CAAC Minutes: 2016-02-16

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CAAC Meeting

February 16, 2016 – 2 p.m.



Members Present: Paul Allen, Howard Bushart, Keith Coleman, Vicky Hart, Andy Miller, Karen Guthmiller, Jim

Dobberstine, Stewart Edwards, Tex Woodall, Cathy Kemper-Pelle, Charlotte Mueller, Paul Arrigo, Sarah Tidwell, Rosemary Coffman, Daria Willis, Layton Childress, Joe Ganakos, Ingrid Wallace for Sharon Lockett, Rod Hellyer.

Members not Present: Doylean Sprauve

  1. Approval of Minutes
  2. Old Business
    1. Charles Thomas
      1. Discontinue Degree/Cert (836, 837, 838, 839). Paul Arrigo made motion to take off table. Keith Coleman seconded. No discussion. 836-839 carried unanimously.
  3. New Business
    1. Joe Ganakos
      Consent Agenda regarding all 4-Semester Degree Plans: (867, 887, 888, 890, 891, 892, 897, 898, 899, 900, 902, 920, 921. 922. 923, 924, 925, 926, 927, 928, 929). Paul Arrigo made motion to approve. Stewart Edwards seconded. No discussion. Motion carried unanimously.
    2. Charles Thomas
      1. Discontinue Degree/Cert: Safety Management Technology (840)
      2. Discontinue SMI Level 1 and Level 2 Certificate. Rod Hellyer made motion to approve. Howard Bushart seconded. No discussion. Motion carried. ii. Discontinue Course – Deg/Cert: ENGT 2310 (841) Stewart Edwards made motion to approve. Paul Arrigo seconded. Discussion: course dropped from PTEC, still offered in Safety. Motion carried.
      3. Change/Update SCH: SCIT 1418 (842). Change SCIT 1318 to SCIT 1418. Paul Arrigo made motion to approve, Keith Coleman seconded. No discussion. Motion carried.
      4. Change/Update Deg/Cert Plan: Process Technology (843). Replace CHEM/1419 or PHYS14XX with Natural Science Elective in Process Technology (AAS-PT2). Dr. Charlotte Mueller made motion to approve, Vicky Hart seconded. No discussion. Motion carried.
      5. Discontinue Course – Deg/Cert: CHEM 1419/PHYS 14xx (844). Discontinue course in Process Technology AAS-PT2 (duplicate of #843).
      6. Change/Update SCH: PTAC 2446 (845) Change PTAC 2346 to PTAC 2446 in Process Technology. Vicky Hart made motion to approve, Paul Arrigo seconded. No discussion. Motion carried.
      7. Change/Update Deg/Cert Plan: Process Technology (846) Process Technology Degree AAS PT2 – add KINE 1164 to degree plan, 4th semester, 3rd Stewart Edwards made motion to approve, Rod Hellyer seconded. Discussion: does it have to be 1164? No. Change to KINE 1 hour elective. Amendment suggested: substitute 1164 to any Kinesiology 1100-1164. Motion for original plan made by Keith Coleman, seconded by Vicky Hart. Motion to amend motion to reflect KINE 1100-1164 made by Stewart Edwards, seconded by Howard Bushart. Discussion from registrar regarding substitutions. Motion passed for original motion with amended verbiage.
      8. Change/Update Course Requisite: PTAC 2420 (937) update course requisites. Paul Arrigo made motion to approve, Rod Hellyer seconded. No discussion. Motion carried.
      9. Change/Update Deg/Cert Plan: Safety Management Tech (939) add BMGT elective in 3rd semester, 1st sequence. Karen Guthmiller made motion to approve, Dr. Mueller seconded. Motion carried.
      10. Change/Update Deg/Cert Plan: Manufacturing Engineering Tech (944). Replace PTAC 1302 with ENGT 2320. Paul Arrigo made motion to approve, Tex Woodall seconded. Discussion: why separate from PTEC? Want to differentiate. Motion carried.
      11. Change/Update Deg/Cert Plan: Manufacturing Engineering Tech (945) Replace open elective in 2nd semester, 5th sequence in MAET2 with CTEC 2250. Karen Guthmiller made motion to approve, Tex Woodall seconded. Discussion: CTEC 2250 is not currently in our system- a new course request has been entered and will be proposed at March CAAC meeting. Motion contingent as long as it passes. Motion carried.
      12. Change/Update Deg/Cert Plan: Manufacturing Engineering Tech (947). Change PTAC 2446 from PTAC 2336. Paul Arrigo made motion to approve, Keith Coleman seconded. No discussion. Motion carried.
