CAAC Minutes: 2017: 02-21

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CAAC Minutes,
February 21, 2017

Members Present:
Howard Bushart, Keith Coleman, Vicky Hart, Andy Miller, Karen Guthmiller, Bill Gammel, Stewart Edwards, David Sholmire, Charlotte Mueller, Paul Arrigo, Sarah Tidwell, Rosemary Coffman, Layton Childress, Joe Ganakos, Ingrid Wallace, Rod Hellyer

Members Not Present:
Paul Allen, Doylean Sprauve, Charles Thomas, De De Griffith (Interim VP), David Jaroszewski (Interim Dean)

I. Approval of Minutes
The November 15, 2016 CAAC Minutes stand as read.

II. Informational Items

1. David Jaroszewski / Layton Childress
Nothing to share/discuss at this time.

2. Scott Bennett
Nothing to share/discuss at this time.

II. Old Business
No Old Business.

IV. New Business

1. Sarah Tidwell
i. Misc. – Grade Change Policy (1031)

ii. Misc. – Drops During Drop Period (1033)

2. Yen Yihfen
i. Requisite: BIOL 2421 (1059)
Pre/Co-Requisite: MATH 310 or equivalent and ENRD 401 or equivalent (READ 301or equivalent and ENGL 301 or equivalent may replace ENRD 401 for this class)
Prerequisite: C or better in BIOL 1406, or C or better in BIOL 2401 These Prerequisites would be in addition to the ones already required.
Sarah Tidwell and Scott Bennett have reviewed and verified that the ACGM does not prohibit this new prerequisite for Microbiology.
Paul Arrigo made motion; seconded by Sarah Tidwell.
Motion passes unanimously.

3. Treva Brown-Askey
i. Change/Update Course Description: MABR 310 (1060)
This course is an abridged version of MATH 310 which provides an accelerated transition from arithmetic to algebra. Algebraic concepts are introduced through traditional arithmetic topics including whole numbers, fractions, decimals, percents, geometric formulas, ratios and proportions, and signed numbers. Unit conversion and basic data analysis will also be studied. Students completing the course with a “B” or better and a score of 60% or higher on the comprehensive final exam could be advised to register for a paired course. Credit for this course is not transferable.
Reason for the change: The description for MABR 310 needs to be modified so it does not require students with no additional math courses in their degree plan to take an additional, paired math course.
We also want to remove the list of paired courses. By not listing them, if there is a change to the names of the paired courses or additional paired courses are added in the future, the catalog will not need to be modified.
Karen Guthmiller made Motion; Seconded by Keith Coleman. Motion passes unanimously.

4. Wonda Collins
i. Requisite: MABR 310 (1061)
ii. Requisite: REBR 300 (1062)
(1061 & 1062 Addressed Together)
(1061) In all courses with a prerequisite of MATH 310, replace “MATH 310” with “MATH 310/MABR 310”. Reason for change: MATH 310 is no longer offered. The NCBO MABR 310 is now offered. This change will clarify the prerequisite for students.
(1062) In all courses with a prerequisite of READ 300, replace “READ 300” with “READ 300/REBR 300”. Reason for change: READ 300 is no longer offered. The NCBO REBR 300 is now offered. This change will clarify the prerequisite for students.
Rod Hellyer made Motion; Seconded by Sarah Tidwell. Motion passes unanimously.

5. Felicia Thomas
Requisites (1063 – 1079; 1095 – 1101) will all be addressed simultaneously.
The 1-hour Kinesiology activity classes have a pre/co-requisite of READ 300 or equivalent; updated to REBR 300 or Personal Enrichment.
The 3-hour Kinesiology classes have Pre/Co-requisite: ENRD 401 or equivalent
(READ 301 or equivalent may replace ENRD 401); updated Prerequisite: ENRD 401.
The co-requisite have been dropped so the students have to have completed ENRD 301 as a pre-requisite.
Paul Arrigo made Motion; Seconded by Keith Coleman. Motion passed unanimously.
i. Requisite: KINE 1143 (1063)
ii. Requisite: KINE 1144 (1064)
iii. Requisite: KINE 1306 (1065)

6. Graeme Cox
i. Requisite: KINE 1109 (1066)
ii. Requisite: KINE 1110 (1067)
iii. Requisite: KINE 1115 (1068)
iv. Requisite: KINE 1116 (1069)
v. Requisite: KINE 1123 (1070)
vi. Requisite: KINE 1124 (1071)
vii. Requisite: KINE 1124 (1072)
viii. Requisite: KINE 1127 (1073)
ix. Requisite: KINE 1128 (1074)
x. Requisite: KINE 1141 (1075)
xi. Requisite: KINE 1142 (1076)
xii. Requisite: KINE 1301 (1078)
xiii. Requisite: KINE 1338 (1079)
xiv. Requisite: KINE 1164 (1095)
xv. Requisite: KINE 1321 (1102)
xvi. Change/Update Degree Plan: Kinesiology Health (1103)
Some minor changes were made to the new AA in Kinesiology degree plan approved at the November CAAC meeting. These changes were necessary to bring the degree to 60 credit hours. Cut the degree down to 3 required Kinesiology classes, the others are still available as electives. This gives the students the ability to take other courses for transferability.
Karen Guthmiller made Motion; Seconded by Howard Bushart. Motion passes unanimously.

