CAAC Minutes: 2019-11-19

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CAAC Minutes — Nov. 19, 2019

Members Present:

Paul Allen; Howard Bushart; David Jaroszewski; Vicki Hart; Karen Guthmiller; Bill Gammel; Stewart Edwards; Charlotte Mueller; Dylan Howell; Veronique Tran; Paul Arrigo; Sarah Tidwell; Onimi Wilcox; Layton Childress; Joe Ganakos; and Ingrid Wallace.

Members Not Present:

Doylean Sprauve; Andy Miller; Charles Thomas; Rosemary Coffman and Rod Hellyer.

  1. Approval of Minutes:
    1. October 2019 Meeting
    2. Minutes stand as read.
  2. Informational Items - Administration
    1. VP of Instruction: Veronique Tran
      1. Thank you everyone for all of the hard work the past months on our Pathways work. I think that we are making significant progress. We are at a refresh point right now, but hopefully the momentum will continue. Reminder to everyone that we are doing all of this for our students and for the success.
      2. February CAAC is when the new Core Course proposals will be due
      3. There are curriculum changes afoot that are happening coincidental with Pathways that
      4. CAAC will be seeing.
      5. EDUC 1200 is being reviewed as a credit course rather than a non-credit.
    2. Deans:
      Onimi Wilcox
      1. Co-Requisites House Bill 5 – House bill that mandates remedial education; they do not want students spending semesters and years in remedial courses, they want them taking them in one semester.
      2. Layton Childress
        1. I just want to thank everyone that put in so much work for this meeting.
      3. Executive Director, Enrollment Services: Scott Bennett
      4. Nothing to share at this time
      5. Executive Director – Assessment & Accreditation: Brandon Combs
        1. PDSAs are due January 15, 2020
      6. Academic Integrity Taskforce: Paul Arrigo
        1. Nothing to share at this time
  3. Informational Items – Pathways
    1. Valerie Holland – Chair of the PACS 1000 Committee
      Valerie was invited as part of the PACS 1000 Committee to give an update to CAAC so that we would have more information going into the December meeting. Now that we are in a holding pattern, there isn’t a need for the December meeting. February may be a lengthy meeting.
  4. Old Business
    1. No Old Business
  5. Informational Items – New Business
    1. Gaynell Reeves
      1. Miscellaneous: Catalog Update for Nursing Requirements
      2. Miscellaneous: Catalog Update for Nursing Requirements (1435)
      3. Miscellaneous: Catalog Update for Nursing Requirements (1436)
  6. New Business
    1. Marice Ivy
      1. Change/Update Degree/Certificate Title: Health Information Technology (1398)
        Currently listed as Health Information Technology; In the field and by the association it is referred to Health Information Management
        Howard Bushart motioned to change the title; Stewart Edwards seconded. Motion passes unanimously.
      2. Change/Update Degree/Certificate Plan: Coding (1399, 1400, 1401, 1402, 1403, 1404, 1405,1406, 1407, 1408)
        Changes to the certificate; most are sequencing, however (1406) the credit hours are being reduced and (1407) is a new course. These are scheduling issues.
        Call for a motion to change the Certificate for Coding’s sequence: Paul Arrigo made motion; Howard Bushart seconded.
        In the discussion Scott Bennett made note that some of the adjustments (1399) BCIS 1305 2 Lecture 4 Lab the contact hours are incorrect on the sequencing.
        Jodi will make the adjustments to correct these issues.
        Dr. Tran suggested to call the certificate Advanced Medical Coding. Need to put in a request for this.
        Based strictly on the sequencing issues; motion is called.
        Motion passes.
        (1407) is a new course being added. It was Tabled in October, request (1392). Master Syllabus is uploaded under (1392)
        The existing motion is being Tabled in order to revisit (1392); No objection. (1392) should have been Old Business; there is now a Master Syllabus in the system. According to the Minutes from last meeting, we were waiting on the documentation.
        Discussion introducing New Course HITT 2246. None. Question is called; Passes
        Calling the motion for the master set of motions; Passes
      3. Change/Update Semester Credit Hours: HITT 1349 (1409)
      4. Change/Update Semester Credit Hours: HPRS 2301 (1410)
      5. Change/Update Semester Credit Hours: HITT 1353 (1411)
      6. Change/Update Semester Credit Hours: HITT 1311 (1412)
      7. Change/Update Semester Credit Hours: HITT 2339 (1413)
      8. Change/Update Semester Credit Hours: HITT 2249 (1414)
        Grouping (1409 – 1414)
        Reducing credit hours to meet the 60 hrs.
        Scott has questions on the contact hours on 1412; 1413 and 1414.
        (1412) we have 2 Lec 2 Lab which would be 64 contact hours but there is 32 listed.
