CAAC Minutes: 2017: 03-21

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Minutes March 21, 2017

Paul Allen, Howard Bushart, Doylean Sprauve, Keith Coleman, Vicky Hart, Andy Miller, Karen Guthmiller, Bill Gammel, Stewart Edwards, Charlotte Mueller, Paul Arrigo, Sarah Tidwell, David Jaroszewski (Interim Dean), Layton Childress, Joe Ganakos, Ingrid Wallace, Rod Hellyer

Members Not Present:

Charles Thomas, David Sholmire, De De Griffith (Interim VP), Rosemary Coffman

  1. Approval of Minutes
    The February 21, 2017 CAAC Minutes stand as read.
  2. Informational Items
    1. Scott Bennett — Students are able to be dropped either through the roster or through the instructor initiated drop form. There is also a reinstatement button in the event that the student becomes engaged in the class.

      Need to add a comment section.

    2. David Jaroszewski / Layton Childress — As the College moves deeper into Guided Pathways there will be some curriculum things that will need to be taken care of. The issue may arise that CAAC will need to meet either remotely or at some point over the summer.

      The Core will need to be looked at. We need to work on Assessing the Core. The Core needs to be cleaned up, there are some courses that are no longer offered, still on there. Dr. Jaroszewski will work with someone to sponsor a proposal to bring before CAAC.

      July 18, 2017, is the scheduled meeting date for the summer.

  3. Old Business — There was not any “Old Business” to discuss.
  4. New Business — There will be some things from MUSI at the next meeting that missed the cut off. DeDe Griffith has made the arrangements that the changes will go in, but they will not make it into the catalog. The ACGM just changed the numbering system completely back in November.

Paul Arrigo will conduct the next meeting, as Joe Ganakos will be out of town with the Debate Team. However, Joe will create the agenda. Division Representatives will need to start being discussed at the next meeting and there will be elections at the next meeting as well.

1. Consideration of a Core Review Subcommittee

The last Core Review Committee was back in 2011 or 2012. We will need to convene a Subcommittee and also convene as a Committee as a whole to go over some of the finer points. Dr. Jaroszewski has taken the lead on this with his office.

V. Open Forum
Note: ( ) indicates the number of the item in the Curriculum Maintenance System.

This Friday evening Keith Coleman will be a guest speaker at an infamous Huntsville Center Prison Lollapalooza event at the Ferguson Unit.

There will be a film maker at Tucker Hall this evening discussing Sam Houston.

Honors Day will have a new format this year, deviating from the Organizational Awards and Individual Awards.

Debate Team will depart for Nationals on March 22. Then on to Washington, D.C., a week later, for the 2017 Phi Rho Pi National Championships. The 2017 James Madison Cup will be April 10-18, 2017.