7. Marice Ivey
Requisites (1080 – 1094) will all be addressed simultaneously.
After going through re-accreditation a few years ago, it has been suggested to re- sequence the program. In doing so it has affected the pre-requisites. For the beginning courses, ENRD 401 or equivalent and for the advance courses, Co/Prerequisite: ENRD 401 or equivalent; Prerequisite: HITT 1301; for the Science courses has medical terminology as a pre-requisite; and on the Clinicals there are HITT that the students need to be able to do at the hospitals.
Paul Arrigo made Motion; Seconded by Howard Bushart.
Motion passed unanimously.
Requisite: HITT 1353 (1083) –
This didn’t make it on the Agenda, as it is still at the “Request” level; needs Division Approval.
This item will be handled with an Email vote.
i. Requisite: HITT 1305 (1080)
ii. Requisite: HITT 1301 (1081)
iii. Requisite: HITT 1345(1082)
iv. Requisite: HITT 1349 (1084)
v. Requisite: HITT 1311 (1085)
vi. Requisite: HITT 1255 (1086)
vii. Requisite: HPRS 2301 (1087)
viii. Requisite: HITT 2343 (1088)
ix. Requisite: HITT 1341 (1089)
x. Requisite: HITT 2160 (1090)
xi. Requisite: HITT 2335 (1091)
xii. Requisite: HITT 2339 (1092)
xiii. Requisite: HITT 2249 (1093)
xiv. Requisite: HITT 2260 (1094)

8. Karen Guthmiller
i. Requisite: KINE 1103 (1096)
ii. Requisite: KINE 1104 (1097)
iii. Requisite: KINE 1121 (1098)
iv. Requisite: KINE 1122 (1099)
v. Requisite: KINE 1304 (1100)
vi. Requisite: KINE 1346 (1101)

9. Marissa Moreno
i. Misc.: Update Grade Change Policy (1104)
Update Grade Change Policy – Previously (1031)

New Language:
Grade Change Policy

A student who wishes to protest a grade follows the guidelines for academic grievance, which starts by contacting the instructor within 30 instructional days of the incident. Students are responsible for viewing the grades recorded at the end of each term; grades are not mailed. In the event that the original instructor is not available to review a grade, the student should contact the Division Chair.

An instructor may make a change to end of course grades (A, B, C, D, F, S, U, I) grade recorded within the previous 12 months, for any reason. The instructor will complete a grade change request online and a correction to the student’s record will be made.
Grade changes (A, B, C, D, F, S, U, I) for classes which ended more than one year prior to the change date shall be approved by both the instructor or, in event the instructor is unavailable, the Division Chair, as well as the appropriate Instructional Dean or the Vice President of Learning.
Grade change requests for (W1, W2, W3, W4, W5) will be reviewed by the Registrar and Instructional Dean.
Sarah Tidwell made Motion; Seconded by Keith Coleman. Motion passed unanimously.

ii. Misc.: Update Administrative Withdrawal Text (1105)
Update Administrative Withdrawal Text – Previously (1031)

New Language:
Administrative Withdrawal

Students who violate college policies, including TSI policies and the policies outlined in this catalog, may be withdrawn from the College. Students who are withdrawn for policy violation will receive grades of “W3.” There is no grade point value for a “W3.” Drops coded as a “W3” do not count towards the six drop limit.

Stewart Edwards made Motion; Seconded by Paul Arrigo. Motion passes unanimously.
iii. Misc.: Update to Drops During Drop Period (1106)

New Language:
Drops During Drop Period

During the first 75% of any class term (specifically the end of the 12th week of a 16 week session, 7th week of a 10 week session, 6th week of an 8 week session, or 3rd week of a 5 week session),students may drop any class(es) for any reason. These deadlines are printed in the college calendar found in schedules or can be obtained from the Admissions and Records Office. Students are urged, but not required, to notify their instructors when they drop classes.
Instructors may drop students during any point in the semester after the census date and prior to finals if the student fails to attend class on a regular basis or if they fail to meet other requirements.
Drops during the drop period result in a grade of W1.
See specific section syllabi for instructor rules and regulations. Once final exam week begins, students will earn a grade.
Approved instructor initiated drops, after the 75% drop period result in a grade of W2.

