QEP Meeting Minutes - 1/9/2017

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1/9/17 Meeting

Attendees: Marie Butler, Kim Martin, Scott Bennett, Amy Smith, Paul Allen, Penny Oyler, Layton Childress, Clarissa Martinez, Marti Covington, Donnetta Suchon, Laura Lane-Worley, Treva Brown-Askey, Jeff Earlywine, Marissa Moreno, Dana Byal, John Elliott, Jodi Rodriguez, Tyrone Smith, LeAnn Allison, DeDe Griffith

Meeting Began 2:09 p.m.

Overview of Site Review-3 recommendations from SACSCOC that needed revisions. Introduced Revisions Team that help implement changes recommended by on-site team. Highlighted the College Goals and the Student Learning Outcomes from the revised plan. Those college goals include course completion, retention rate, graduation, and transfer rate. The indicators/measures for the SLOs are career intent, student satisfaction surveys, and advisor/counselor, faculty surveys. Discussion of the trainings for 2016 which include Skip Downing (LSSS text author), Christine Harrington (EDUC text author), Campus2Careers, Blackboard Training, and meetings with various individuals concerning the QEP.

The pilot data from Fall 2016 was discussed. We had 266 responses compared to 26 the year before in the baseline data. In addition, this year open-ended responses were added to the student survey which resulted in 61 student comments.

A discussion on the method of collection ranged from paper surveys which were used for the pilot to possibly Scantron or technology usage. For now, we are going to stay with paper because of the results. For the first year, we plan to use a student worker to pass out and collect surveys and deliver to QEP director.

We also discussed Freshman Follow-up and possibly moving this to a virtual experience. More information will be needed as well as how we would meet SLO 2. One suggestion was to do this in the classroom time.

The next meeting will be held in late spring, followed by the Data Summit in the summer.