        (1413) we have 2 Lec hours which would be 32 but the allowable range is 48 – 80. So that would need to be 3 Lec hours.
        (1414) we have 1 Lec 2 Lab which would be 48 contact hours but we have 60.
        Have a formula added to the system which will automatically calculate the contact hours.
        (1413) will be adjusted to 2 Lec 1 Lab which will be 48 contact hours.
        Karen Guthmiller made motion; Stewart Edwards seconded. Motion Passes
    2. Laura Lane-Worley
      1. Change/Update Degree/Certificate Plan: Social Work (1415)
        Laura Lane-Worley has asked for this request to be omitted, as it is a request moving towards Pathways.
    3. Donna Price-Zuniga
      1. Change/Update Degree/Certificate Plan: Horticulture AAS (1416)
        These are an either/or Core substitution for the degree (1416) Recommending FMKT 1301 be taught rather than HALT 2420
        Upload a corrected Syllabus with correct Course Title.
        Vicki Hart motioned; Paul Arrigo seconded. Motion passes
      2. Change/Update Degree/Certificate Plan: Horticulture Cert. (1417)
        These are an either/or Core substitution for the certificate (1417) Recommending FMKT 1301 be taught rather than HALT 2420 Online offered at Plane State.
        Stewart Edwards motioned; Karen Guthmiller seconded. Motion passes
    4. Christine Miller
      Change/Update Course Description: CHEM 1405 (1418)
      Changes in Course Title and Description (ACGM mandated)
      Vicki Hart motioned; Stewart Edwards seconded. Motion passes
    5. Wally Collins
      1. New Course: TECM 1301 (1419)
        New math course
        Dylan Howell motioned; Paul Arrigo seconded. Motion passes
        (1420) INTC 1350
        The Lab fee will need Board of Regents approval.
        Dylan Howell motioned; Paul Arrigo seconded. Motion passes
      2. New Course: INTC 2433 (1421)
        The Lab fee will need Board of Regents approval.
        Dylan Howell motioned; Paul Arrigo seconded. Motion passes
      3. Change/Update Semester Credit Hours: INTC 1443 (1424)
        Reducing to meet the 60 hrs requirement
        Dylan Howell motioned; Bill Gammel seconded. Motion passes
      4. Change/Update Degree/Certificate Plan: Instrumentation Technology Cert. (1425)
        Implementing the new courses into the degree/certificate plan
        Dylan Howell motioned; Paul Arrigo seconded. Motion passes
      5. Change/Update Degree/Certificate Plan: Instrumentation Technology AAS (1427)
        Implementing the new courses into the degree/certificate plan Updated degree plan to align with Pathways
        Paul Arrigo motioned; Dylan Howell seconded.
        Motion passes
    6. Georgeann Ward
      1. Change/Update Degree/Certificate Plan: American Studies (1422)
        Changes reflect the Honors curses that are currently offered, specifically that American Studies is no longer a combined ENGL/HIST course.
        Stewart Edwards motioned; Charlotte Mueller seconded. Motion passes
    7. Gaynell Reeves
      1. Change/Update Degree/Certificate Plan: Licensed Vocational Nursing (1423)
        Proposed curriculum plan is NOT to change the required curriculum, but does move the BIOL and HITT courses to prerequisite courses.
        Paul Arrigo motioned; Howard Bushart seconded. Motion passes
      2. Change/Update Course Requisite: RNSG 1301(1432)
        ENRD 402 or equivalent and MATH 250 (B or better) or MATH 330 or equivalent; Pre/Co-requisite BIOL 2401 or BIOL 2404
        David Jaroszewski motioned; Charlotte Mueller seconded. Motion passes.
    8. Cyndi Lewis
      1. Change/Update Course Requisite: POFT 1328 (1426)
        POFT 1328 replacing POFT 1300; change in Pre/corequisite
        Vicki Hart motioned; Paul Arrigo seconded. Motion passes
    9. Angela Noack
      1. Replace Course: POFT 1300 (1428)
        Group together (1428); (1429, 1441, 1444, 1445, 1447 and 1451)
        Replace POFT 1300 with POFT 1328 in the first semester. This change was approved by the Professional Administrative Technology Advisory Committee and the Business Technology Division.
        Stewart Edwards motioned; Howard Bushart seconded. Motion passes
    10. Melinda Rose
      1. Replace Course: POFT 1300 (1429)
      2. Change/Update Degree/Certificate Plan: Administrative Technology AAS (1430)
        All students will be required to take POFT 1392
        Howard Bushart motioned; Charlotte Mueller seconded. Motion passes
      3. Change/Update Degree/Certificate Plan: Administrative Technology AAS (1431)
        Students will have an option of taking a non-major elective to enhance their training in other business-related fields. These options will be HITT 1306, HITT 1353, LMGT 1319, ACCT 2401, ACNT 1331, BMGT 1325, LGLA 1307 or CRIJ 1301
        Paul Arrigo motioned; Bill Gammel seconded. Motion passes