      13. Change/Update Deg/Cert Plan: Manufacturing Engineering Tech (948). Replace PHYS 1401 with SCIT 1418 in MAET2. Stewart Edwards made motion to approve, Rod Hellyer seconded. No discussion. Motion carried.
      14. Change/Update Deg/Cert Title: Manufacturing Engineering Tech (949) Die with no motion. Duplicate of 948
      15. Change/Update Deg/Cert Plan: Manufacturing Engineering Tech (951) Remove L1 and L2 certificate from Manufacturing Engineering Technology Plan. Charles Thomas made motion to approve, Karen Guthmiller seconded. No discussion. Motion carried.
    3. Ann Ivey
      1. Change/Update Deg/Cert Plan: Health Information (847) Sequencing change for AAS-MR2 Health Information. Paul Arrigo made motion to approve, Stewart Edwards seconded. No discussion. Motion carried.
      2. Change/Update Course Requisite: HITT 1255 (848) Vicky Hart made motion to approve, Dr. Mueller seconded. No discussion. Motion carried.
      3. Change/Update Course Requisite: HITT 1341 (849) Charles Thomas made motion to approve, Paul Arrigo seconded. No discussion. Motion carried.
      4. Change/Update Course Requisite: HITT 2260 (850) Karen Guthmiller made motion to approve, Charles Thomas seconded. No discussion. Motion carried.
      5. Change/Update Course Requisite: HITT 2249 (851) Keith Coleman made motion to approve, Stewart Edwards seconded. No discussion. Motion carried.
      6. Change/Update Course Requisite: HITT 2160 (852) Charles Thomas made motion to approve, Rod Hellyer seconded. No discussion. Motion carried.
      7. Change/Update Course Requisite: HITT 2301 (853) Charles Thomas made motion to approve, Stewart Edwards seconded. No discussion. Motion carried.
      8. Change/Update Course Requisite: HITT 2335 (854) Paul Arrigo made motion to approve, Keith Coleman seconded. No discussion. Motion carried.
      9. Change/Update Course Requisite: HITT 2335 (855) Duplicate of 854.
      10. Change/Update Course Requisite: HITT 2339 (856) Stewart Edwards made motion to approve, Karen Guthmiller seconded. No discussion. Motion carried.
    4. Charles Ganze
      1. Replace Course: CPMT 2449 with ITSY 1442 (862) in CNET2 AAS and Computer Maintenance Technology MT1. Rod Hellyer made motion to approve, Tex Woodall seconded. No discussion. Motion carried.
      2. Replace Course: CPMT 1449 with ITCC 1475 (863) in CNET2 AAS, CMT MT1, CGT2-AAS, and CGT1. Paul Arrigo made motion to approve, Stewart Edwards seconded. No discussion. Motion carried.
      3. Replace Course: TECM 1341 with ITSC 1309 (864) in Computer Maintenance Technology MT1. Karen Guthmiller made motion to approve, Keith Coleman seconded. No discussion. Motion carried.
      4. Discontinue Course: CPMT 1449 (865) remove from Computer Maintenance Technology Certificate MT1 and CNET2 AAS, CGT2 AAS and CGT 2 CGT1 Certificate. Tex Woodall made motion to approve, Paul Arrigo seconded. Motion carried.
    5. Charlotte Mueller
      1. Change/Update Course Description: MUSI 1311 (866) update course description to match ACGM. Karen Guthmiller made motion to approve, Stewart Edwards seconded. No discussion. Motion carried.
    6. Graeme Cox
      1. Change Grading Basis: KINE 1109 (868-875). Reinstate A-F grading scale. Charles Thomas made motion to approve, Stewart Edwards seconded. No discussion. Motion carried.
      2. Discontinue Course: KINE 1151 (876) Discontinued by ACGM. Karen Guthmiller made motion to approve, Paul Arrigo seconded. No discussion. Motion carried.
      3. Discontinue Course: KINE 1152 (877) Discontinued by ACGM. Karen Guthmiller made motion to approve, Paul Arrigo seconded. No discussion. Motion carried.
      4. Discontinue Course: KINE 2155 (879) Discontinued by ACGM. Karen Guthmiller made motion to approve. Paul Arrigo seconded. No discussion. Motion carried.
      5. Change/Update Course Description: KINE 1164 (881) Introduction to Physical Fitness and Wellness. Paul Allen made motion to approve, Charles Thomas seconded. No discussion. Motion carried.
