Plan: Health Information (1379)
        Adding Math 1342 – Elementary Statistics
        David Jaroszewski made motion; Karen Guthmiller seconded. Motion passes unanimously

      4. Change/Update Degree/Certificate Plan: Health Information (1380)
        HITT 1341 – Coding and Classification System – Sequence Change
        David Jaroszewski made motion; Bill Gammel seconded. Motion passes unanimously

      5. Change/Update Degree/Certificate Plan: Health Information (1381)
        Changing Pharmacology from 1349 to 1249 to reduce credit hours so not to lose the course.
        Karen Guthmiller made motion; David Jaroszewski seconded. Motion passes unanimously

      6. Change/Update Degree/Certificate Plan: Health Information (1382)
        Changing Health Information Systems from 1311 to 1211 to reduce credit hours so not to lose the course.
        David Jaroszewski made motion; Stewart Edwards seconded. Motion passes unanimously

      7. Change/Update Degree/Certificate Plan: Health Information (1383)
        HITT 1345 – Healthcare Delivery Systems -Sequence Change David Jaroszewski made motion; Sarah Tidwell seconded. Motion passes unanimously

      8. Change/Update Degree/Certificate Plan: Health Information (1384)
        HITT 1253 – Legal/Ethical Aspects of HIM - reduce credit hours so not to lose the course.
        David Jaroszewski made motion; Sarah Tidwell seconded. Motion passes unanimously

      9. Change/Update Degree/Certificate Plan: Health Information (1385)

      10. Change/Update Degree/Certificate Plan: Health Information (1386)

      11. Change/Update Degree/Certificate Plan: Health Information (1387)

      12. Change/Update Degree/Certificate Plan: Health Information (1388)

      13. Change/Update Degree/Certificate Plan: Health Information (1389)

      14. Change/Update Degree/Certificate Plan: Health Information (1390)

      15. Change/Update Degree/Certificate Plan: Health Information (1391)
        (1385) – (1391) Sequence Changes for the same Degree Plan Karen Guthmiller made motion; Stewart Edwards seconded. Motion passes unanimously.

      16. New Course: HITT 2246 (1392)
        Advanced concepts of ICD and CPT coding rules, conventions, and guidelines in complex case studies. Investigation of government regulations and changes in health care reporting.
        Stewart Edwards made motion; Bill Gammel seconded. Identify the learning outcomes; Needs a Master Syllabus
        Motion to Table made by Karen Guthmiller; Charles Thomas seconded. Motion to Table passes unanimously.

    2. Roshele Friudenberg

      1. Change/Update Course Requisite: MATH 330 (1394)
        Update Requisites to TSIA MATH 343-349 or MATH 320 (or equivalent) and ENRD 401 (or equivalent)
        Vicki Hart made motion; David Jaroszewski seconded.
        Motion passes unanimously.

      2. Change/Update Course Requisite: ENRD 402 (1395)
        Pre/Co-requisite: EDUC 1200 or equivalent Accuplacer Placement Test score of Reading 62-77, Essay 5, and Sentence Sense Skills 80 or greater, or TSIA Reading score 347-350 and/or Writing score 357-362. TSIA placement is based on the lower of the two scores (Reading or Writing).

        Karen Guthmiller motioned to Table until the new 0 credit hour course is created; Charles Thomas seconded.
        Motion to Table passes unanimously.

      3. Change/Update Course Description: EDUC 1200 (1396)

        A study of the research and theory in the psychology of learning, cognition, and motivation; factors that impact learning, and application of learning strategies. Theoretical models of strategic learning, cognition, and motivation serve as the conceptual basis for the introduction of college-level student academic strategies. Students use assessment instruments (e.g., learning inventories) to help them identify their own strengths and weaknesses as strategic learners. Students are ultimately expected to integrate and apply the learning skills discussed across their own academic programs and become effective and efficient learners. Students developing these skills should be able to continually draw from the theoretical models they have learned. This is a mandatory course for first-time-in-college students who have designated General Studies or Undecided as their academic plan/major. Lecture Hrs. = 2, Lab Hrs. = 1

        David Jaroszewski made motion; Stewart Edwards seconded.
        Relates to Dual Credit students.
        Bill Gammel motioned to Table; David Jaroszewski seconded. Motion to Table passes unanimously.

      4. Change/Update Course Description: ENBR 402 (1397)

        This is an abridged version of ENRD 402, designed to develop students’ critical reading and academic writing skills through review and practice. The focus of this intervention will be on student’s refreshing their skills and applying critical reading skills for organizing, analyzing, evaluating and retaining material as well as practice in development of full- length themes with emphasis on structure, organization, unity, and development of thesis. This intervention is paired with ENGL 1301. Lecture Hrs. = 1, Lab Hrs. = 1
        Karen Guthmiller made motion; David Jaroszewski seconded.
        Motion passes unanimously.

  4. New Business

  5. Open Forum

Note: ( ) indicates the number of the item in the Curriculum Maintenance System.
