CAAC Minutes: 2017: 07-18

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CAAC Meeting Minutes, July 18, 2017 – 2 p.m.

Bayer Conference

Members Present: Paul Allen, Keith Coleman, Vicky Hart, Andy Miller, Charles Thomas, Karen Guthmiller, Stewart Edwards, David Sholmire, Dr. Veronique Tran, Charlotte Mueller, Paul Arrigo, Sarah Tidwell, Onimi Wilcox, Layton Childress, Joe Ganakos, Brigitte Fixmer for Rod Hellyer

Members not Present: Howard Bushart, Doylean Sprauve, Bill Gammel, Rosemary Coffman, Ingrid Wallace

  1. Approval of Minutes – Minutes were approved as written.
  2. Informational Items
    1. Scott Bennett, Registrar – appropriate process to effectively enforce 6 drop limit. A transfer student was allowed one semester to bring in transfer classes. Issue is when we allow a student to drop a class that has already reached limit. We cannot continue to do this and need to reflect wording in catalog. Does wording change in catalog have to go through CAAC process? Subcommittee discussion was recommended for future but status quo for now was agreed upon.
    2. Academic & Technical Deans – Dean Childress did not have any new informational items.
    3. Dr. Veronique Tran, VP of Instruction: discussed requirements for Core Curriculum change. Mainly centers around 4 objectives for learning outcomes which need to be included as attachments to requests. Information on what needs to be included in submission will be available in portal. THECB used to have a rolling submission deadline but now it is June 30, however they have had technical difficulties with new system so this has allowed us more time. We should know before Fall 2017 if approval has been given for MUSI 1303 and PHYS 1417.
  3. Old Business
    1. None
  4. New Business
    1. Chuck Ganze
      1. Discontinue Course: CPMT 1449 (1134) Discontinued due to duplication by CISCO of ITCC 1414 which is identical to CPMT 1449. Paul Arrigo made motion, Keith Coleman seconded. No discussion. Motion carried.
      2. Change/Update Degree/Certificate Plan: Network Maintenance Technology (1135). Moving CPMT 2449 to 1st semester to replace CPMT 1449 which has been discontinued. Karen Guthmiller made motion, David Sholmire seconded. Discussion on sequencing followed. Motion carried.
      3. Replace Course: ITCC 1475 (1136)
      4. Replace Course: ITCC 1476 (1137)
      5. Replace Course: ITCC 2478 (1138)
      6. Replace Course: ITCC 2479 (1139)
        These 4 courses were replaced with WECM numbers for the above local needs courses. ITCC 1475 to ITCC 1414, ITCC 1476 to ITCC 1440, ITCC 2478 to ITCC 2412, and ITCC 2479 to ITCC 2413. Presented as single motion. Paul Arrigo made motion, Keith Coleman seconded. No discussion. Motion carried.
      7. Replace Course: CPMT 2449 (1140)
        Network Maintenance Technology (CERT NET1). Add ITSY 1442 to 3rd semester, 1st sequence to replace CPMT 2449 which was moved to 1st semester. Charlotte Mueller made motion, Stewart Edwards seconded. No discussion. Motion carried.
      8. Change/Update Degree/Certificate Plan: Game Development Specialist (1144)
        GAME 1201 archived by WECM, replaced with GAME 1301. To keep GADS 2 AAS SCH at 60, reduced 4 hour LPS requirement to 3 hours. This also increased certificate GAS 1 to 34 hours. Karen Guthmiller made motion, David Sholmire seconded. Clarification was asked to determine if the class is still Computer Ethics. It is. Motion carried.
        Side issue – effective term listed as Fall 2017 in previous motions which will need to be corrected to reflect Fall 2018.
    2. Laura Lane-Worley
      1. Change/Update Course Description: SOCI 1306 (1145)
        Request to update course description to reflect that this course will only be offered in the Fall semester.
      2. Change/Update Course Description: SOCI 2319 (1146)
        Request to update course description to reflect that this course will only be offered in the Spring semester.
      3. Change/Update Course Description: SOCW 2362 (1147)
        Request to update course description to add that this class will be offered in Spring semester only.
        These requests (1145-1146) were presented together. Stewart Edwards made motion, Karen Guthmiller seconded.
        No discussion. Motion carried with understanding that Fall 2017 effective date would be changed to Fall 2018.
    3. Rod Hellyer
      1. Change/Update Course Description: WLDG 1291 (1148)
      2. Change/Update Course Description: WLDG 1312 (1149)
      3. Change/Update Course Description: WLDG 1323 (1150) iv. Change/Update Course Description: WLDG 1327 (1151)
      4. Change/Update Course Description: WLDG 1337 (1152)
      5. Change/Update Course Description: WLDG 1428 (1153) vii. Change/Update Course Description: WLDG 1435 (1154)
      6. Change/Update Course Description: NDTE 2411 (1155)
      7. Change/Update Course Description: MCHN 1429 (1156)
      8. Change/Update Course Description: MCHN 1438 (1157)
      9. Change/Update Course Description: MCHN 2407 (1158) xii. Change/Update Course Description: MCHN 2412 (1159) xiii. Change/Update Course Description: MCHN 2434 (1160)
        The above requests (1148-1160) reflect WECM description changes and were addressed as single motion. Charles Thomas made motion, Keith Coleman seconded. Discussion was clarification that these are minor course description changes effective Fall 2018. Motion carried.
      10. Change/Update Course Requisite: MCHN 2407 (1161)
        This is a prerequisite change. The form was completed incorrectly, showing the Updated requisite information in the Current requisite field. Motion presented to approve with the understanding that this will be corrected. Karen Guthmiller made motion, Paul Allen seconded. No discussion. Motion carried.
      11. Change/Update Course Requisite: MCHN 2412 (1162)
        This is a prerequisite change. The form was completed incorrectly, showing the Updated requisite information in the Current requisite field. Motion presented to approve with the understanding that this will be corrected. Keith Coleman made motion, Dr. Thomas seconded. No discussion. Motion carried.
    4. Charles Thomas
      1. Change/Update SCH: ENGT 2307 (1163)
        Request that ENGT 2307 be run as a 48 contact hour local course instead of a 64 hour class. Request to drop lab for Fall as students are needing to graduate. Karen Guthmiller made motion to approve, Stewart Edwards seconded. Discussion: can we make exception to rule and allow to run for Fall 2017? Wording on request needs to be clarified and reflect change of 3 lecture, 1 lab to 3 lecture, 0 lab and effective term should be Fall 2018. In the interim and after further discussion with Dean, it was agreed that the Registrar can adjust the course to allow those who need the course before Fall 2018. Motion carried.
    5. Paul Arrigo
      1. Academic Integrity Taskforce might be bringing about some policy changes which is the charge of the committee.
        Committee chair has been appointed (Paul Arrigo), and coordinator. He has been in contact with the center for academic integrity. What is the climate of academic integrity here on campus? Completed a rating system to try and determine our strengths and weaknesses, assembled background policy information. Completed a survey – how often are people cheating (collusion is a part of cheating). What is the climate? Do we need to be more educated? Does the policy need to be changed? Are sanctions effective? Will revisit in Fall. Will possibly be a topic for Professional Development in Spring.
  5. Open Forum – Professional Development week is approaching. Please remind divisions about the importance of attaching documentation to requests and the importance of accuracy in submitting these requests.

Submitted by Jodi Rodriguez for Mollie Santana, CAAC Secretary.

NOTE: ( ) indicates the number of the item in the Curriculum Maintenance System
