CAAC Minutes: 2017: 11-21

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CAAC Meeting Minutes
November 21, 2017

Members Present:
Doylean Sprauve; Karen Guthmiller; Stewart Edwards; David Sholmire; Charlotte Mueller; Paul Arrigo; Rosemary Coffman; Onimi Wilcox; Veronique Tran; Layton Childress; Bill Gammel; Joe Ganakos; and Rod Hellyer

Members Not Present:
Paul Allen; Howard Bushart; Keith Coleman; Vicki Hart; Andy Miller; Charles Thomas; Marylou Ortuvia; and Ingrid Wallace

Call to Order at 2:04 p.m.

  1. Approval of Minutes
    October 21, 2017 minutes approved as read.
  2. Informational Items
    1. VP: Veronique Tran
      There is 1 opportunity to submit all proposed Core Courses for the 2018 – 2019 Catalog. For all the Core items on this agenda, Dr. Tran will work with each individual to make sure that all the necessary paperwork is submitted so that there isn’t any issues with the coordinating board.
      November is the deadline for Core requests.
    2. Deans: Onimi Wilcox / Layton Childress
    3. Registrar: Scott Bennett
    4. Academic Integrity Task Force: Paul Arrigo
      This has been a year long process and now are at the point to start making some policy and procedure changes. The next steps are that Dr. Tran and/or Dr. Suchon will bring it to the Cabinet and Campus for review, then on to TASB for review and finally to the Board Policy Committee for the Board Policy changes. The handouts include 1) Academic Honest Code Procedure – The wording has been made easier to understand, add technology into the mix, created a link to the online Academic Dishonesty Form; 2) Discipline and Penalties – Instead of an “F” on an assignment it has to be a “0”. In the catalog it says a “0” and in the policy it says “F”. This needs to be corrected to be consistent; 3) Flow chart for the Appeals Process for Students – Proposed Academic Integrity Implementation Plan by the AI Task Force; and 4) Lee College Student Academic Honesty Contract.
  3. Old Business
  4. New Business
    1. Informational Items – Curricular (Discontinued ACGM/WECM Courses)
      1. MUSI 1263 (1201)
      2. MUSI 1184 (1202)
      3. MUSI 1193 (1203)
      4. MUSI 2183 (1204)
        Items (1201) – (1204) are Duplicates
      5. MUSC 1031 (1205)
      6. BIOL 2305 (1216)
      7. MATH 1333 (1217)
      8. BIOL 1424 (1218)
      9. CHEM 1419 (1219)
      10. CHEM 2401 (1220)
      11. BMGT 1052 (1222)
      12. CSME 1006 (1223)
      13. CSME 1040 (1224)
      14. CSME 1056 (1225)
      15. CSME 2046 (1226)
      16. SPCH 1144 (1227)
      17. SPCH 1145 (1228)
      18. SPCH 2144 (1229)
      19. SPCH 2145 (1230)
      20. ENGL 2308 (1231)
        Items (1205); (1216 – 1231)
        These are all State mandated changes either ACGM or WECM.
    2. Sam Ortallano
      Change/Update Degree/Certificate Plan: Sound Reinforcement Technology
      1. Cert. (1206)
        Paul Arrigo made motion; Charlotte Mueller seconded.
        Motion passes unanimously.
      2. New Course: MUEN 1127 (1214)
      3. Francisca Castillo
        1. Misc.: Designate SPAN 2313 and SPAN 2315 as Core (1207)
          Stewart Edwards made motion; Karen Guthmiller seconded.
          Motion passes unanimously.
        2. Change/Update Degree/Certificate Plan: Spanish (1208)
          Karen Guthmiller made motion; Bill Gammel seconded.
          Motion passes unanimously.
      4. Rod Hellyer
        1. Change/Update Degree/Certificate Plan: Machinist Certificate (1209)
          Taking MCHN 2412 out of Machinist Certificate
        2. Change/Update Degree/Certificate Plan: Machinist Certificate (1210)
          MCHN 2403 needs to be in the Fall 2nd Semester
        3. Change/Update Degree/Certificate Plan: Machinist Certificate (1211)
          WLDG 1428 to replace MCHN 2412
          Paul Arrigo made motion; David Sholmire seconded.
          Motion passes unanimously.
      5. Tamera Gross
        1. Change/Update Degree/Certificate Plan: CAD (1212)
          Karen Guthmiller made motion; Stewart Edwards seconded.
          Motion passes unanimously.
        2. Change/Update Degree/Certificate Plan: Process Piping Design (1213)
          Rod Hellyer made motion; Bill Gammel seconded.
          Motion passes unanimously.
      6. Portia Hopkins
        1. Misc.: Add PHIL 1304 as Core Option for PLC (1215)
          Stewart Edward made motion; Bill Gammel seconded.
          Motion passes unanimously.
      7. Marissa Moreno
        1. Misc.: Update Catalog Regarding AP Scores (1221)
          Karen Guthmiller made motion; Bill Gammel seconded.
          Motion passes unanimously.
      8. Laura Lane-Worley
        1. Misc.: Add Attendance Requirement for DE Courses (1232)
          Karen Guthmiller made motion; Charlotte Mueller seconded.
          Motion passes unanimously.
      9. Orlando Lara
        1. Change/Update Course Requisite: ENGL 2351 (1233)
          Paul Arrigo made motion; David Sholmire seconded.
          Motion passes unanimously.
        2. Change/Update Course Requisite: HUMA 2319 (1234)
          Bill Gammel made motion; David Sholmire seconded.
          Motion passes unanimously.
        3. New Course: HUMA 2319 (1235)
          Paul Arrigo made motion; Bill Gammel seconded.
          Motion passes unanimously.
      10. Stephanie Ingle
        1. Change/Update Course Description: PHYS 1405 (1236) ii. Change/Update Course Description: PHYS 1407 (1237)
          The topic of Sound is listed to be taught in PHYS 1405, but for years has been taught in PHYS 1407. (1236) is asking to delete Sound from 1405 and to add Sound to 1407.
          Karen Guthmiller made motion; Charlotte Mueller seconded.
          Motion passes unanimously.
          Karen Guthmiller made motion to Table as the question of the wording in the ACGM description; Charlotte Mueller seconded.
          Motion passes unanimously.
          Karen Guthmiller made motion to Remove (1236 & 1237).
          Joe Ganakos received an email in reference to the explanation of 1236 and 1237.
          Original motion passes unanimously.
      11. Tracy Allen
        1. Misc.: Revision Program Description for Nursing (1238)
          Karen Guthmiller made motion; Rod Hellyer seconded.
          Motion passes unanimously.
  5. Open Forum
    Writing Center is moving to the Library Fall 2018.

Note: ( ) indicates the number of the item in the Curriculum Maintenance System.
