Members Present: Paul Arrigo, Rosemary Coffman, Stewart Edwards, Joseph Ganakos, Michael Gos, Karen Guthmiller, Tia Hall, Vicky Hart, Rod Hellyer, Joyce Jacobs, David Jaroszewski, Angela Noack for Cindy Lewis, Doylean Sprauve, Jeff Thies. Guests: Cathy Kemper, Tom O’Kuma, DeDe Griffith, Al Zucha, Kellie Sartor, Dana Byal, Troy Oehler
Members Absent: Kenneth Booker, Howard Bushart, Jim Richardson, Donnetta Suchon, Dana Woods
Meeting was called to order at 2:05 p.m.
1. Approval of Minutes: Minutes from October 18, 2011 were approved as written.
2. Old Business: Joseph Ganakos discussed additional progress that has been made by the CAAC Submission Process Subcommittee. Joseph Ganakos is requesting help from individuals to test the program.
3. New Business:
• Rosemary Coffman announced that SACS is requiring a six months advance notice of preapproval on closure of programs.
• Suzanne Nordhaus requested approval for the following prerequisite corrections for the Game courses. ARTC 1453 – Pre/corequisite COSC 1301, ITSC 1309, or BCIS 1405. ARTV 1341 – Prerequisite GAME 1336. GAME 1304 – Prerequisites ARTC 1453, GAME 1302, GAME 1306. GAME 1336 – Prerequisites GAME 1306 and GAME 1302. GAME 1394 – prerequisite – previously completed minimum 6 hours GAME course work. GAME 2332 will have a correction to course description wording to reflect (Game Development Specialist) and prerequisites GAME 1304 and COSC 1436. GAME 2334 – prerequisite GAME 2332. A motion to accept was made by Tia Hall and seconded by Joseph Ganakos. Motion carried.
• Suzanne Nordhaus presented for Roberta McClure. Suzanne Nordhaus proposed changes in math requirements for the AS degree in Computer Science. Entry prerequisites – MATH 1414 (Algebra) or equivalent and MATH 2412 (Precalculus) or equivalent. A motion to accept was made by Paul Arrigo and seconded by Stewart Edwards. Motion carried.
• Michael Gos presented a flow chart of the curriculum approval process. Joyce Jacobs made a motion to add Dean’s check off immediately after CAAC approval. Tia Hall seconded. Motion carried.
• Rod Hellyer proposed replacing WLDG 2331 with WLDG 1313 in the AAS Welding degree program and the Certificate of Completion in Welding Technology and Welding Inspection Technology. A motion to accept was made by Joseph Ganakos and seconded by Joyce Jacobs. Motion carried.
• Karen Guthmiller proposed dropping KINE 1301 (Foundations in Physical Education) from the AS in Kinesiology/Recreation and KINE 2356 (Care and Prevention of Athletic Injuries) from the AS in Kinesiology/Fitness. A motion to accept was made by Joyce Jacobs and seconded by Tia Hall. Motion carried.
• Odus Shoemake proposed the following changes to the Computer Information Systems program.
a. AAS Personal Computer Support – Replace ITSW 2337 (Advanced Database) with GISC 1311 (Introduction to Geographic Information Systems). Removal of ITSE 1350 (System Analysis and Design). A motion to accept was made by Joseph Ganakos and seconded by Paul Arrigo. Motion carried.
b. AAS E-Business Web Developer and Specialist and Certificate of Completion E-Business Web Developer Specialist II. Replace ITSW 2337 (Advanced Database) with GISC 1311 (Introduction to Geographic Information Systems). Add IMED 1445 (Interactive Digital Media I) as an additional prerequisite for IMED 2311 (Portfolio Development). A motion to accept was made by Stewart Edwards and seconded by Rod Hellyer. Motion carried.
• Tom O’Kuma proposed changing the credit hours from 4 credit hours to 3 credit hours for the following Mathematics courses starting fall 2012.
• Math 1414 to Math 1314
• Math 1425 to Math 1325
• Math 1442 to Math 1342
• Math 2418 to Math 2318
• Math 2420 to Math 2320
Joseph Ganakos made a motion to accept and seconded by Karen Guthmiller. Motion carried.
• DeDe Griffith proposed the following changes to the Industrial Systems Technology program.
a. AAS degree in Industrial Systems Technology – Replace MCHN 1391 with MCHN 1302. Delete DFTG 1325 from program and PS inventory. Replace MCHN 1452 with MCHN 1438. Remove TECM 1349 from program. Delete INMT 2303 from program and PS inventory. Delete MCHN 2403 from program and PS inventory. Add MCHN 2445 to the 3rd semester. Designate capstone to be INMT 1311 for the degree (remove capstone elective options). Add MCHN 2412 to the 4th semester.
b. Certificate of Completion in Industrial Systems Machinist – replace MCHN 1391 with MCHN 1302. Replace MCHN 1452 with MCHN 1438. Add MCHN 1343. Move MCHN 2445 to 3rd semester. Designate capstone to be MCHN 2445. Remove MCHN 1416 from program. Add INMT 1311.
c. Certificate of Completion in Industrial Systems Millwright – replace MCHN 1391 with MCHN 1302. Move MCHN 1343 to first semester (from 3rd). A motion to accept was made by Joseph Ganakos and seconded by Rod Hellyer. Motion carried.
• DeDe Griffith proposed the following changes to the Process Piping Design program.
a. AAS in Process Piping Design – Omit PTAC 1410. Move the Humanities requirement to the second semester. Change ENTC 1343 to ARCE 2444. Move ARCE 2444 to the last semester. Omit DFTG 2438 and DFTG 2486. Move PFPB 2449 to 4th semester.
b. Certificate of Completion in Process Piping Design – Omit DFTG 2438 and DFTG 2486. Designate DFTG 2457 as the capstone – no other Option. Joseph Ganakos made a motion to accept and Paul Arrigo seconded. Motion carried.
