CAAC Minutes: 2017: 10-17

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CAAC Meeting

Minutes October 17, 2017

Members Present:

Paul Allen; Doylean Sprauve; Keith Coleman; Vicki Hart; Charles Thomas; Karen Guthmiller; Bill Gammel; Stewart Edwards; Charlotte Mueller; Paul Arrigo; Onimi Wilcox; Layton Childress; Joe Ganakos; and Rod Hellyer

Members Not Present:

Howard Bushart; David Sholmire; Veronique Tran; Marylou Ortuvia; Rosemary Coffman; and Ingrid Wallace

  1. Approval of Minutes

    Minutes stand as read.
    Karen Guthmiller made motion; Charlotte Mueller seconded. Passes unanimously.

  2. Informational Items
    1. Veronique Tran

      Attending a Cabinet Meeting

    2. Onimi Wilcox / Layton Childress

      Dr. Wilcox nor Dean Childress had anything to share.

    3. Scott Bennett

      Scott didn’t have anything to share.

    4. Paul Arrigo

      The Academic Integrity TASK Force has written its environmental report. All three focus groups looked at the data from last spring. The ideas that came out of the information is now going to be put back to the three focus groups to help prioritize them.
      (Exhibit A)

      Joe Ganakos

      Dr. Tran requested a meeting to discuss the processes and procedures for CAAC. Also, discuss the ways in which the system can better reflect State needs and why we need a hard deadline in November. The simple fact is from the moment we initiate a request through the end of the process, sometimes it takes up to 12 months or more to completely process the request. This is getting all approvals needed, State, SACS, ACGM and WECM. November is going to be the hard deadline for requests to make it to the next Fall catalog. In terms of issues where there is substantive change and issues where we are looking at WECM and ACGM chuffs these may need to be initiated at the March meeting of the previous year, basically 18 months prior to the changes being put into the catalog.

      Dr. Tran is working with THECB to try and find a point of contact in order to obtain a clearer timeline.

  1. Old Business

    No old business

  2. New Business
    1. Francisca Castillo
      1. New Course: SPAN 2313 (1190)
      2. New Course: SPAN 2315 (1191)

        Paul Arrigo motioned; Stewart Edwards seconded.

        Need to provide an affirmative vote from the Division.
        These course will be under the Core Option, Philosophy, Language, and Culture. The Degree is going to have SPAN 1411, 1412, 2311 & 2312/2313 & 2315. Need an updated Degree Plan. Will need THECB approval.
        These will be Core Courses that are being added.

        The motion is solely to introduce SPAN 2313 and SPAN 2315 as new courses to be added to the Core.

        Will bring them back to the November 2017 meeting to insert them into the Core as well as the updated degree plans.

        Motion passes unanimously.

    2. Charlotte Mueller
      1. Change/Update Degree/Certificate Plan: Music (1192)

        State wide proposal. Informational item only, no vote needed.

      2. Change/Update Degree/Certificate Plan: Music (1193)

        Paul Arrigo made motion; Keith Coleman seconded. Updated description according to the new field of study. Motion passes unanimously.

    3. Graeme Cox
      1. Change/Update Course Requisite: KINE 1310 (1194)
      2. Change/Update Course Requisite: KINE 1304 (1195)
      3. Change/Update Course Requisite: KINE 1306 (1196)
      4. Change/Update Course Requisite: KINE 1321 (1197)
      5. Change/Update Course Requisite: KINE 1338 (1198)
      6. Change/Update Course Requisite: KINE 1346 (1199)
      7. Change/Update Course Requisite: KINE 1164 (1200)

        KINE undertook a “step” process to increase the pre-requisite for these courses to READ 401 starting Fall 2017. The next step to increase the pre-requisite to READ 402 will begin in the Fall semester 2018.

Stewart Edwards motion to take all in total; Karen Guthmiller seconded.

Motion passes unanimously.

V. Open Forum

Send any students whom you believe would be good at debate to Joe Ganakos.

Note: ( ) indicates the number of the item in the Curriculum Maintenance System.
