CAAC Minutes: 2017: 09-19

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CAAC Meeting Minutes Sept. 19, 2017

Members Present: Paul Allen; Doylean Sprauve; Keith Coleman; Karen Guthmiller; Stewart Edwards; David Sholmire; Veronique Tran; Charlotte Mueller; Paul Arrigo; Rosemary Coffman; Onimi Wilcox; Layton Childress; Joe Ganakos; Ingrid Wallace; and Rod Hellyer

Members Not Present: Howard Bushart; Vicky Hart; Andy Miller; Charles Thomas; Bill Gammel; and Sarah Tidwell

  1. Approval of Minutes

    Minutes stand as read.
    Karen Guthmiller made motion; Keith Coleman seconded. Passes unanimously.
  2. Informational Items
    1. Veronique Tran

      The AGCM has courses scheduled for deletion and archived, so are a given when published like that. If they stay in our catalog and we offer the course then we will not get funding for those courses. It is to our benefit to align ourselves to the published schedules. How the process is working now; is there something that Dr. Tran’s office could help with to try and streamline the process. Maybe to go through them and send the Division Chairs and/or Dean’s that these are the classes scheduled for deletion, or does it need CAAC submission.There isn’t a need for voting, as it is final when published in the AGCM. They should be disseminated to the divisions. Troy should be able to create the check box for “State mandated change” to only trigger it as an informational item not a level 2, but it will report it so that it can be included on the Agenda. This way there is a form of Minutes for it.

      We have the Curriculum Management System and the CAAC Minutes. It would be useful to have some other kind of web based cataloging of decisions by course. If CAAC is wanting to explore this idea, we can meet with Roger Demary and see what can be generated. It could be an excel spreadsheet with the translations of the CAAC Minutes on it.

    2. Onimi Wilcox / Layton Childress / Dr. Wilcox

      Appears that in some cases when course substitutions are made we are going way back into old catalogs. CAAC doesn’t handle the individualized issues, but will address the programmatic standpoint.

    3. Layton Childress
      When reviewing the items submitted for CAAC, do you ever call the individual that entered the item if you have a question about it? I haven’t received a call in about 5 years or so.

      This is why we change the 1 week review to 2 weeks, so there is enough time for review.

    4. Scott Bennett

      Next fall we intend to roll out an attendance tracker in myLC campus.Wait listing is available with PeopleSoft.

      We started do electronic substitutions on Aug. 23, 2016. Since this time we have done 991 substitutions. We are substituting the same things over and over. The majority of the substitutions are approved.

    5. Paul Arrigo

      We have had one item for Academic Integrity, a focus group with faculty on the survey that was done last spring.

  1. Old Business


    No Old Business
  2. New Business
    1. Marsha Tuha
      1. Change/Update Course Description for EMSP 1338 (1177)
        Rod Hellyer made Motion; Seconded by Stewart Edwards.
        Motion passes unanimously.
      2. Change/Update Course Description for EMSP 1356 (1178)
        Stewart Edwards made Motion; Seconded by Karen Guthmiller.
        Motion passes unanimously.
      3. Change/Update Course Description for EMSP 1355 (1179)
        Rod Hellyer made Motion; Seconded by Charlotte Mueller.
        Motion passes unanimously.
      4. New Course: EMSP 2261 (1180)
        Karen Guthmiller made Motion; Seconded by Stewart Edwards.
        Motion passes unanimously.
      5. New Course: EMSP 2306 (1181)
        Keith Coleman made Motion; Seconded by Rod Hellyer. Motion passes unanimously.
      6. New Course: EMSP 2444 (1182)
        Stewart Edwards made Motion; Seconded by Charlotte Mueller.
        Motion passes unanimously.
      7. New Course: EMSP 2262 (1183)
        Rod Hellyer made Motion; Seconded by Karen Guthmiller.
        Motion passes unanimously.
      8. Change/Update Course Description for EMSP 2434 (1184)
        Karen Guthmiller made Motion; Seconded by Keith Coleman.
        Motion passes unanimously.
      9. Change/Update Course Description for EMSP 2330 (1185)
        Rod Hellyer made Motion; Seconded by Stewart Edwards.
        Motion passes unanimously.
      10. New Course: EMSP 2263 (1186)
        Karen Guthmiller made Motion; Seconded by Charlotte Mueller.
        Motion passes unanimously.
      11. New Course: EMSP 2205 (1187)
        Keith Coleman made Motion; Seconded by Rod Hellyer.
        Motion passes unanimously.
      12. New Course: EMSP 2268 (1188)
        Karen Guthmiller made Motion; Seconded by Charlotte Mueller.
        Motion passes unanimously.
      13. New Degree/Certificate: Paramedic Certificate (1189)
        Stewart Edwards made Motion; Seconded by Keith Coleman.
        Level II Certificate
        Motion passes unanimously.

        All items above will go into effect in fall 2018.

  3. Open Forum

If anyone has any students that like to talk, send them Debate’s way! There are 2 more meetings before the books are closed on making the catalog.

Note: ( ) indicates the number of the item in the Curriculum Maintenance System.
