Members Present: Paul Arrigo, Kenneth Booker, Rosemary Coffman, Stewart Edwards, Joseph Ganakos, Michael Gos, Karen Guthmiller, Susan Hamby, Jimmy Lockett, Odus Shoemake, Jim Richardson, Bob Slade, Donnetta Suchon.
Members Absent: Howard Bushart, Jill Curf, Rod Hellyer, Cindy Lewis, Doylean Sprauve, Dana Woods.
Meeting was called to order at 2:00pm
1. Approval of Minutes: The minutes from November 16, 2010 meeting were approved as written.
2. Old Business: None
3. New Business:
• Chuck Ganze proposed replacing CPMT 2445 with ITCC 1408 in both the Computer Maintenance certificate, the degree program and the Cisco certificate. A motion to accept was made by Jimmy Lockett and seconded by Joe Ganakos. Motion carried.
• Richard Tunstall proposed that all AAS degrees require BUSI 1304 to fulfill the Written Communication core. A motion to accept was made by Odus Shoemake and seconded by Jimmy Lockett. After discussion, the motion was made to amend the original motion to state there will be a notification in the catalog that BUSI 1304 is the recommended option. A motion to accept was made by Joe Ganakos and seconded by Donnetta Suchon. Both motions carried.
• Charlotte Mueller proposed adding MUSI 1311, MUSI 1312, MUSI 2311, and MUSI 2312 to fulfill the Humanities requirement core. A motion to accept was made by Susan Hamby and seconded by Stewart Edwards. Motion carried.
• Michael Gos presented a current and revised draft of the Lee College Board Curriculum Policy and Process. After discussion, The policy proposal (with changes) will read: {Lee College will continually reappraise its overall programs to assure that the courses offered meet the needs of the community – business, industry, learners, and potential transfer institutions. Widespread faculty involvement in the planning of course offerings and in exploration of new techniques to meet learning objectives is encouraged. The development of the content, quality, and effectiveness of curricula is the primary responsibility of the faculty working in cooperation with advisory committees, division chairs, instructional deans, and the Vice President of Learning. The Curriculum and Academic Affairs Committee approves proposed curriculum changes. The Vice President of Learning shall consult the Executive Council on curricula before approval. Final administrative approval of curricula rests with the President. The Board will approve all programs. The Board will approve individual curricula when appropriate}. Michael Gos made a motion to approve the changes and it was seconded by Paul Arrigo. Motion carried.
• Steve Showalter proposed changing prerequisites for only online classes. A motion to accept was made by Joe Ganakos and seconded by Stewart Edwards. After motion was made and with further discussion, Steve Showalter withdrew his proposal.
• Michael Gos reported in order for a class to be pulled or discontinued, a vote is needed to kill a class.
• Bryant Dyer proposed adding prerequisites for process technology courses: The prerequisite Math 310 or equivalent and Read 301 or equivalent will be added to PTAC 1302, PTAC 1308, PTAC 1410, PTAC 1332, and SCIT 1414. The prerequisite PTAC 1302, PTAC 1410, PTAC 1332, Math 310 or equivalent, Read 301 or equivalent will be added to PTAC 2314. The prerequisite PTAC 1410, PTAC 1332, SCIT 1414, Math 310 or equivalent, Read 301 or equivalent will be added to PTAC 2420, PTAC 2438, and PTAC 2446. The prerequisite PTAC 1302, PTAC 1410, PTAC 1332, PTAC 2420, SCIT 1414, Math 310 or equivalent, Read 301 or equivalent will be added to ENGT 2310. A motion to accept was made by Jimmy Lockett and seconded by Odus Shoemake. Motion carried.
• DeDe Griffith presented for Donna Burroughs changes to the Piping Design program.
Replace ARCE 2444 with ENTC 1343. A motion to accept was made by Joe Ganakos and seconded by Bob Slade. Motion carried.
• Teresa Landers proposed pre and co-requisites for Child Development. On CDEC 2322 remove pre/corequisite CDEC 1317 and replace with Read 300 or equivalent. On CDEC 2324 remove pre/corequisite CDEC 2322 and replace with Read 300 or equivalent. A motion to accept was made by Odus Shoemake and seconded by Joe Ganakos. Motion carried.
• Jim Richardson proposed modifications to the Electrical Construction program. In the fourth semester of the AAS degree in Electrical Technology remove the ELPT elective and replace it with ELPT 2331. In the sentence, “Electrical Studies elective may be chosen from ELPT 1321, 2301, 2325, 2355, 2380, or others as approved by Lead Instructor,” remove the word may and replace with must. Jim Richardson proposed a new Certificate of Completion in Electrical Construction and a name change of the Certification of Completion in Electrical Technology to read Certificate of Completion in Electrical Technician Technology. A motion to accept was made by Jimmy Lockett and seconded by Odus Shoemake. Motion carried.
• Paul Lucke proposed replacing ARCH 1303 with ARCH 1403. The new pre/co-requisites for ARCH 1303 are: ARCH 1311, ARCH 1307, DFTG 1405 or DFTG 1409. Remove ARCH 2301 as Pre/Co-requisite. The new pre/co-requisites for ARCH 1304 are ARCH 1308 or DFTG 1409. The new pre/co-requisites for ARCH 1307 are ARCH 1303 and ARCH 1311. The new pre/co-requisite for ARCH 1308 is ARCH 1304. A motion to accept was made by Susan Hamby and seconded by Bob Slade. Motion carried.
• Odus Shoemake proposed two course changes in the Computer Technology Division. Replace ITSW 2337 with ITSE 2309. A motion to accept was made by Karen Guthmiller and seconded by Joe Ganakos. Motion carried. Replace COSC 1300 with COSC 1301. A motion to accept was made by Joe Ganakos and seconded by Paul Arrigo. Motion carried.
4. Open Forum: Michael Gos announced the next CAAC meeting will be March 22, 2011.
Meeting adjourned at 3:00pm
Respectfully submitted, Approved by:
Susan Keith, Secretary Michael Gos, CAAC Chair