CAAC Minutes: 2016: 11-15

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CAAC Minutes
November 15, 2016

Members Present:
Paul Allen, Howard Bushart, Keith Coleman, Vicky Hart, Karen Guthmiller, Jim Dobberstine (Bill Gammel), Stewart Edwards, David Sholmire, Charlotte Mueller, Paul Arrigo, Sarah Tidwell, David Jaroszewski, Layton Childress, and Joe Ganakos.

Members Not Present:
Doylean Sprauve, Andy Miller, Charles Thomas, Tex Woodall, DeDe Griffith, Rosemary Coffman, Ingrid Wallace and Rod Hellyer.

  1. Approval of Minutes
    Karen Guthmiller made motion to approve the October 18, 2016, CAAC Minutes; seconded by Stewart Edwards.
    Motion passed unanimously.
  2. Informational Items
    1. Scott Bennett
    2. David Jaroszewski
    Get used to hearing the words “Guided Pathways” and “Meta Majors.”
  3. Old Business
    1. Lauren Grous
    i. Change/Update SCH: Engineering Mechanics – Statistics (1004)
    1. Tabled from October Meeting
    When the Engineering Statistics class was set up it was created as a 2300 series, which is 3 hours with no Lab. It is in the ACGM as both a 3 hour class and a 4 hour class. Now after teaching the course for a few semesters it appears too beneficial to have the extra hour for the lab portion. They would now like to make this a 2400 series course instead of a 2300, both of which are already in the catalog. This is not a required course, it is recommended. If you are taking the engineering path to the associate degree, you would take a different class, but if you were just taking all the Engineering courses that are transferable this course would be recommended.
    Paul Arrigo made motion to approve; seconded by Vicki Hart.
    Motion passed unanimously.
    2. Sarah Tidwell
    i. Miscellaneous: Wording in Catalog regarding Grade Change (1031)
  4. New Business
    1. Tabled from October Meeting
    Tabled until the February 2017 Meeting.
    1. Gregory Lattier
    i. Change/Update Deg/Cert Plan: Business – Marketing (1001)
    This is an addition to the Marketing Certificate, adding the option of Web Page Design. Huntsville does not offer Web Page Design, this gives the choice of Intro to Psychology or Web Page Design. 3 hours are being added to the Marketing Certificate with the “or” as an option for Huntsville.
    Vicki Hart made motion to approve; seconded by Keith Coleman. Motion passes unanimously.
    ii. Change/Update Deg/Cert Plan: Business – Entrepreneurship (1002)
    This will give the choice of Web Page Design or Human Relations.
    Karen Guthmiller made motion to approve; seconded by Charlotte Mueller.
    The total semester credit hours on the degree certificate it says 24 (its currently 24/25) the addition of this course option would bring it to 27/28. It does not change the Certificate level.
    Motion passes unanimously.
    2. Sarah Tidwell
    i. Replace Course: PSYT 1313 with PSYT 1013 (1037)
    This is a bridge class which is required. Requesting to change it to a non-credit class so that Financial Aid does not count it as an elective.
    Stewart Edwards made motion; seconded by Paul Arrigo.
    Motion passes unanimously.
    3. Tamera Gross
    i. Change/Update Course Requisite: DFTG 2323 (1038)
    Change the Co-Req for PFPB 2449 from DFTG 2423 to DFTG 2445.
    Keith Coleman made motion; seconded by Sarah Tidwell.
    Motion passes unanimously.
    4. Lauren Grous
    i. Change/Update SCH: ENGR 2302 (1039)
    Change the course number from ENGR 2302 to ENGR 2402 to add the Lab hour. Paul Arrigo made motion; seconded by Charlotte Mueller.
    Motion passes unanimously.
    5. Jim Dobberstine
    i. Change/Update Course Requisite: MATH 1324 (1040)
    ii. Change/Update Course Requisite: MATH 1325 (1041)
    Both (1040 & 1041) are ACGM changes.
    The Math Prerequisite changed to ENRD 402 or equivalent (READ 302 or equivalent may replace ENRD 402).
    Stewart Edwards made motion; seconded by Sarah Tidwell.
    Motion passes unanimously.
    6. Rod Hellyer
    i. Replace Course: ENGL 2311 with POFT 1227 (1042)
    Karen Guthmiller made motion; seconded by Keith Coleman.
    Motion passes unanimously.
    ii. Change/Update Deg/Cert Plan: AS in Welding (1014)
    Typo when creating the Agenda. This matter was already addressed.
    7. Graeme Cox
    i. Change/Update Degree/Cert Plan: Kinesiology Health (1043)
