Center for Workforce and Community Development

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Four children use magnifying glasses to look at something on the ground under the trees.

Kids at College

Registration opens March 17.

Learn more about KAC.

Center for Workforce and Community Development Logo

Lee Col­lege's Cen­ter for Work­force and Com­muni­ty Dev­elop­ment of­fers a varie­ty of non-credit pro­grams, cour­ses and clas­ses for indi­vidu­als who are on a jour­ney to pro­fes­sion­al and busi­ness su­ccess or who want to en­hance the qual­ity of their per­sonal lives by learn­ing new skills, acquir­ing know­ledge that's use­ful in the work­force or their daily lives, in­creas­ing their physi­cal fit­ness level, de­velop­ing a new ho­bby, or just hav­ing fun.

Online Registration 

The online registration site allows you to browse our courses and event offerings. Register and pay for courses and events, manage your account, review your registration history, make recommendations for future classes, and more! Explore what Lee College has to offer.
