April 2, 2015
3:00 p.m. Rundell 107 Conference Room
- Review and approval of minutes from last meeting
No objections. Minutes will be posted.
- Sub-team Reports
Decision made last time to create sub-teams.
Apply Texas
- Kemper reported on working with Sharon Steele to make a change to remove “undecided” as choice for major and how to capture First Generation Students. Both changes are easy. Wording for First Generation must match Coordinating Board definition. Should be implemented immediately.
- Indefinite delay in removing “Undecided” as a major for Technical students who don’t want to go into General Studies but haven’t picked a major yet. Per Marissa – small population won’t be too complicated. Will include UN 1s and 2s with General Studies data.
- DeDe Griffith and her team looked at Purple Briefcase and Campus 2 Careers. Students were sent a link to student portal for testing.
- Reagan Dobbs reported it was too “cutesy” on profile page, but it offers direction and easy search options. She found it really easy and accessible.
- Cody Bijou felt it was good interactivity for students. A lot is fill-in-the blank which is helpful. He hasn’t tested with it with multiple browsers. It seemed a little different functionally between formats, but it was easily customizable and accessible.
- Dana Byal went through the self-assessment and liked it.
- Cost is $4000 per year. It has a pretty advanced administrative side. Lee College would own the reporting side. Once they graduate, students attain alumni status in the software, and we can maintain communication with them. It does have video storage capability.
- Team discussed capabilities of Purple Briefcase. It is also a good communication tool for campus events. Campus 2 Careers doesn’t have social media capabilities and is not as strong with reporting.
- Folio Tech is another that many campuses currently use. The only benefit on Campus 2 Careers is some high schools are using it. We are about to get permission from Barbers Hill to access their C2C information.
- We will look at two others and send links. Also look at free ones like Google and Task Stream. Dr. H has a conference call with someone in Task Stream next week and will report back.
Literature Review
- LaKeisha Branch was not present. Please forward anything you might have to her. She is compiling information for the literature review and needs a strong base of information to reference.
Faculty-Student-Advisor Relationships
- How are they going to work together?
- What will the second year experience look like – what is the role of faculty/advisor. There is currently a lot of overlap in the Applied Sciences.
- Start with group advising to help faculty feel more comfortable before doing one-on-one advising.
- We need to define levels of engagement for faculty advisors.
- ACTION: DeDe and Marissa will develop something regarding levels of involvement and have ready for next meeting.
- Marissa Moreno. (Handout) met with Treva Askey, the new Developmental Education Division Chair who oversees these courses.
- In order to accommodate all general studies students, we would need to offer 25 additional sections. We would need to hire 3 more full-time faculty. 89 students in LSSS this Fall. 337 total in Fall for LSSS and EDUC.
- The team also talked about instructors serving as liaisons — we would need to include this in job descriptions – more than just teaching — there is another component. What would their load look like? We would also need to track existing students.
- ACTION: Kemper to present to CAAC in April as an information only piece that the QEP will address all FTIC General Education majors.
Data, Visuals and Assessment
- Michelle Hernandez-Perez. We need data and way to visualize the assessment plans.
- What data do we want in proposal? We need focus group data, student focus group data, and more importantly, the data on how we narrowed it down to general education.
- What was the rationale for focusing on General Education students and what did data look like? – critical piece of report.
- Setting targets in the assessment plan important. How many students are we trying to reach? How are we going to measure impact?
- The team also discussed videotaping students at different points in their academic progress. Alverno College demonstrated incredible transformation and documented student development.
- We need good assessment practices that include both quantitative and qualitative measures.
- Look at the number of students who declare majors, and look at their persistence (persistence not one of SLO goals).
- For SLO #1 we could do videos (pre & post) in LSSS or EDUC. We could look at writing improvement. Self-Assessment is included in LSSS , where students evaluate their strengths and weaknesses.
- ACTION: DeDe to get LSSS rubric from Treva for next meeting to see the 8 points they focus on.
- How are we going to assess SLO 2? Students do an education plan in LSSS. Is it possible to brand the form for our QEP?
- What would students do to assess their progress along the way? What are their checkpoints? What training, counseling, events, meeting with faculty will be required of students?
- Students will be required to bring sign offs from their faculty to show what they’ve done to their advisors- not optional. We will be able to see time stamps and different demographic information on each student.
- Do we want to correlate any of this with Civitas data? Do we want to use Civitas with these students since we have it available? Faculty, advisors and counselors could use Civitas to identify risk factors and develop strategies to overcome obstacles.
- At some point we have to look at career and transfer data. How many students successfully transferred or successfully secured a job, certification, or licensure? The portfolio will show all of that.
- SLO #3 Demonstrate their skills and knowledge. Artifacts contained in portfolio under selected coursework examples would be the evidence of one or more of these 5 things. Some will stay General Studies majors due to financial aid, or if it is more advantageous to transfer with this major.
- The team discussed a speech/communication video lab to document student development/success. Are there possible corporate involvements for donations/partnership to underwrite costs?
- ACTION: Explore of what it would take to implement a lab as part of QEP
- QEP Director Job Description
- Kemper shared job description for QEP Director
- Essential job functions will be discussed via email.
- Concerns were raised about a minimum 5 years higher education administrative or project leadership. Is this too much? Will it close the pool? Should it be put into preferred qualifications?
- Should preferred qualifications include teaching experience? Would it be beneficial in dealing with faculty?
- Minimum of 3 years, 5 years preferred was suggested.
- ACTION: review description and email Dr. Kemper with any suggestions/comments
- Retreat Planning
- Need to define what we need to bring to next meeting.
- Budget will be worked on after plan written. Budget will be very straightforward
- We do not have to start offering classes this Fall. When SACSCOC comes for October site visit, they have to understand the entire campus knows what our QEP is, what we’re doing and why we’re doing it. There is no expectation that QEP will be in full-swing. They will judge our plan and make recommendations
- We don’t have to have all technology in place by October
- Faculty has to fully understand what their role will be
- Can we pick a small cohort (20-30 students) for a pilot group. Treva would be perfect person to help implement. Then go full scale the following Fall
- Come back with Plan in August – everything during Professional Development will revolve around QEP.
- Before this semester ends, we want to present QEP to college for feedback and decide how we want to do that – different groups, different forums. DeDe presented to staff assembly and will present to Administrative assembly next week.
- Next Meeting/Retreat: THURSDAY, APRIL 23, 2015 – JBH 123 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Food provided.