    Degree Plan Change – KINE has 2 degree plans – since the change in total credit hours to 60 and 120 a lot of the courses are not transferring as there isn’t the elective spaces to put them in. Kept the 3 strongest classes that transfer pretty much as those specific classes. Students now have the ability to take 9 hours of other classes that are required by their transfer intuition. The new plan replaces the Coaching degree, thus combining both degrees into one.
    Stewart Edwards made motion; seconded by Paul Arrigo. Motion passes unanimously.
    8. Charlotte Muller
    i. Change/Update Degree/Cert Plan: Creative Arts (1044)
    Request that MUSI 1181 be added to the list of music courses for students to choose from in the Area of Concentration for the Creative Arts CR4 degree.
    Sarah Tidwell made motion; seconded by Karen Guthmiller.
    Motion passes unanimously.
    ii. Change/Update Degree/Cert Plan: Creative Arts (1046)
    Request that 2-credit MUAP (Applied music) courses be added to the list of music courses for students to choose from in the Area of Concentration for the Creative Arts CR4 degree.
    Bill Gammel made motion; seconded by Paul Arrigo.
    Motion passes unanimously.
    9. Harold Martin
    i. Change/Update Degree/Cert Plan: Creative Arts (1045)
    Request to add Stagecraft 1 as another drama course in the options available to students in the Area of Concentration for the Creative Arts degree. Existing courses from which to select are Makeup, Introduction to Costume, Acting 1, and Acting 2. Stage craft 1 is a general course more tailored to the generalist nature of this degree program.
    Karen Guthmiller made motion; seconded by Charles Thomas.
    Motion passes unanimously.
    10. Charles Thomas
    i. Change/Update SCH: SCIT 1414 (1047) (1047 & 1052) are duplicates.
    ii. Change/Update SCH: PTAC 2446 (1049)
    (1049 & 1053) are duplicates.
    Want to drop 1 hour going from a 4 hour to a 3 hour course. Paul Arrigo made motion; seconded by Bill Gammel.
    Motion passes unanimously.
    iii. Change/Update Degree/Cert Plan: Process Tech (1050)
    Change Natural Science elective to PHYSICS (4SCH) elective. This includes any PHYS (4) SCH course.
    Sarah Tidwell made motion; seconded by Karen Guthmiller.
    Motion passes unanimously.
    iv. Change/Update Degree/Cert Plan: Process Tech (1051)
    Replace KINE one hour elective with a 3 SCH open elective.
    Sarah Tidwell made motion; seconded by Bill Gammel.
    Motion passes unanimously.
    v. Change/Update Degree/Cert Plan: Process Tech (1052)
    (1047 & 1052) are duplicates
    vi. Change/Update Degree/Cert Plan: Process Tech (1053)
    (1049 & 1053) are duplicates.
    vii. Change/Update Degree/Cert Plan: Safety Management Tech (1054)
    Change SCIT 1414 to 1314 Applied General Chemistry. Karen Guthmiller made motion; seconded by Bill Gammel. Motion passes unanimously.
    viii. Change/Update Degree/Cert Plan: Safety Management Tech (1055)
    Adding KINE 1100-1164 (1SCH) to cap the SMT Program at 60 SCH. Stewart Edwards made motion; seconded by Paul Arrigo.
    Motion passes unanimously.
    ix. Change/Update Degree/Cert Title: Manufacturing Engineering Tech (1056)
    Change Degree Title from Manufacturing Engineering Technology (AAS-MEAT2) to Manufacturing Engineering (AAS – MAET2)
    Keith Coleman made motion; seconded by Karen Guthmiller.
    Motion passes unanimously.
    11. Treva Brown-Askey
    i. Change/Update Course Description: EDUC 1200 (1048)
    Three changes to EDUC 1200:
    1) Name change from Learning Pathways to Learning Frameworks
    2) Changing the prerequisite from ENRD 402 to ENRD 401
    3) Description
    Paul Arrigo made motion; seconded by Vicki Hart.
    Motion passes unanimously.
  5. Open Forum
    Charles Thomas has two request that need to be addressed in a December Electronic Vote so that these changes can be made in the Fall 2017.
    1) Change/Update SCH (1057)
    PTAC 2446 Process Troubleshooting has been changed to a 3 semester hour course (PTAC 2346). This affects the Manufacturing Engineering degree.
    2) Change/Update Deg/Cert Plan (1058)
    Adding one SCH to the Manufacturing Engineering degree plan to balance the program at 60 SCH. This is in response to PTAC 2446 Process Troubleshooting being changed in the PTEC degree plan to PTAC 2346.
    These items will be presented by Joe Ganakos via email and voted on electronically.

Note: ( ) indicates the number of the item in the Curriculum Maintenance System.