Howard Bushart made Motion; Seconded by David Sholmire. Motion passes unanimously.

iv. Misc.: Update Awarding Credits Page (1108)

New Language:
Awarding Credits

To receive credit (i.e., Semester Credit Hours or SCH), students must meet the following criteria:
1. Generally, students must be enrolled in Lee College at the time credit is awarded. However, with the approval of the Registrar and the Instructional Deans or Vice President of Learning, former Lee College students may be awarded credit by examination. Former students who wish to receive credit by examination must meet all other requirements regarding the awarding of these credits.
2. Before credit will be posted on student transcripts, official copies of AP and CLEP scores must be sent directly to and received by Lee College, Office of Admissions and Records, P.O. Box 818, Baytown, TX 77522-0818.
3. Credit by examination through departmental examinations, AP or CLEP will be recorded on students’ transcripts with grades of “P” and, as a consequence, will not be a part of the calculation of their cumulative GPAs. The cost for taking a departmental examination is $10 per credit hour.
4. The credit students receive by examination does not apply toward either their earned or attempted hours for purposes of determining full-time status.
5. A maximum of 15 SCHs may be awarded to students pursuing an Associate of Applied Science Degree in Professional Administrative Technology who have successfully passed all parts of the Certified Professional Secretary (CPS) or Certified Administrative Professional (CAP) Examination. Students who wish to receive this credit must submit an application to the lead instructor of the Professional Administrative Technology Program or to the Chair of the Business Technology Division. If granted, the credits apply to ACNT 1303, POFT 1309, POFT 1349, POFT 2312, and POFT 2331. Students will be charged a fee of $10 per credit hour when the credit is posted to their transcripts.
Rod Hellyer made Motion; Seconded by Sarah Tidwell. Motion passes unanimously.

v. Misc.: Update to Degree & Certificate Requirements (1109)
Certificates require completion of the minimum semester hours of college credit required for the certificate with a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or higher. At least fifty percent of the required semester hours of college credit must be earned at Lee College.

Graduation Requirements – Associate Degrees

vi. Misc.: Update to Directory Information (1110)

first four class days of a summer session.

David Scholmire made Motion; Seconded by Paul Arrigo. Motion passed unanimously.

vii. Misc.: Update to Graduation Requirements (1111)

New Language:
Graduation Under a Particular Catalog

Catalog degree plan requirements change as state regulators, transfer schools, and employers change their expectations.

1. Most students follow the catalog in effect at the time of their first enrollment. They have five years to complete those requirements. Unless they have been continuously enrolled (see item 2), students who do not complete requirements by the fifth year after initial enrollment must follow a newer catalog (enrollment during the chosen catalog year is required).
2. Continuously enrolled students may follow any catalog in effect since their first enrollment. Continuously enrolled means completion of at least two terms of enrollment per year, including at least one long term, earning at least 12 credit hours each of those years.
3. Students who have not been enrolled in the last 5-9 years may apply for graduation under the catalog in effect at the time of their application for graduation.
4. Students who have not been enrolled for more than nine years must use a current catalog and must successfully complete at least one new course in that catalog year.
Students planning to transfer need to review articulation agreements with their transfer institutions. Some schools specify fewer than five years for acceptance of transfer credit and may require that the students make no changes in their choice of major.
Changes made by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board supersede any completion timeline. If a program of study is deleted from the College inventory, students must complete the program within three years of program deletion. The Advising and Counseling department will provide assistance to students affected by discontinued programs.

Howard Bushart made Motion; Seconded by Sarah Tidwell. Motion passed unanimously.

10. Laura Lane-Worley
i. Misc.: ECHS Notification (1107)
College courses will be offered at GCCISD’s Stuart Career Tech High School and on the Lee College main campus-McNair. Students are expected to complete a two- week summer bridge program and high school freshman orientation prior to beginning their freshman year of high school. In the 2017-2018 academic year students may take EDUC 1200 and one other college level class with program course offerings to begin in the fall 2018. Programs include Automotive Technology, Culinary Arts, Industrial Systems, Manufacturing Engineering Technology, and Environmental Science.

The application is still needing approval from TEA. TEA is waiting on an MOU to be signed by the Board of Regents and the School Board. It is expected that the approval will be signed off on and done in April 2017.

Howard Bushart made Motion to put into the Catalog, it is still SACS dependent; Seconded by Stewart Edwards.
Motion passes unanimously.

V. Open Forum

Note: ( ) indicates the number of the item in the Curriculum Maintenance System.

The Debate Team remain State Champions not only at the Texas Intercollegiate Forensics Association but also at the Texas Community College Forensics Association. Not only are they the three time defending National Champion but now have the State Championships to back up the fact that the Lee College Debate Team is the best in the State of Texas.

Tracy Mendoza and her colleagues at Alamo has donated funds to create a text book scholarship in the name of Dan Mendoza. It is in the works to have it moved all the way up to an academic scholarship. Joe Ganakos and John Britt are working on having JBH 107 & 109 turned into the “Joseph D. Mendoza Debate Suite”.

March meeting will be held at TV5. Paul Arrigo will conduct the April 2017 meeting.