      6. Change/Update Course Description: KINE 1301(882) Foundations of Kinesiology. Paul Arrigo made motion to approve, Charles Thomas seconded. No discussion. Motion carried.
      7. Change/Update Course Description: KINE 1338 (885) Concepts of Physical Fitness- new description. Tex Woodall made motion to approve, Charles Thomas seconded. No discussion. Motion carried.
      8. Miscellaneous: Addition of KINE 1306 to Core (893) Inadvertently left out of catalog despite previous approval. Keith Coleman made motion to approve, Charles Thomas seconded. No discussion. Motion carried.
    7. Felecia Thomas
      1. Change/Update Course Description: KINE 1304 (878) Personal/Community Health. Karen Guthmiller made motion to approve, Stewart Edwards seconded. No discussion. Motion carried.
      2. Change/Update Course Description: KINE 1346 (880) Drug Use and Abuse. Paul Arrigo made motion to approve, Keith Coleman seconded. No discussion. Motion carried.
      3. Change/Update Course Description: KINE 1306 (883) First Aid. Rod Hellyer made motion to approve, Tex Woodall seconded. No discussion. Motion carried.
      4. Change/Update Course Description: KINE 1308 (886) Sports Officiating. Stewart Edwards made motion to approve, Charles Thomas seconded. No discussion. Motion carried.
    8. Karen Guthmiller
      1. Change/Update Course Description: KINE 1321 (884) Coaching Sports/Athletics. Charles Thomas made motion to approve, Howard Bushart seconded. No discussion. Motion carried.
    9. Channell Cook
      1. New Degree/Certificate: Cert of Completion – Child Dev Admin (895) Howard Bushart made motion to approve, Karen Guthmiller seconded. No discussion. Motion carried.
      2. New Degree/Certificate: Cert of Completion – Child Dev Curr Spec (896) Paul Arrigo made motion to approve, Howard Bushart seconded. Discussion: Registrar Scott Bennett clarified that Certificate is 15 hours and not eligible for financial aid. Motion carried.
    10. Francisca Castillo
      1. Miscellaneous: Change Titles for SPAN 2311 and 2312 (901) Conversation and Composition I and Conversation and Composition II. Stewart Edwards made motion to approve. Charles Thomas seconded. Motion carried.
    11. Kellie Sartor
      1. Replace Course: COSC 1301 with ITSC 1309 (903) in Game Designer Cert GAD1. Charles Thomas made motion to approve, Vicky Hart seconded. No discussion. Motion carried.
      2. Replace Course: COSC 1436 with IMED 1316 (904) in Game Designer Cert Gad1. Tex Woodall made motion to approve, Paul Arrigo seconded. No discussion. Motion carried.
      3. Replace Course: COSC 1301 with ITSC 1309 (905) in Game Specialist Certificate GAS1. Paul Arrigo made motion to approve, Vicky Hart seconded. No discussion. Motion carried.
      4. Replace Course: COSC 1436 with IMED 1316 (906) in Game Specialist Certificate GAS1. Vicky Hart made motion to approve, Keith Coleman seconded. Motion carried.
      5. Replace Course: GAME 2325 with ITSE 1431 (907) in Game Specialist GAS1. Vicky Hart made motion to approve. No discussion. Motion carried.
      6. Replace Course: COSC 1301 with ITSC 1309 (908) in Game Development Specialist (AAS GADS2). Vicky Hart made motion to approve, Stewart Edwards seconded. No discussion. Motion carried.
      7. Discontinue Course – Deg/Cert: MATH 1314 (909) from Game Development Specialist GADS 2. Paul Arrigo made motion to approve, Keith Coleman seconded. No discussion. Motion carried. viii. Replace Course: COSC 1436 with BMGT 1331 (910) in Game Development Specialist AAS- GADS2. Vicky Hart made motion to approve. Keith Coleman seconded. No discussion. Motion carried.
      8. Replace Course: GAME 2332 with IMED 1316 (911) in Game Development Specialist (AASGADS2). Vicky Hart made motion to approve, Charles Thomas seconded. No discussion. Motion carried.
      9. Replace Course: GAME 2325 with BUSG 2309 (917) in Game Development Specialist AASGADS2. Vicky Hart made motion to approve, Paul Arrigo seconded. No discussion. Motion carried.
