CAAC Minutes: 2010-03-23

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Members Present: Michael Gos, Paul Arrigo, Howard Bushart, Stewart Edwards, Joseph Ganakos, Karen Guthmiller, Susan Hamby, Rod Hellyer, Jimmy Lockett, Roberta McClure, Bob Slade, Donnetta Suchon, Dana Woods, Rosemary Coffman

Members Absent: Kenneth Booker, Gary Gibson, Tracie Hervey, Jim Richardson

Meeting was called to order at 2:00pm

1. Approval of Minutes:
Minutes from February 16, 2010 were approved with the following change. Math 305 was assigned Math 350.
2. Old Business
• Joyce Jacobs – Proposal to require EDUC 1300/COSS 300 for developmental students. Joyce Jacobs presented a proposal that all first time at Lee College students with test scores placing them into two or more developmental courses will be required to take COSS 0300 when enrolling in six or more credits. Also students who have tested into only one area of developmental coursework but two or more levels below the level required for their degree or certificate, then the student will be required to take COSS 0300 their first semester at Lee College when enrolling in six or more credits for the semester. A motion to accept was made by Susan Hamby and seconded by Dana Woods. After discussion an amendment was made to replace the word take with the words successfully complete. A motion to accept was made by Paul Arrigo and seconded by Bob Slade. Amendment passes.
Upon further discussion a second amendment was made to add the following sentence. Students will need to re-enroll in COSS 0300 each semester until the course is successfully completed. A motion to accept the second amendment was made by Joe Ganakos and seconded by Susan Hamby. Amendment passes. The whole proposal passes.
The policy proposal (with changes) will read: All first time at Lee College students with test scores placing them into two or more developmental courses will be required to successfully complete COSS 0300 when enrolling in six or more credits. Also, students who have tested into only one area of developmental coursework, but two or more levels below the level required for their degree or certificate, will be required to successfully complete COSS 0300 their first semester at Lee College when enrolling in six or more credits for the semester. Students will need to re-enroll in COSS 0300 each semester until the course is successfully completed.
3. New Business
• Rosemary Coffman – SACS Policy on Substantive Changes
Rosemary Coffman presented a timely reporting of substantive changes to SACS – Commission on colleges. The following practices will be followed:
• Several committees on campus serve as points of information for changes and/or the introduction of new programs. As such, the College Accreditation Liaison will be an active member of the Executive Council and an ad/hoc member of the Curriculum and Academic Affairs Committee in order to be aware of any changes that may require a substantive change. The Liaison will also receive and review minutes of the Instructional Council.
• The SACS accreditation liaison will be required to sign off on the Course Catalog Maintenance Form. This form is required for all new programs of study and also serves as notification of changes in location for programs. A motion to accept was made by Dana Woods and seconded by Joe Ganakos. After discussion an amendment was made to replace the words College Accreditation to SACS Liaison. Replace Executive with President’s and remove the word accreditation to read “The SACS liaison will be required to sign off on the Course Catalog Maintenance Form”. A motion to accept was made by Karen Guthmiller and seconded by Dana Woods. The amendment passes.
• Dana Byal – Construction Engineering Technology changes
Dana Byal presented course changes to the Construction Engineering Technology program. The number of lec/lab hours will reflect 3/1 for the CNBT electives: CNBT 1300, CNBT 1311, CNBT 1316, CNBT 2310, and CNBT 2317. Remove from the electives SRVY 1413 and FIRT 1329. Add to the CNBT elective list FIRT 1340. Omit from the CNBT core curriculum – KINE, ENTC 1191, POFT 1132, and Computer Literacy. Add to curriculum DFTG 2419. A motion to accept was made by Joe Ganakos and seconded by Rod Hellyer. Karen Guthmiller expressed concerns about omitting some courses from the core curriculum. After further discussion, the motion carried with an abstention made by Karen Guthmiller.
• Gordon Lee – Liberal Arts degree, Mexican-American Studies Emphasis
Gordon Lee proposed a new AA degree in Liberal Arts – Mexican-American Studies Option. A motion to accept was made by Susan Hamby and seconded by Donnetta Suchon. After discussion, motion carried.
• Tom O’Kuma – ENGR 2406
Tom O’Kuma proposed adding ENGR 2406 to the pre-engineering curriculum. A motion to accept was made by Donnetta Suchon and seconded by Dana Woods. Motion carried.
• DeDe Griffith – New courses for AS in Math/Physics/Pre-Engineering
Tatyana Gilbert presented for DeDe Griffith to add new courses ENGR 1201, ENGR 1204, and COSC 1338 to the AS in Math/Physics/Pre-Engineering. Motion to accept was made by Susan Hamby and seconded by Paul Arrigo. After discussion, motion carried.
• Michael Gos – Bylaws revision
Michael Gos presented for a first vote the changes in the name of divisions under Pt. #7. It was requested by Joe Ganakos that the word Communication be added to read – Speech Communication, Language and Teacher Education. A motion to accept was made by Joe Ganakos and seconded by Dana Woods. Motion carried.

4. Open Forum
Michael Gos discussed submitting Course Maintenance forms for new courses and sending electronic copies of all information. Michael Gos reminded the divisions scheduled for election should submit names before next meeting.

Meeting adjourned at 3:00pm

Respectfully submitted, Approved by:
Susan Keith, Secretary Michael Gos, CAAC Chair
