CAAC Minutes: 2019: 03-19

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CAAC Minutes — March 19, 2019

Members Present:
Paul Allen; Keith Coleman; Vicki Hart; Andy Miller; Charles Thomas; Stewart Edwards; Veronique Tran; Charlotte Mueller; Paul Arrigo; Sarah Tidwell; Layton Childress; Joe Ganakos; Ingrid Wallace and Rod Hellyer.

Members Not Present:
Howard Bushart; Doylean Sprauve; Karen

Meeting called to Order at 2:08 pm.

  1. Approval of Minutes:
    1. Nov. 20, 2018 Meeting
    2. Feb. 19, 2019 Meeting
      Keith Coleman motioned to approve the Nov. 2108 and Feb. 2109 Minutes; Vicki Hart seconded said motion.
      Motion passes unanimously.
  2. Informational Items
    1. VP of Instruction: Veronique Tran
      Core Update:
      Dr. Tran met with the authors of each of the core submissions and gave them suggestions to strengthen their proposals. The proposals are to do Dr. Tran by Friday, March 22, 2019. Dr. Tran will submit the proposals to the Coordinating Board on Monday, March 25, 2019. Expect to hear an answer from the Coordinating Board within a month.
      Review Time after CAAC:
      Dr. Tran would like CAAC to consider is the review time after CAAC approvals or if there could be a change in the order. What ever the deadline is for the Fall Catalog, there needs to be some time allowance. There has been some instances where Dr. Tran or the Dean’s have caught in terms of additional questions or documentation that sometimes results in a revisiting of the item.
      Joe Ganakos explained that this came up before, this was started by Dr. Sit. It was a very contentious that it would be compulsory, that Deans would approve before faculty would ever see anything beyond the Division level. Joe Ganakos made the argument, Mike Gos also signed on for, is the idea that it serves as a chilling effect. If there is an administrative barrier prior to CAAC actually seeing it, then its no longer a faculty led process. In theory it could be quashed before it ever got to CAAC. The compromise that was worked up is that we encourage consultation with the Deans, to confirm that in the realm of their knowledge, that everything is correct before it moves up the chain.
      Dr. Tran stated to have an understanding, that if items get approved by CAAC, and upon subsequent review by the Deans or Dr. Tran, if there are issues that come back, then they would be revisited as part of the original submission. Not to be considered as past the deadline, so therefore it can’t make it into the catalog.
      Dr. Tran also pointed out, clarification on what constitutes the scope of curriculum maintenance request. There have been some very bulky requests submitted. When there is so much in one request, it becomes difficult to decipher.
    2. Deans:
      Onimi Wilcox – Not in attendance
      Layton Childress
      Dean Childress brought up the question of the time frame given for review of the requests. Joe Ganakos explained that there is a 2-week window for review. Any one at any level can see the request prior to CAAC. We use to have a reporting system, where all those impacted by the request would be alerted via email. The Deans and the VP were included in that list. The concern then was that there were too many emails coming.
    3. Registrar: Scott Bennett
      Scott Bennett was not in attendance. Carl Husband was there to represent the Registrar’s office. Nothing to share.
    4. Academic Integrity Taskforce: Paul Arrigo
      Nothing to share
  3. Old Business
    1. Donna Zuniga
      1. i. Change/Update Degree/Certificate Plan: Business-Marketing (1312) The committee met and agreed in making this change to read IMED 2315 or PSYC 2301 or 3 HRS of Social/Behavioral Science.
        Stewart Edwards made motion; Roshele Friudenberg seconded.
        Motion passes unanimously.
    2. Miscellaneous
      1. Any pending business from the November and February meetings.
      2. CR (1344)
        This was Tabled during a prior meeting. Keith Coleman made motion to remove item from the table; Paul Arrigo seconded. There was no descent on removing item from the table.
        Minutes were given from meeting.
        Drops During Drop Period
        During the first 75% of any class term (specifically the end of the 12th week of a 16-week session, 7th week of a 10 week session, 6th week of an 8 week session, or 3rd week of a 5 week session), students may drop any class(es) for any reason.
        These deadlines are printed in the college calendar found in schedules or can be obtained from the Admissions and Records Office. Students are urged, but not required, to notify their instructors when they drop classes.
        Instructors may drop students during any point in the semester prior to finals if student fails to attend class on a regular basis or if they fail to meet other requirements.
        Drops during the drop period result in a grade of W1.
        See specific section syllabi for instructor rules and regulations. Once final exam week begins, students will earn a grade.
        Approved instructor-initiated drops, after the 75% drop period result in a grade of W2.
        Resignation (Complete Withdrawal)
        Students may resign from all of their classes in any semester prior to finals week.
        These students are required to sign a statement indicating they understand impacts of the resignation and are encouraged to visit with an advisor if they have concerns. When graded, a resignation results in a grade of W4.
        Drops During Drop Period
        The drop period for all classes is during the first 75% of any class term (specifically the end of week 12 for a 16-week session, week 7 of a 10-week session, week 6 of
        an 8-week session, or week 3 of a 5-week session) at which time students may drop any class. These deadlines are printed in the Academic Calendar and Student Guide located on the college website or can be obtained from the Admissions and Records Office. Students are strongly encouraged, but not required, to notify their instructor when they drop classes.
        Drops during the drop period result in a grade of W1.
        Resignation (Complete Withdrawal)
        Students may resign from all of their classes in any semester prior to the start of finals week. Students are required to sign a statement indicating they understand impacts of the resignation and are encouraged to visit with an advisor if they have concerns. When graded, a resignation results in a grade of W4.
        Motion passes unanimously.
  4. New Business
    1. Charles Thomas
      1. Motion to Revisit and Amend CR 1315 (PTEC AAS)
      2. Motion to Revisit and Amend CR 1317 (PTEC Certificate)
      3. Motion to Revisit and Amend CR 1319 (OSHT AAS)
      4. Motion to Revisit and Amend CR 1320 (OHST Certificate)
        Keith Coleman motioned to revisit requests 1315, 1317, 1319 and 1320; Stewart Edwards seconded.
        The difference between SCIT 1418 and SCIT 1414 is that one is called Physics and one is called Chemistry. All the programs have Chemistry in their programs. Clearly, we have a Physics requirement that’s on the academic side.
        Paul Arrigo motioned to amend; Stewart Edwards seconded.
        Motion passes unanimously.
    2. Joe Ganakos
      1. Reminder: CAAC Elections in April
        Email any nominations for your Divisions.
      2. Division Representatives for 2019/2020
        Roughly half the group rotates off, so at that point Division Representatives need to make sure that you express an interest to continue to serve to you Divisions if you so desire.
        Maybe at the July 2019 meeting CAAC can discuss having the Representatives be a 2-year term.
  5. Open Forum
    (1326) from February 2019 will be added to the April meeting.

Note: ( ) indicates the number of the item in the Curriculum Maintenance System.