      10. Replace Course: GAME 2334 with ITSC 1431 (918) in Game Development Specialist (AAS-GADS2). Keith Coleman made motion to approve. Charles Thomas seconded. Motion carried.
    12. Marissa Moreno
      1. Miscellaneous: Academic Standing Language for Catalog (919) including 4-tier explanation: warning, probation, suspension, dismissal for one year. Tex Woodall made motion to approve, Stewart Edwards seconded. Discussion: Enforcement? Approvals received from Drs. Kemper-Pelle and Suchon. Is the suspension subject to appear? Yes. Extenuating circumstances might exist such as a change of major. Student grievance process is already in place. Motion carried.
    13. Jim Richardson
      1. New Course: INTC 1374 (930) for Analytical Instrumentation certificate. Paul Arrigo made motion to approve, Keith Coleman seconded. No discussion. Motion carried.
      2. Change/Update SCH: INTC 2471 (931) to INTC 2371. Karen Guthmiller made motion to approve, Keith Coleman seconded. No discussion. Motion carried.
      3. Change/Update SCH: INTC 2472 (932) to INTC 2372. Karen Guthmiller made motion to approve, Keith Coleman seconded. No discussion. Motion carried.
      4. Discontinue Course – Deg/Cert: INTC 2445 (933) from the Analytical Instrumentation Cert – ATI1. Will remain as part of the AAS Analytical Instrumentation program. Charles Thomas made motion to approve, Keith Coleman seconded. No discussion. Motion carried.
      5. Replace Course: TECM 1341 with TECM 1349 (934) in Analytical Instrumentation Cert ATI1. Tex Woodall made motion to approve, Stewart Edwards seconded. No discussion. Motion carried.
      6. New Degree/Certificate: Analytical Instrumentation Tech (941) Tex Woodall made motion to approve, Keith Coleman seconded. No discussion. Motion carried.
      7. Change/Update Deg/Cert Plan: INTC 2372 (946) capstone course for Analytical Instrumentation Cert ATI1. Paul Arrigo made motion to approve. Keith Coleman seconded. No discussion. Motion carried.
    14. Howard Bushart
      1. Discontinue Course – Catalog: DAAC 2281 (935) remove from Drug & Alcohol Abuse Certificate, remove from catalog. Tex Woodall made motion to approve, Paul Arrigo seconded. No discussion. Motion carried.
      2. Replace Course: DAAC 2280 with DAAC 2380 (940) in Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counseling Certificate CA1. Tex Woodall made motion to approve, Keith Coleman seconded. No discussion. Motion carried.
      3. Change/Update Deg/Cert Plan: Alcohol & Drug Abuse Counseling (942) resequencing DAAC 2341 to 3rd semester, 3rd sequence in Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counseling Cert. CA1. Karen Guthmiller made motion to approve, Charles Thomas seconded. No discussion. Motion carried. iv. Replace Course: DAAC 1280 with DAAC 1380 (943) in Substance Abuse Prevention Cert SAP1. Original request submitted had typo of DAAC 2380 as replacement course. This was corrected prior to CAAC meeting. Stewart Edwards made motion to approve. Charles Thomas seconded. No discussion. Motion carried.
      4. Change/Update Deg/Cert Plan: Substance Abuse Prevention (950) Sequencing change adding DAAC 1380 to 2nd semester, 4th sequence in Substance Abuse Prevention Cert. SAP1. Tex Woodall made motion to approve, Charles Thomas seconded. No discussion. Motion carried.
    15. Tracy Allen
      1. Change/Update Deg/Cert Plan: Nursing (936) resequencing Creative Arts/:PC from 4th to 5th semester in Nursing RN. Tex Woodall made motion to approve, Paul Arrigo seconded. No discussion. Motion carried.
      2. Change/Update Deg/Cert Plan: Nursing (938) Moving ENGL 1302 from 4th to 5th semester in Nursing RN. Keith Coleman made motion to approve, Paul Arrigo seconded. No discussion. Motion carried.
  4. Open Forum
    March 31-April 3, Lee College Hosting debate tournament. Asking for student volunteers/lay judges.

Note: ( ) indicates the number of the item in the Curriculum Maintenance System.

Meeting Adjourned 3:23 p.m.

Submitted by: Jodi Rodriguez, Interim CAAC Secretary
