CAAC Minutes: 2010-02-16

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Members Present: Paul Arrigo, Ken Booker, Stewart Edwards, Joseph Ganakos, Michael Gos, Karen Guthmiller, Susan Hamby, Tracie Hervey, Jimmy Lockett, Roberta McClure, Bob Slade, Donnetta Suchon, Dana Woods. Guests: Rosemary Coffman

Members Absent: Howard Bushart, Gary Gibson, Rod Hellyer, Jim Richardson

Meeting was called to order at 2:00 p.m.

  1. Approval of Minutes:
    1. Minutes from November 17, 2009, meeting were approved as written.
  2. Old Business
    1. Joyce Jacobs – Changes to Math 210, 520 and 530
      1. The Developmental Education Division would like to add a credit hour to the Math 520/530 sequence making it Math 620 & 630. This addition of credit hours is in keeping with the added time in all our developmental classes a year ago. It will allow for better instruction and practice in building the math skills. A motion to accept was made by Dana Woods and seconded by Susan Hamby. Motion carried.
    2. Joyce Jacobs proposed replacing Math 210 with Math 305. A motion to accept was made by Susan Hamby and seconded by Karen Guthmiller. Discussion followed about the confusion of Math 305 being associated with a developmental math course. Joe Ganakos suggested the Math number to be determined at a later date. (Math 350 was assigned). No further discussion, motion carried.
    3. Joyce Jacobs presented a proposal for developmental students and probationary students to be required to take EDUC 1300 was tabled for further information on the question of adding a 3 hour credit requirement.
    4. Suzanne Nordhaus – Changes in Game classes
      1. Shirley Dixon and Suzanne Nordhaus proposed adding the following classes to the Game Development Specialist AAS degree, the Game Designer certificate, and Game Specialist certificate: ARTV 1341, GAME 1336, GAME 2325, GAME 2344, GAME 2402, GAME 1394, GAME 2386, and GAME 2387. A motion to accept was made by Tracie Hervey and seconded by Dana Woods. Motion carried.
    5. Michael Gos – Bylaws Revision
      1. Michael Gos presented for a second vote the CAAC bylaws revision. The vote was unanimous. Michael Gos discussed the changes in the name of divisions under Pt. #7. Michael Gos will draft the changes under Pt. #7 and present at next meeting.
  3. New Business
    1. Stewart Edwards – Change pre-requisites for social science course and creation of new class – GOVT 2107.
      1. Stewart Edwards proposed a change of pre-requisites for all social science to Engl 302 and Read 302. A motion to accept was made by Joe Ganakos and seconded by Tracie Hervey. Motion carried.
      2. Stewart Edwards proposed the creation of a new class – GOVT 2107. The GOVT 2107 class would be taught as individualized or online. A motion to accept was made by Paul Arrigo and seconded by Donnetta Suchon. After discussion, motion carried.
    2. DeDe Griffith – Program revisions to AAS Machine Shop Degree, AAS Millwright Degree and AAS in Computer Aided Drafting & Design Degree
      1. DeDe Griffith proposed the following revisions to the Machine Shop and Millwright degrees.
        1. Delete existing AAS in Machine Ship – Millwright Option-MW2.
        2. Delete Certificate of Completion in Machine Shop – Millwright Helper Option –MH1.
        3. Rename the AAS in Machine Shop to Industrial Systems Technician.
        4. New classes added to the degree: DFTG 1325, INMT 2303, INMT 1311, and INMT 1380.
        5. Rename the existing Certification of Completion in Machine Shop-Machinist MC1 Option to Certificate of Completion to Industrial Systems Machinist – MC1
        6. Rename the existing Certificate of Completion in Machine Shop – Millwright MW1 Option to Certificate of Completion in Industrial Systems Millwright – MW1
        7. Move both certificates under the new Industrial Maintenance Technician Degree
      2. A motion to accept was made by Joe Ganakos and seconded by Dana Woods. Motion carried
      3. DeDe Griffith proposed the following revisions to the CADD Engineering Technology program.
