January 15, 2015
3:30 PM Rundell 107 Conference Room
Attendees: Lakeisha Branch, John Elliott, Nora James, Marissa Moreno, Michael Fleming, Paul Allen, Dana Byal, Michelle Hernandez-Perez, DeDe Griffith, Cathy Kemper, Jodi Rodriguez
- Review and approval of minutes from last meeting
- Minutes were unavailable at start of meeting but were reviewed and approved later in the meeting.
- DeDe Griffith motioned to approve
- Dana Byal seconded the motion
- Review of data to determine target population
- Brief Review of last meeting
- Identified 3 outcomes and added a 4th (faculty and mentor involvement)
- Blackboard not being utilized – very little discussion board usage
- Is Blackboard a legitimate tool or do other options need to be looked into?
- Focus today on data and target population
- Review and discussion of new GS4 student data provided by Dr. Fleming and Dr. Hernandez-Perez
- Request to eliminate UN2 and UN1 (Undecided) as Major – will be classified as General Studies if undecided
- Data provided includes all HS/ECHS/DC students – may need to adjust to apply to use model with these students
- GS 4 Students by far largest program in terms of enrollment
- Does enrollment data serve our purpose, does it tell us what we need to know?
- How can Clearinghouse be utilized effectively to get information?
- Discussed core completers, transfer students, GS4 FTIC student breakdown by ethnicity, sex, age and then by Pell, online, etc. to determine which group is struggling the most.
- Consideration of a model
- How do we want this to look?
- Review of sample model seen at SACSCOC
- Wesleyan College model – goals and approach fit with our discussion of GS4 students and tech faculty and connecting with students
- E-portfolios such as “Purple Briefcase” are popular QEPs and looked at favorably by SACSCOC – purpose is to help student decide what they want to do – foundation for future career
- Student learning outcomes and actions discussed including: academic plans, career inventories, publications, presentations, internships, projects, research, evaluations, assessments, soft-skills
- Faculty, Advisor and Counselor Engagement (FACE time)
- Future planning based upon the QEP report requirements:
- Executive Summary
- Process Used to Develop QEP
- Desired Student Learning Outcomes –
- Desired SLO’s have been covered
- Literature Review and Best Practices
- Actions to be implemented
- If agreed overall as a group on what model will look like, smaller break-out groups can be organized to plan certain aspects of it
- Suggestions for work teams: by goals, by strategies, data, technology
- Recruit others not on committee such as Internship, Service Learning, Undergrad Research, Honors Coordinator
- Timeline: Calendar of Actions to be Implemented
Need calendar of actions. Must be completed by June 1
- Organizational Structure
- Resources
- Assessment Plan
- Appendices
- Next Meeting: MONDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 2015, 3:30 P.M. RUNDELL 107