CAAC Minutes: 2019: 02-19

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CAAC Meeting Minutes: Feb. 19, 2019 – 2 p.m.

Members Present:
Paul Allen, Howard Bushart, Vicky Hart, Andy Miller, Charles Thomas, Bill Gammel, Stuart Edwards, David Sholmire, Charlotte Mueller, Paul Arrigo, Sarah Tidwell, Layton Childress, Onimi Wilcox, Joe Ganakos, Rod Hellyer, Carl Husband, Casandra Cookson, Laura Lane-Worley, Francisca Castillo, Jodi Rodriguez

Approval of Minutes:

  1. Nov. 20, 2018 Meeting – Mollie Santana, CAAC Secretary has been out. We will review minutes at next meeting.

Informational Items

  1. VP of Instruction: Veronique Tran – not present – at conference in California
  2. Deans: Onimi Wilcox, Layton Childress – Dean Childress has no items to report. Dr. Wilcox questioned status of core submissions. Joe suggested meeting with Deans, Dr. Tran, Jodi, Mollie and Joe to address moving forward. Dr. Wilcox also questioned pre/co-requisite changes submitted by Dev Ed. Roshele Friudenberg explained submissions. Question was raised regarding documentation submitted without rationale for changes. Joe reported required documentation has never been institutionalized for CAAC submissions and this will be worked on. Jodi Rodriguez and Karen Guthmiller agreed to meet and work on this over the summer.
  3. Registrar: Scott Bennett absent. Carl Husband has no informational items to report
  4. Academic Integrity Taskforce: Paul Arrigo has no informational items to report

Old Business


Special Business

  1. Core – will treat mainly as consent agenda. These courses were previously approved but documentation has continued to be worked on. Deletions will be treated likewise because they are state-mandated.

Pathways – Committee has not had meetings lately. There is no new information to report.

New Business

1. Course Deletions (Informational Items)

i. Chuck Ganze

1. Discontinue Course – Degree/Certificate: ITCC 1404 (1362)

ii. David Jaroszewski

1. Discontinue Course – Catalog: ARCE 1442 (1363)

iii. Jen Herzberg
iv. Joe Ganakos

1. Discontinue Course – Catalog: ARTS 2314 (1364)
1. Discontinue Course – Catalog: FIRT 1302 (1366)
2. Discontinue Course – Catalog: GERS 2330 (1367)

The above submissions were considered under a consent agenda as state mandated deletions and put to a vote as such.
Paul Arrigo made motion, Howard Bushart seconded. Passed unanimously.

2. Core Additions

i. Francisca Castillo: Miscellaneous: SPAN 2312 (1271)
ii. David Jaroszewski: Miscellaneous: BCIS 1305 (1327)
iii. Cassandra Cookson: Miscellaneous: PHIL 1304 (1356)
The above were treated as a consent agenda. They were previously approved but lacked complete documentation. This is being addressed.
Discussion followed regarding placement of BCIS 1305 (#1327) in the core under Oral Communication 090 or Institutional Requirement 090. It was decided to revisit #1327 when Dr. Jaroszewski arrived to meeting. #1271 and #1356 were treated separately from #1327.
Paul Arrigo made motion, Vicky Hart seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
Revisited with Dr. Jaroszewski’s arrival regarding placement of BCIS 1305 in the core under 090 Oral Communications or 090 Institutional Requirements. Decided to bring this up at a later time.
Paul Arrigo made motion to approve, Vicky Hart seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

3. Laura Lane-Worley

i. Replace Course: Social Work (1285)
Replace BIOL 1407/1409 in Social Work degree plan with 3 hr. Life and Physical Science.
Stuart Edwards made motion, Paul Arrigo seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

4. Donna Zuniga

i. Change/Update Degree/Certificate Plan: Business-Marketing (1312)
Request to table this submission and review at next CAAC meeting.