• DeDe Griffith proposed the following changes to the Construction Engineering Technology program.
a. Delete AAS in Construction Engineering Technology.
b. Delete Certificate of Completion in Construction and Building Technology.
c. Revise Certificate of Completion in Construction Management Technology.
• Rename Certificate to Architectural Construction and Building Technology.
• Replace CNBT 1311 with CNBT 1411.
• Move DFTG 1409 to 1st semester.
• Replace CNBT/FIRT electives with specified courses to meet specific learning outcomes – CNBT 2317, DFTG 2419, and DFTG 1417.
• Add DFTG 2428 and DFTG 2431 to 3rd semester.
• Designate DFTG 2431 as capstone.
d. Omit the following courses from the program and the PS inventory:
FIRT 1302, FIRT 1340, FIRT 1408, CNBT 1300, CNBT 1315, CNBT 1316, CNBT 1491, CNBT 2310, CNBT 2437, CNBT 2442, CNBT 2444, CNBT 2467.
Karen Guthmiller made a motion to accept and Joseph Ganakos seconded. Motion carried.
• DeDe Griffith proposed the following changes to the Mechanical Engineering Technology program.
a. Delete AAS in Mechanical Engineering Technology.
b. Revise Certificate of Completion in Mechanical Engineering Technology.
• Rename Certificate to Mechanical Technology.
• Delete ENTC 1191 from program and PS inventory.
• Remove ENGR 1204 from 1st semester.
• Add MCHN 1302 to the 1st semester.
• Replace MCHN 1452 with MCHN 1438 and move to 2nd semester.
• Remove INMT 2488 from 2nd semester and PS inventory.
• Adding a 3rd semester that includes – DFTG 2432 and DFTG 2435.
• Move INMT 1311 to 3rd semester for capstone.
Joseph Ganakos made a motion to accept and Stewart Edwards seconded. Motion carried.
• DeDe Griffith proposed the following changes to the Computer Aided Drafting and Design Engineering Technology program.
a. AAS in CADD Engineering Technology – Delete ENTC 1191 from degree and PS inventory. Add Drafting elective to first semester.
b. 2nd semester – unchanged
c. 3rd semester – unchanged
d. 4th semester – Delete DFTG 1410 from program and PS inventory (replace with Drafting elective). Designate DFTG 2486 as capstone. Remove DFTG 2438 from program – it will remain in inventory to teach out the previous catalog plans.
e. Certificate of Completion in CADD – Advanced Technology
• Revise four semester certificate to be two semester certificate.
• 1st semester – add TECM 1349 to replace drafting elective in 1st semester. Total for semester 11 semester credit hours.
• 2nd semester – move Drafting elective and DFTG 2432 from 3rd semester to 2nd semester.
• Omit DFTG 2438 from the program – it will remain in PS inventory for teach out of previous catalog programs.
• Omit DFTG 2486 from certificate.
• Total 2nd semester – 16 semester credit hours
• Designate DFTG 2432 as the capstone.
• Total semester credit hours: 27 hrs.
f. Revise drafting electives found on degree page:
1. Omit from drafting electives list in the program and PS inventory.
i. DFTG 2400
ii. DFTG 2427
iii. DFTG 2430
iv. DFTG 1325
2. Add to existing list of drafting electives. Place in specific tracks:
a. Track I – CMT1
i. CNBT 1411 Construction Methods and Material (revise from previous CNBT 1311).
ii. CNBT 2317 Green Building
iii. CNBT 2410 Commercial Blueprint Reading
b. Track II – MET1
i. MCHN 1302 Print Reading for Machine Trades
ii. MCHN 1438 Basic Machine Shop
iii. INMT 1311 Computer Integrated Manufacturing
c. Track III – PIED
i. CETT 1302 Electricity Principles
ii. INTC 1312 Instrumentation & Safety
iii. INTC 1343 Application of Industrial Automatic Control
iv. Move DFTG 2423 Pipe Drafting into Track III
3. Omit Process Piping Design Specialization electives from list.
After discussion, Joseph Ganakos recommended switching Oral Communication to the 3rd semester and Natural Science/Math to 4th semester in the AAS CADD degree. Stewart Edwards made a motion to accept and seconded by Joyce Jacobs. Motion carried.
• DeDe Griffith proposed the following revisions to the Certificate of Completion in Process Instrumentation and Electrical Design.
• Omit PTAC 1332
• Add INTC 1343
• Designate DFTG 2408 as capstone
Joseph Ganakos made a motion to accept and seconded by Karen Guthmiller. Motion carried.
• Tex Woodall proposed a change to the Instrumentation Technology program by changing all 4 hour lecture/lab classes to 3 hour lecture/lab classes. The classes are: INTC 1456, INTC 1441, INTC 2436, and INTC 2450. A motion to accept was made by Karen Guthmiller and seconded by Joseph Ganakos. Motion carried.
• Tex Woodall proposed adding a new class (ITNW 1451) to the Instrumentation Technology certificate program. Joseph Ganakos made a motion to accept and seconded by Rod Hellyer. Motion carried.
• David Jaroszewski proposed that SOCI 2336 (Criminology) is included as an alternative to SOCI 1301 (Introduction to Sociology) in the Criminal Justice AAS degree and the Certificate of Completion. A motion to accept was made by Tia Hall and seconded by Rod Hellyer. Motion carried.
4. Open Forum: None
Meeting adjourned at 3:15pm.
Respectfully submitted, Approved by:
Susan Keith, Secretary Michael Gos, CAAC Chair