CAAC Minutes: 2010-04-20

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Members Present: Michael Gos, Paul Arrigo, Kenneth Booker, Howard Bushart, Rosemary Coffman, Stewart Edwards, Joseph Ganakos, Karen Guthmiller, Susan Hamby, Rod Hellyer, Tracie Hervey, Jimmy Lockett, Roberta McClure, Bob Slade, Donnetta Suchon. Guests: Ray Whitlow

Members Absent: Gary Gibson, Jim Richardson, Dana Woods
Meeting was called to order at 2:00 p.m.

  1. Approval of Minutes
    1. Minutes from March 23, 2010 were approved as written.
  2. Old Business
    1. Michael Gos – Bylaws revision, second reading.
      Michael Gos presented for a second vote the changes in the name of divisions under Pt. #7. Motion was unanimous.
  3. New Business
    1. Sharon Graber – Course number and prerequisite change for Math 2442. Sharon Graber presented changing Math 2442 to Math 1442. Sharon Graber requested that the prerequisite be changed from Math 1414 to Math 330 or its equivalent. A motion to accept was made by Joe Ganakos and seconded by Bob Slade. Motion carried.
    2. Teresa Landers – Changes to AAT degree Specializing in Early Childhood, proposed Child Development AAS and Marketable Skills Award. Teresa Landers proposed changes to the AAT in Early Childhood (ED15). Remove Math 1351 and COSC 1301. Change Kine to 3 credits. A motion to accept was made by Joe Ganakos and seconded by Donnetta Suchon. Motion carried.
    3. Teresa Landers proposed a new AAS degree in Child Development. The degree will contain 12 new courses and 3 electives. New CDEC courses are: CDEC 1313, CDEC 1317, CDEC 1319, CDEC 1323, CDEC 1356, CDEC 1359, CDEC 2307, CDEC 2322, CDEC 2324, CDEC 2326, CDEC 2328, and CDEC 2366. Teresa Landers proposed a new Marketable Skills Award certificate. A motion to accept was made by Joe Ganakos and seconded by Donnetta Suchon. After discussion, motion carried.
    4. Rosemary Coffman – New SACS policy. Rosemary Coffman presented a handout of the Substantive Change Policy Statement. The policy can be found online at
    5. Michael Gos – Deletion of Huma 1315. Michael Gos proposed deleting Huma 1315 from the catalog. A motion to accept was made by Joe Ganakos and seconded by Tracie Hervey. Motion carried.
    6. Joyce Jacobs – Replacement for COSS 300. Joyce Jacobs proposed adding a new course LSSS 300 to the catalog. A motion to accept was made by Stewart Edwards and seconded by Donnetta Suchon. After discussion, motion carried. With further discussion, COSS 300 would be replaced with LSSS 300 in the policy proposal for developmental students. A motion to accept was made by Joe Ganakos and seconded by Bob Slade. Motion carried.
    7. Graeme Cox – Yogalates class. Karen Guthmiller presented for Graeme Cox to approve the yogalates class as core. The subject was tabled.
    8. Election of Officers – Michael Gos asked for nominations for President and Vice-President. Joe Ganakos nominated Michael Gos to continue as President. Joe Ganakos was nominated to continue as Vice-President. Further nominations were closed.
  4. Open Forum – Michael Gos presented a handout of the GCCCIA Core and asked committee members if there were any questions.

Meeting adjourned at 2:30 p.m.

Supplemental online meeting on 4-22-10:

  1. Graeme Cox made a proposal that Yogalates, Kine 1133 and Kine 1134 be added to core selection as part of the Health, Wellness and Kinesiology requirement.
  2. A motion to accept was made by Jimmy Lockett and seconded by Howard Bushart. Motion passed.

Respectfully submitted, Susan Keith, Secretary
Approved by Michael Gos, CAAC Chair
