QEP Meeting Minutes - 4/23/2015

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April 23, 2015

8:00 a.m. – 4 p.m. JBH 123

  1. Review and approval of minutes from last meeting

No objections. Minutes of April 2 will be posted in Blackboard.

  1. Sub-team Reports

Apply Texas

  • Kemper reported that the deadline to have revisions to Apply Texas completed for the QEP cohort is September 1, 2015.


  • DeDe Griffith reported that TG is gifting the CAEL portfolio software to all colleges in the Gulf Coast Consortium of Community Colleges.
  • Temporary access will be available soon.
  • ACTION: Dr. Kemper and DeDe Griffith will address questions that emerged regarding the software:
    • Can we archive copies of the portfolios for assessment documentation?
    • Is it user-friendly software?
    • Can students access their portfolio after Lee College graduation?
    • Can we configure the portfolios with sub-folders to categorize contents (core objectives, scholarships, certifications, licensures, student activities, PTK, etc.)
    • Can we require students to upload files in PDF and MP4 formats only?
    • Can we identify scanners on campus that students can use to convert graded documents to PDF?
    • Can we purchase cameras to record student videos for storage in e-portfolios?

Literature Review

  • LaKeisha Branch and Dr. Kemper indicated that there are reference materials already loaded on the Blackboard site.
  • ACTION: Each committee member will locate reference materials that relate to the QEP and document that our methodology has been researched and found beneficial to students.

Faculty-Student-Advisor Relationships

  • We need to define levels of engagement for faculty advisors.
  • ACTION: DeDe and Marissa will develop something regarding levels of involvement and have ready for next meeting.


  • Marissa Moreno and DeDe Griffith presented that an effective use of LSSS/EDUC faculty would be to give them a course release in the spring to follow up with fall students regarding majors, program progress and general mentoring.
  • They also suggested a faculty development program for new FT faculty and adjunct faculty that would prepare them to teach LSSS/EDUC courses, expanding our faculty pool. Dr. Kemper indicated that Amarillo College has already developed a faculty certification process that is approved by SACSCOC specifically for these student success courses.
    • Year 1 new FT faculty engage in required professional development and certification to teach the courses.
    • Year 2 new FT faculty teach LSSS and/or EDUC.
    • Year 3 new FT faculty teach LSSS and/or EDUC and assist with professional development of new FT faculty.
    • Training would need to start in Fall 2015.
    • Adjunct faculty would complete a certification program to teach LSSS/EDUC.
    • New QEP director will also need to go through certification process and teach LSSS/EDUC.
  • A beta-testing group of 20-25 minority male students will be implemented in Fall 2015 to begin working through the implementation process for the QEP. A similar group may also begin in Huntsville.
  • ACTION: Marissa and DeDe will follow up with the new Developmental Education division chair, Treva Askey, to create a detailed plan.
  • ACTION: DeDe will talk with Donna Zuniga and Paul Allen about starting a group in Huntsville. It will not be part of the QEP.

Data, Visuals and Assessment

  • Michelle Hernandez-Perez created a visualization of the QEP that drove most of the remaining discussion.
  • The visual is attached, and because it is complex, not for distribution.
  • Motivate students to complete the e-portfolios via:
    • Competitive portfolio presentations with prizes.
    • Grade portfolios as part of a capstone.
    • Use contents to assess the core curriculum.
    • Follow up with 2nd year orientation and review of e-portfolio contents in FACE Time meeting.
  • Motivate FT and PT faculty use of portfolios by using faculty teams to evaluate student content as part of QEP assessment.
  • Include the Weekend College Success Coach in all QEP training and assessment.
  • Include pre- and post-video assignments where students can demonstrate development of a wide range of skills during the QEP.
    • Include video resources needed for ATC 312, JBH 107, JBH 14, and Bonner Hall where students can create their videos.
    • Include students as peer interviewers to conduct the videos.
  • ACTION: Michelle Hernandez-Perez will develop a simple visual.
  • ACTION: Joe Ganakos will develop a 1-minute elevator speech and a list of positive outcomes of the QEP (visualization of benefits).
  • ACTION: Joe Ganakos and Dr. Kemper will meet with Carolyn Lightfoot to discuss technology needs for the QEP.

QEP Director Job Description

  • Kemper shared an updated job description for QEP Director
  • Fox and Lawson may dictate that this is a coordinator position.
  • Add attendance at the SACSCOC Summer Institute as a requirement.
  • Change higher education administrative or project leadership experience to 3-5 years.
  • Add requirement of visiting off-site locations at McNair, Liberty and Huntsville.
  • Add flexible working schedule with periodic weekend commitments.
  • Add requirement to teach LSSS/EDUC and required certification.
  • Add ability to walk about campus and carry 15-20 lbs.
  • ACTION: Kemper will make final revisions and take the Position Request Form to cabinet on Monday, April 27, for approval and posting.
  • ACTION: Kemper will form a hiring committee to begin reviewing candidates in June.

QEP Lead Evaluator Selection

  • Kemper presented the Lead Evaluator description and indicated that she had already reached out to several community colleges to get suggestions for evaluators.
  • ACTION: Dr. Kemper will work with purchasing to post the RFP by May 1.

2015 Institute on Quality Enhancement and Accreditation

  • Kemper announced that there is some funding for conference registration.
  • ACTION: Contact Dr. Kemper in the next week if you would like to attend the conference July 19-22 in Kissimmee, FL. Details about the conference are located at

Next Meeting: THURSDAY, MAY 7, 2015 – RUNDELL 107, AT 3 p.m.
