Learning Locations

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Lee College Main Campus, Baytown

Lee College Main Campus

Bay­town, Texas

Lee Col­lege's main cam­pus is located at 200 Lee Drive, Bay­town, Texas, about 30 miles east of Houston. It contains a Wellness Center, a state-of-the-art Advanced Technology Center (library) and sports arena, as well as a beautiful quad under stately oaks.

Lee College Education Center - South Liberty County

Lee College Education Center - South Liberty County

Liberty, Texas

This facil­ity is lo­cated at 1715 Hig­hway 146 Bypass in Liberty. The center opened in January 2016 to advance the college's commitment to enhance the academic resources and workforce training offered throughout the region by providing a wide range of programs for students of all ages. A state-of-the-art cosmetology facility is available for students and patrons. Call 832.556.5660 or 936.334.8169.

Lee College McNair Center

McNair Center

Baytown, Texas

The Mc­Nair Cen­ter is lo­cated at 3411 I-10, Bay­town, TX, 77521. Students may enroll in credit and community education classes at this up-to-date facility situated alongside I-10. For more information on this program, call 281.427.5611.

Lee College Huntsville Center

Huntsville Center

Huntsville, Texas

Lee Col­lege began a pro­gram of courses in the state's prison sys­tem in 1966. The pro­gram has grown from 182 students that first year to a current enrollment which exceeds 1,200 students. It is located at 168 Col. Etheredge Blvd., Huntsville, TX 77340.
