QEP Meeting Minutes - 11/4/2015

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QEP Revision Team Meeting: 11/4/2015

Attendees: LeAnn Allison, Michelle Hernandez-Perez, Paul Allen, Marissa Moreno, Treva Brown-Askey, Laura Lane Worley, Tyrone Smith


Meeting started at 9 a.m.

Discussion of revisions and SACSCOC recommendations.

Started the process of removing information concerning data points.

Removed information that refers to measuring professional development from sections I-III.

Removed information that refers to assessing videos from sections I-III.

Discussed the role of the e-portfolio with Student Success Course and Counseling/Advising. Determined that we would replace Career Cruising in Student Success Courses with the interest inventory in the Campus2Careers (e-portfolio). Discussed Counseling role with interest inventory and how to implement this with students. The decision was made to introduce Campus2Career’s Interest Inventory just after the midterm so that students are exposed to the elements of the course and Counseling would follow-up with the GS4 students in Freshman Follow-up. There were still questions on how the students would access and be trained on using the interest inventory.

Discussed the role of Civitas and how the advisors and faculty advisors will be using this if it becomes operational. The concern was that we need it no later than Spring 2016 for training so that we can pilot in Fall 2016 with faculty and advisors up to speed on the functions. After a discussion with Marissa and Tyrone, little of the Civitas that has been promised has moved into Civitas. Many of the functions are not operational. Currently, the advisors use PeopleSoft for tracking information and will continue to track through PeopleSoft. The number of visits are tracked in PeopleSoft and this will continue. This information will be shared with the faculty member.

Data Points were identified as course completion, e-portfolio documentation, declaration of career intent at freshman follow-up, GPA, Retention Rate, Completed 15 hours, Completed 30 hours. This gives us 14 data points if we continue with 2 courses for the study. Discussed the removal of one course for the study to cut down the data points. With 2 courses, we have 14 data points. The course materials are different for the 2 courses. The discussion on the removal of the LSSS300 course will continue into the next meeting.

The Goals and Learning outcomes were revised to incorporate the data points.

Reorganizing the proposal to resemble more of a research project: Revisions to the introduction of the topic, problem and purpose of the study to incorporate the changes were implemented in sections I-III. More information is needed for the introduction to explain in detail the study nature and significance of the study. This will be the subject of the next meeting.
