CAAC Minutes: 2017: 04-18

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CAAC Minutes, April 18, 2017

Members Present:
Paul Allen, Doylean Sprauve, Keith Coleman, Vicky Hart, Andy Miller, Karen Guthmiller, Stewart Edwards, Charlotte Mueller, Paul Arrigo, Layton Childress, Rod Hellyer

Members Not Present:
Howard Bushart, Charles Thomas, Bill Gammel, David Sholmire, De De Griffith (Interim VP), Sarah Tidwell, Rosemary Coffman, David Jaroszewski (Interim Dean), Joe Ganakos, Ingrid Wallace

  1. Approval of Minutes
    Motion made by Vicki Hart to approve the March 21, 2017 CAAC Minutes; Seconded by Doylean Sprauve.
    Approved unanimously.
  2. Informational Items
    1. David Jaroszewski / Layton Childress
      1. Pathways is moving forward
      2. Meetings coming up in the Fall
        How will Pathways effect curriculum?
      3. Classes will be added/eliminated
      4. Programs could change
      5. Pre-requisites
      6. Sequence of course
      7. Availability
    2. Scott Bennett
      Nothing to share
  3. Old Business
    No Old Business
  4. New Business
    1. Charlotte Mueller (NOTE: These are ACGM changes.
      (1112 – 1129) Done on a Consent Agenda (combined together)
      Keith Coleman made Motion to approve; Seconded by Stewart Edwards.
      Changes will not make it into the 2017-18 Catalog. Possible to have the changes reflect online for 2017-18.
      Motion passes unanimously.
      1. Change/Update Course Description for MUSI 1303 (1112)
      2. Change/Update Course Description for MUSI 1306 (1113)
      3. Change/Update Course Description for MUSI 1310 (1114)
      4. Change/Update Course Description for MUSI 1307 (1115)
      5. Change/Update Course Description for MUSI 1311 (1116)
      6. Change/Update Course Description for MUSI 1312 (1117)
      7. Change/Update Course Description for MUSI 2311 (1118)
      8. Change/Update Course Description for MUSI 2312 (1119)
      9. Change/Update Course Description for MUSI 1116 (1120)
      10. Change/Update Course Description for MUSI 1117 (1121)
      11. Change/Update Course Description for MUSI 2116 (1122)
      12. Change/Update Course Description for MUSI 2117 (1123)
      13. Change/Update Course Description for MUSI 1181 (1124)
      14. Change/Update Course Description for MUSI 1182 (1125)
      15. Change/Update Course Description for MUSI 2181 (1126)
      16. Change/Update Course Description for MUSI 2182 (1127)
      17. Change/Update Course Description for MUSI 1183 (1128)
      18. Change/Update Course Description for MUSI 1192 (1129)
        (1130-1133) Done on a Consent Agenda (combined together)
        Karen Guthmiller made Motion; Seconded by Rod Hellyer.
        Motion passes unanimously.
      19. Discontinue Course – Catalog for MUSI 1184 (1130)
      20. Discontinue Course – Catalog for MUSI 1193 (1131)
      21. Discontinue Course – Catalog for MUSI 1263 (1132)
      22. Discontinue Course – Catalog for MUSI 2183 (1133)
    2. Election of 2017/2018 Officers
      1. Chair
        Paul Arrigo nominated Joe Ganakos to remain as Chair.
        Nominations stands unanimously.
      2. Vice-Chair
        Stewart Edwards nominated Paul Arrigo for Vice-Chair.
        Karen Guthmiller seconded.
    3. Reminder for Divisions regarding 2017/2018 Representatives to CAAC
      Divisions need to have their Representatives elected for the 2017-2018 school year prior to next CAAC meeting In August 2017.
  5. Open Forum

NOTE: ( ) indicates the number of the item in the Curriculum Maintenance System.