5. Kellie Sartor

i. Change/Update Course Requisite: IMED 2311 (1326)
ii. Change/Update Course Description: GAME 1306 (1353)
iii. Change/Update Course Description: GAME 1336 (1354) No documentation was submitted with the above motions. #1353 and #1354 were state mandated changes so they will be treated separately from #1326 as a single item. # 1326 will be added to March agenda as it will not affect the 2019-2020 catalog.
Howard Bushart made motion, Karen Guthmiller seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

6. Roshele Friudenberg

i. Change/Update Course Requisite: ENBR 402 (1328) Bridge English Course – requisite re-wording.
Paul Arrigo made motion, Karen Guthmiller seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
ii. Change/Update Course Description: MATH 350 (1329) iii. Change/Update Course Requisite: MATH 350 (1330)
Items #1329 & #1330 reviewed together. Wording and requisite update to MATH 350.
Paul Arrigo made motion, Stewart Edwards seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
iv. Change/Update Course Requisite: MABR 310 (1331)
Update requisite and wording (bundled with #1347 below) Paul Arrigo made motion, Stuart Edwards seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
v. Change/Update Course Description: EDUC 1200 (1332) Removed wording regarding “see the catalog….”
Karen Guthmiller made motion, Paul Arrigo seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
vi. Change/Update Course Description: LSSS 300 (1333)
vii. Change/Update Course Requisite: LSSS 300 (1334)
Removed/updated wording “or ENRD 402…”
Karen Guthmiller made motion, Stewart Edwards seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
viii. Change/Update Course Description: ENRD 402 (1336) Pre/co-requisite change. Wrong request type submitted. Will be resubmitted for next CAAC meeting.
ix. Discontinue Course: MATH 310 (1337)
Paul Arrigo made motion, Karen Guthmiller seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Later decided to revisit this.
x. Change/Update Course Requisite: MATH 320 (1338) Item paired with #1346.
Karen Guthmiller made motion, Howard Bushart seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
xi. Change/Update Course Description: MATH 330 (1339) Stewart Edwards made motion, Rod Hellyer seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
xii. xii. Change/Update Course Description: MATH 342 (1340) xiii. Change/Update Course Requisite: MATH 342 (1341) Update wording/requisite in MATH 342. Items #1340 and #1341
Karen Guthmiller made motion, Paul Arrigo seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
xiv. Change/Update Course Description: MATH 320 (1346) Item paired with #1338 above.
xvi. Change/Update Course Description: MABR 310 (1347) Bundled with #1331 above.
xvii. Change/Update Course Description: ENBR 402 (1348) Updated course description.
Bryant made motion, Karen seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

7. Marissa Moreno

i. Miscellaneous: Update to Instructor Drop (1344)
Marissa Moreno and Scott Bennett were absent. Presented by Carl Husband. New wording is in new description. Agreed that this issue should be tabled and revisited at next meeting.

8. Victoria Hart

i. Change/Update Course Description: BCIS 1305 (1352)
ACGM update. Documentation was not required.
Howard Bushart made motion, Stewart Edwards seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

9. James Dobberstine

Change/Update Course Requisite: MATH 1324 (1355)
i. This was an ACGM change dropped TSIA readiness standard.
Karen Guthmiller made motion, Howard Bushart seconded. Discussion: at a recent conference, announcement was made that there was an error regarding the TSIA readiness requirement. We may have to undo if this was an error but as of now, we have to make change in good faith. Will revisit at a later date.
Karen Guthmiller made motion, Howard Bushart seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

10. Charles Thomas

i. Change/Update Course Requisite: PTAC 2346 (1357)
ii. Change/Update Course Requisite: PTAC 2348 (1358)
iii. Change/Update Course Requisite: PTAC 2486 (1359)
iv. Change/Update Course Requisite: CTEC 2445 (1360)
v. Change/Update Course Requisite: ENGT 2310 (1361) vi.Discontinue Course – Degree/Certificate: ENGT 2307 (1365)
The above items #1357 through Item #1365 were tabled due to no documentation attachments. They will be revisited at March meeting.

11. #1349 was left off this agenda. Howard Bushart submission regarding swapping out ITSC 1309 for BCIS 1305 for Medical Records Technology degree.
Paul Arrigo made motion to approve, Karen seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

Note: ( ) indicates the number of the item in the Curriculum Maintenance System.
Submitted by Jodi Rodriguez for Mollie Santana, CAAC Secretary