        1. Drafting electives below the degree plan has been eliminated and a Fields of Specialization has been added.
        2. Computer literacy requirement removed – with DFTG 1409 Basic CAD designated as a course to measure computer skills.
        3. POFT 1132 removed – modules added to ENTC 1191.
        4. POFT 2312 removed – written assignments added back to all introductory level courses.
        5. Add new DFTG 1410 as a required course – replacing DFTG 2412.
        6. Add DFTG 2407 replacing DFTG 1458.
        7. Discontinue DFTG 2440, DFTG 2442, and DFTG 2467.
        8. Add new DFTG 1325 Blueprint Reading to the Drafting electives.
      4. A motion to accept was made by Joe Ganakos and seconded by Donnetta Suchon. Motion carried.
      5. Marice Ivey – Course change in HIT program
        Marice Ivey proposed POFT 2301 will replace POFI 2301. A motion to accept was made by Dana Woods and seconded by Roberta McClure. Motion carried.
      6. Angela Noack – Changes to Certificate of Completion in Cosmetology and Cosmetology High School (HS) Dual Credit
        1. Angela Noack proposed the following changes to the Certificate of Completion in Cosmetology.
          1. CSME 1254 replaces CSME 1248
          2. CSME 1255 replaces CSME 1244
          3. CSME 2410 replaces CSME 1551
          4. CSME 2441 replaces CSME 2245
          5. CSME 2439 replaces CSME 2539
        2. A motion to accept was made by Donnetta Suchon and seconded by Joe Ganakos. Motion carried.
        3. Angela Noack proposed a new Certificate of Completion in Cosmetology HS Dual Credit. This will allow a dual credit student to receive a certificate. The certificate will reflect TDLR curriculum requirements for HS students. The high school student will clock 1000 hours instead of the college student who must clock 1500 hours. A motion to accept was made by Donnetta Suchon and seconded by Karen Guthmiller. After discussion, motion carried.
      7. Tatyana Gilbert – Changes for AAS in Mechanical Engineering Technology Degree and Certificate.
        1. Tatyana Gilbert proposed the following revisions to the AAS in Mechanical Engineering Technology.
          1. Remove ENGT 2310 from the first semester of AAS MET and certificate.
          2. Remove BMGT 1307 from the second semester of AAS MET.
          3. Remove CETT 1302 from the third semester of AAS MET.
          4. Replace INTM 1371 with INMT 1311 in the third semester of AAS MET and the second semester of the certificate.
          5. Replace ENTC 1343 with ARCE 2444 in the fourth semester of AAS MET.
          6. Move ENGT 2307 from the second to the 1st semester of the certificate.
        2. A motion to accept was made by Roberta McClure and seconded by Donnetta Suchon. After discussion, motion carried.
      8. Odus Shoemake – GIS Degree Changes
        1. Odus Shoemake proposed the following changes to the AAS degree in Geographic Information Systems.
          1. COSC 1301 will be replaced with ITSC 1309.
          2. SPCH 1315 will be replaced with SPCH 1321
          3. SOCI 2319 will be replaced by an elective to be selected from the courses in the Social/Behavioral Science other section of the Course Option of the Core Curricula.
        2. A motion to accept was made by Joe Ganakos and seconded by Dana Woods. After discussion, motion carried.
    3. Donna Burroughs – changes to Process Piping Design Degree
      1. Donna Burroughs proposed changing Physics to a Natural Science in the AAS Process Piping Design degree. A motion to accept was made by Joe Ganakos and seconded by Donnetta Suchon. Motion carried
      2. Donna Burroughs proposed a new Process Piping Design certificate. A motion to accept was made by Dana Woods and seconded by Donnetta Suchon. Motion carried.
  4. Open Forum
    1. Michael Gos announced that if Dr. Murphy needs to attend the CAAC meetings to let him know and he would attend the meeting.

Meeting adjourned at 3:25 p.m.

Respectfully submitted, Susan Keith, Secretary
Approved by: Michael Gos, CAAC Chair
