CAAC Minutes: 2019-07-16

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CAAC Minutes — July 16, 2019

Members Present:

Paul Allen; Vicki Hart; Andy Miller; Karen Guthmiller; Charlotte Mueller; Paul Arrigo; Sarah Tidwell; Onimi Wilcox; Layton Childress; Joe Ganakos; Ingrid Wallace and Rod Hellyer.

Members Not Present:

Howard Bushart; Doylean Sprauve; Charles Thomas; Bill Gammel; Stewart Edwards; Dylan Howell; Veronique Tran; Rosemary Coffman and Ingrid Wallace.

  1. Approval of Minutes:
    1. April 2019 Meeting
    2. Minutes unanimously approved.
  2.  Informational Items
    1. VP of Instruction: Veronique Tran
    2. Deans:
      1. Onimi Wilcox
        1. Pathways 6 Structural Paths are complete
        2. Still have a lot of figuring out as to where different departments fit into the Structure. It is a mandate that Universities bring there degrees down to 120 credit hours and Community Colleges down to 60 or 61 credit hours. Implementing this into the mix will in some cases it will move the credit hours up to 63/64, and we cant afford to do this. May have to offer it as a mandate, at not credit.
      2. Layton Childress
        1. What could we do?in thought, just like we all have to take the Sexual Harassment tutorials, what ifwe had we had three of those, one for Time Management, one for Financials and one for whatever else we thought. Each Program then imbed them into the core which would require these to be done. They would be counted as completed once taken.
    3. Registrar: Scott Bennett
      1. Nothing to share
    4. Academic Integrity Taskforce: Paul Arrigo
      1. 8 Cases in the Spring 2019
      2. 29 Cases in the Fall 2018
    5. CAAC Chair:
      1. The following were approved by the THECB for inclusion into the Lee College Core:
        1. PHIL 1304 (Intro to World Religions)
        2. SPAN 2312 (Intermediate Spanish II)
        3. SPAN 2313 (Spanish for Native/Heritage Speakers I)
        4. SPAN 1315 (Spanish for Native/Heritage Speakers II)
        5. BCIS 1305 (Business Computer Application(
          All of the above were approved by the THECB and are good to go for the Fall semester. There was a title change on SPAN 2312 from what was submitted, it must be titled Intermediate Spanish II. SPAN 2311 title was changed as well to Intermediate Spanish.
          Item number 4, SPAN 1315 is actually a typo and should read SPAN 2315.
  3. Old Business
    1. Channell Cook
      1. Credit for Prior Learning in Child Development (1370)
        1. Tabled at the April meeting.
          (1370) Remains on the Table
    2. Second Reading of CAAC Bylaws Revisions
      Karen Guthmiller accepted the move for a Motion; Charlotte Mueller seconded. Motion to accept the CAAC Bylaws Revisions passes unanimously.
  4. New Business
    1. No New Business
  5. Open Forum
    1. No Open Forum

      Meeting adjourned.

      Note: ( ) indicates the number of the item in the Curriculum Maintenance System.
