QEP Meeting Minutes - 11/6/2015

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Revisions Team Meeting: 11/6/2015

Attendees: LeAnn Allison, Michelle Hernandez-Perez, Laura Lane-Worley

Meeting 8:30 a.m.-11:45 a.m., JBH 123

Revisions continued on the introduction section to include advisor meetings with students. Details on the intertwining of advising faculty and counselors/advisors continued. Revisions were made to include information regarding interest inventories-from the e-portfolio and how this would be used in class and with the advisors. The interest inventory will become a part of the career search/investigation that already exists in the course with the change being that the Cruising inventory would be replaced with the Campus2Careers. Students will need to be trained on the use of the software during New Student Orientation. The information from this inventory will be utilized by the counselor/advisor in the Freshman Follow-Up session to encourage students to declare a major.

The Literature Review and Best Practices was revised to remove Professional Development that will not be utilized as a measurable data point.

Actions to Be Implemented was revised to include information on Campus2Careers. Discussion of a table and beginning stages of the table were discussed.

This table will include yearly goals based on data points revised in the last meeting.

More work is needed in this section to determine data points and measurement.

The possibility of including a second course in upcoming semesters was discussed in depth. The discussion included information on tracking those students that do not declare intent other than GS4 and UN1/UN2 in LSSS300 or EDUC1200. For those that remain GS4 or UN1/UN2 will continue on the track for this intent. We discussed possibly working with Speech instructors to further use the e-Portfolio in these courses for artifact storage and continuing with the e-Portfolio usage that would be required.

We will discuss this more on the implications for the QEP in the next meeting.

The next meeting will be held during the week of 9-13 November.
