CAAC Minutes: 2019-04-23

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CAAC Minutes — April 23, 2019

Members Present:
Paul Allen; Keith Coleman; Vicki Hart; Andy Miller; Karen Guthmiller; Bill Gammel; Stewart Edwards; Veronique Tran; Charlotte Mueller; Paul Arrigo; Sarah Tidwell; Onimi Wilcox; Layton Childress; Joe Ganakos; Ingrid Wallace and Rod Hellyer.

Members Not Present:
Howard Bushart; Doylean Sprauve; Charles Thomas; David Sholmire; and Rosemary Coffman.

Meeting called to order at 2:10 p.m.

  1. Approval of Minutes:
    1. March 2019 Meeting
      Steward Edwards motioned to approve; Bill Gammel seconded.
      Passes unanimously.
  2. Informational Items
    1. VP of Instruction: Veronique Tran
      Update on the Core Curriculum submission, Dr. Tran ran into a road block, which is now resolved.
      BCIS proposed in the component area option, the CAL, and at Lee College we have option A and option B. One has all the Speech courses and the other has Kinesiology. When submitting it required a selection of one. After a consultation with Dr. Jaroszewski and looking at what was being proposed, it fit into option B because the entire set of Core required Core objectives for the communication were being covered by the proposed BCIS. Now that there is an answer Dr. Tran will be submitting it and will update once she hears back from the Coordinating Board.
      These Core changes we have BCIS; PSLO; and three SPAN courses. If the changes are approved they will be effective for the 2019 Fall semester.
      Thank you to everyone that participated in the all-day long Pathways workshop. We are working on a very tight timeline for us to go forward with implementation in Fall 2020 as mentioned in the email that was sent out. Which means this coming November is when all the catalog changes need to be in for CAAC. Once we have all of them and they are being reviewed, if they require additional documentation those authors would then be notified so that then they can be considered on the February CAAC meeting. Parallel with the other mapping work that we are doing there are the other pillars as well. We are looking at April 1st as the deadline for all of those processes to be in place and the new website to be live by then because that opens the recruiting season for Fall 2020.
      Dr. Jaroszewski commented on the next step in the mapping process. Dr. Tran would like us to see where in our mapping a first-year experience mandatory course might fit. The content of the course is not developed yet, but we need to start looking at where that course would fit in our mapping.
      Dr. Tran will be sending out an email in regards to two bills that are gaining traction, one in the Senate and one in the House. Senate Bill 25 and House Bill 4018, these are Bills that relating to measures facilitating the transfer academic progress and timely graduation of students in public higher education. There is a lot of push at the four Universities for this. The maintenance of it is that we have the 42 Hour Core, they are wanting to split it up into a 24-Hour General Core and an 18 Hour Academic Discipline Core.
    2. Deans:
      Onimi Wilcox
      Nothing to share at this time.
      Layton Childress
      We are finding some things that are going to be brought to CAAC in the future. Such as changing some classes; combining some classes; but also, like internships that some programs have and some don’t. The hours don’t match, which WECM says that they have to match. Scott has helped to fix some of these or bring them to our attention.
    3. Registrar: Scott Bennett
      Not anything too exciting other then we do have Fall registration going. We have started our next tier of enrollment, students with 30 plus credit hours have access to Fall enrollment and starting next Tuesday everyone will have access to enroll.
      We are working on some tools to extract data from the system to better determine where our course demands might need to be.
    4. Academic Integrity Taskforce: Paul Arrigo
      Nothing much to share. Only have had 3 cases this semester.
      Joe Ganakos – In a previous meeting there were some concerns about the fact that some people are unaware of all the steps needed to submit a document. I have decided to fix that problem by increasing the current Bylaws from a single bulleted page to a 4-page document that covers every possible contingency. The main reason for this, Mike Gos has been consulted in this, is the fact we have not updated the Bylaws since 2011. The existing Bylaws do not even cover the Curriculum Maintenance System. The new Bylaws will entrench some things a little more clearly. It does show the actual process by which one submits to CAAC. It does list several things and includes the Charge in there. Today will not be an official reading, everyone has a copy to take home and look over. We will vote on this during the July meeting, which will then make this the active orders moving forward into Fall 2019. If anyone catches something that is not in keeping with the way in which we are currently doing things you should discuss those things at the July meeting.
  3. Old Business
    1. Kellie Sartor
      i. Change/Update Course Requisite: IMED 2311 Portfolio Development (1326)
      Remove ARTC 2440 and IMED 1445 from the Prerequisite.
      Karen Guthmiller motioned to remove item (1326) from the table.
      Motion passes unanimously.
      Updating the prerequisite passes unanimously.
  4. New Business
    1. Kellie Sartor
      1. Change/Update Degree/Certificate Plan: Game Dev. Specialist (1368)
        We are adding a Kinesiology Elective to this degree to bring it into compliance. Because of the BCIS 1405 going to BCIS 1305 this is dropping the degree plan down to 59/60 hours. Adding this elective will add the additional hour needed to meet the 60/61 requirement.
      2. Laura Lane-Worley
        1. Misc.: Change in Instructor Drop Policy – Distance Ed (1369)
          Stewart Edwards motion to approve; seconded by Karen Guthmiller.
          Motion passes unanimously.
        2. Change/Update to Course Description – SOCW 2361 (1372)
        3. Change/Update to Course Description – SOCW 2362 (1373)
        4. Change/Update to Course Description – SOCW 2389 (1374)
          (1372) – (1374) to be taken in totem
          State changes
        5. Change/Update Course Requisite – SOCW 2389 (1375)
          State mandated change.
      3. Channell Cook
        1. Misc.: Credit for Prior Learning in Child Dev. (1370)
          Paul Arrigo motioned to approve; Vicki Hart seconded.
          The current proposal is lacking a workflow and a set of standardized procedures that then can be used to adjudicate what receives credit and what doesn’t. This motion should be Tabled until those two bench marks have been put in place.
          Paul Arrigo motioned to Table; Charlotte Mueller seconded.
      4. David Jaroszewski
        1. Change/Update Course Requisite: LGLA 2313 (1371)
          Paul Arrigo motion to approve; Stewart Edwards seconded.
          Motion passes unanimously.
          Joe Ganakos recused himself from being chair.
      5. Joe Ganakos
        1. First Reading of CAAC Bylaws Revisions
          1. Second reading and vote will occur at the July 2019 meeting.
            Karen Guthmiller motioned to approve; Sarah Tidwell seconded.
            Passes unanimously.
      6. CAAC Elections for 2019/2020
        1. Chair
          Joe Ganakos nominated himself.
        2. Vice-Chair
          Joe Ganakos nominated Sarah Tidwell.
          With no other nominations, Sarah Tidwell is CAAC Vice-Chair.
  5. Open Forum
    Jodi Rodriguez – The catalog review email went out last Monday for Division Chairs to come and take a look at all the degree plan changes for the coming catalog. Only 6 Chairs came by. It will remain open for 1 more day.
    Congratulations to Paul Allen on his recent award.

Note: ( ) indicates the number of the item in the Curriculum Maintenance System.
