CAAC Minutes: 2011-09-20

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Members Present: Paul Arrigo, Kenneth Booker, Howard Bushart, Rosemary Coffman, Stewart Edwards, Joseph Ganakos, Michael Gos, Karen Guthmiller, Tia Hall, Cindy Lewis, Vicky Hart, Jim Richardson, Doylean Sprauve, Dana Woods. Guests: DeDe Griffith, Jeff Thies, Al Zucha, Cathy Kemper, Becki Griffith

Members Absent: Jill Cufr, Rod Hellyer, Bob Slade, Donnetta Suchon

Meeting was called to order at 2:00pm

  1. Approval of Minutes: Minutes from April 19, 2011 were approved as written.
  2. Old Business: Joseph Ganakos presented a handout outlining the progress that has been made by the CAAC Submission Process Subcommittee. (See handout)
  3. New Business:
    1. Jim Richardson proposed adding ELPT 1411 and ELPT 1451 to the Certificate of Completion in Electrical Construction. After discussion, the proposal died for lack of a motion.
    2. Dr. Jeff Thies presented a draft copy of an Associate of Science Degree and an Associate of Arts Degree. (See handout). After discussion, several suggestions and corrections were made. A motion to accept was made by Tia Hall and seconded by Joseph Ganakos. Motion carried. Dr. Jeff Thies will make the necessary corrections that were suggested.
    3. Michael Gos reminded everyone of the CAEL meeting on Friday, September 23rd at 8:00am in Bayer Conference. If you plan on attending, contact Rosemary Coffman.
  4. Open Forum: None

Meeting adjourned at 2:35 p.m.

Respectfully submitted, Susan Keith, Secretary
Approved by: Michael Gos, CAAC Chair