    11. David Jaroszewski
      1. New Course: LGLA 2305 (1434)
        New Course which will be used to satisfy the LGLA elective in the third or fourth semester.
        Stewart Edward motioned; Charlotte Mueller seconded. Motion passes
      2. Change/Update Degree/Certificate Plan: Legal Support Staff Cert. (1441)
      3. Change/Update Course Requisite: LGLA 2307 (1443)
        Pre/Corequisite ENRD 401 or equivalent. Will allow the class to be offered dual credit on the same basis as LGLA 2313 Criminal Law and LGLA 1219 Paralegal Ethics are offered.
        Stewart Edwards motioned; Paul Arrigo seconded. Motion passes
      4. Change/Update Degree/Certificate Plan: Paralegal Studies AAS (1444)
      5. Change/Update Degree/Certificate Plan: Basic Business Skills Cert. (1445)
      6. Change/Update Degree/Certificate Plan: Accounting Technology AAS (1447)
      7. Change/Update Degree/Certificate Plan: Logistics & Supply Chain Technology AAS (1451)
    12. Valerie Holland
      1. New Course: PACS 1000 (1437)
      2. Change/Update Course Description: EDUC 1200 (1438)
      3. Change/Update Course Requisite: EDUC 1200 (1439)
        (1437, 1438 and 1439) Tabled
    13. Portia Hopkins
      1. New Course: GOVT 2389 (1440)
        New course for Internships for hands-on experience in government
        David Jaroszewski motioned; Paul Arrigo seconded.
        Motion passes
    14. Chuck Ganze
      1. Change/Update Degree/Certificate Plan: Computer & Network Maintenance AAS (1442)Wally Collins
        New Degree Plan; To meet Pathways requirements
        Vicki Hart motioned; Howard Bushart seconded. Motion passes
      2. New Course: ITNW 1425 (1446)
        Fundamentals of Networking Technology
        Instruction in networking technologies and their implementation.
        Topics include the OSI reference model, network protocols, transmission media, and networking hardware and software.
        Vicki Hart motioned; Stewart Edwards seconded. Motion passes
      3. New Course: ITNW 2412 (1448)
        Router configuration for local area networks and wide area networks. Includes Internet Protocol (IP) addressing techniques and intermediate routing protocol.
        Paul Arrigo motioned; Sarah Tidwell seconded. Motion passes
      4. New Course: ITNW 2453 (1449)
        Advanced Routing and Switching
        Advanced concepts for the implementation, operation, and troubleshooting of switched and routed environments. Emphasizes advanced routing protocols, Multi Protocol Label Switching (MPLS), and advanced security.
        Vicki Hart motioned; Charlotte Mueller seconded. Motion passes
      5. New Course: ITMT 1457 (1450)
        Administering a Windows Operating System
        A study of administrative tasks needed to maintain a Windows Server operating system including user and group management, network assess and data security.
        This will replace CPMT 2448 Capstone Course in the CNET 2 AAS degree and will be in 2nd Semester 3rd sequence in the Computer maintenance Technology MT1, Certificate of Completion.
        Stewart Edwards motioned; Paul Arrigo seconded. Motion passes
      6. New Course: ITSE 1402 (1452)
        Computer Programming
        Introduction to computer programming including design, development, testing, implementation, and documentation.Howard Bushart motioned; Bill Gammel seconded. Motion passes
    15. Jim Dobberstine
      1. Change/Update Degree/Certificate Plan: Chemistry AS (1453)
        chemistry 1411 substituted into the degree plan in place of PHYS2425 to eliminate a hidden prerequisite while staying within the 60 SCH limit, along with minor rearrangement of some courses within the sequence of courses.
        Paul Arrigo motioned; Vicki Hart seconded. Motion passes
      2. Change/Update Degree/Certificate Plan: Computer Science AS (1454)
        Need more information in support of this request.
        COSC 2436 removed from the Computer Science degree and the Field of Study.
        Paul Arrigo motioned to table Motion passes
      3. Change/Update Degree/Certificate Plan: Mathematics AS (1455)
        The communication and social/behavioral science credit requirement has been changed to allow any core class within those respective rubrics rather that specifying a course.
        David Jaroszewski motioned; Paul Arrigo seconded. Motion passes
      4. Change/Update Degree/Certificate Plan: Physics (1456)
        The course sequencing has changed.
        Vicki Hart motioned; Stewart Edwards seconded. Motion passes
  7.  Open Forum
    1. (1457, 1458 and 1459) to be handled in February 2020.
      Relay to your divisions that the Dean’s are there for assistance in the process, utilize them. Create a check box in the system to verify that each step is addresses.


Note: ( ) indicates the number of the item in the Curriculum Maintenance System.
