CAAC Minutes: 2016-03-22

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CAAC Meeting March 22, 2016 – 2:30 p.m.

Members Present:
Paul Allen, Howard Bushart, Keith Coleman, Chuck Ganze (for Vicky Hart), Andy Miller, Charles Thomas, Karen Guthmiller, Stewart Edwards, Tex Woodall, Cathy Kemper-Pelle, Charlette Mueller, Rosemary Coffman, Joe Ganakos, Sharon Lockett, Rod Hellyer.

Members not Present:
Doylean Sprauve, Jim Dobberstine, Paul Arrigo, Sarah Tidwell, Daria Willis, Layton Childress

  1. Approval of Minutes
  2. Old Business None
  3. New Business
    1. Consent Agenda for Remaining 4-Semester Degree Plans: 913-916, 926
      Rod Hellyer made motion to approve. Dr. Charles Thomas seconded. No discussion. (912-916; 926; 952; 968).
      Motion carried unanimously.
      1. Jeffrey Clayton
        1. Miscellaneous – Four-Semester Degree Plan for American Studies (912)
        2. Miscellaneous – Four-Semester Degree Plan for English (913)
        3. Miscellaneous – Four-Semester Degree Plan for Humanities (914)
        4. Miscellaneous – Four-Semester Degree Plan for Literature (915)
        5. Miscellaneous – Four-Semester Degree Plan for Mexican-American Studies (916)
      2. Jim Dobberstine
        1. Miscellaneous – Four-Semester Degree Plan for Geology (926)
      3. Harold Martin
        1. Miscellaneous – Four-Semester Degree Plan for Creative Arts-Theatre (952)
      4. Paul Lucke
      5. Miscellaneous – Four-Semester Degree Plan for Architecture (968)
    2. Charles Thomas
      1. New Course: CTEC 2250 (953)
        1. Add to the second semester; pending approval of this meeting.
          Howard Bushart made motion to approve. Stewart Edwards seconded.
          Discussion – Pre Requisite PTAC 2420; actually enrolled at the same time.
          Fix it to be a pre- or co-req.
          Motion to amend said motion by Karen Guthmiller to amend request (953) Pre-Req or Co-Req.
          Stewart Edwards seconded.
          Motion passes unanimously Passes.
    3. Jim Richardson
      1. Replace Course: ENGL 1301T with ENGL 1301 (954)
        Presented by Tex Woodall.
        Karen Guthmiller made motion to approve.
        Discussion – Make it a special topic designed for Technical Students
        Motion passes unanimously.
    4. Santiago Guardiola
      1. New Course: ITSY 1442 (955)
        Dr. Charles Thomas made motion to approve; Howard Bushart seconded. No discussion.
        Motion passes unanimously.
    5. Paul Lucke
      1. Change/Update Course Description: ARCH 1301 (956)
        1. Karen Guthmiller made motion to approve; Howard Bushart seconded.
          Motion passes unanimously.
      2. Change/Update Course Description: ARCH 1302 (957)
        1. Karen Guthmiller made motion to approve; Stewart Edwards seconded.
          Motion passes unanimously.
      3. Change/Update SCH: ARCH 1403 (958)
        1. Karen Guthmiller made motion to approve; Howard Bushart seconded. Discussion – 2 Lec 4 Lab
          Motion passes unanimously.
      4. Change/Update Course Description: ARCH 1403 (959)
        1. Stewart Edwards made motion to approve; Dr. Charles Thomas seconded. Discussion – Was 2 Lec 7 Lab will now be 2 Lec 4 Lab
          Howard Bushart seconded.
          Motion passes unanimously.
      5. Change/Update SCH: ARCH 1404 (960)
        1. Rod Hellyer made motion to approve; Dr. Charlotte Mueller Seconded.
          Motion passes unanimously.
      6. Change/Update Course Description: ARCH 1404 (961)
        1. Karen Guthmiller made motion to approve; Howard Bushart seconded. Discussion – 2 Lec 4 Lab
          Motion passes unanimously.
      7. Change/Update Course Description: ARCH 14307 (962)
        1. Karen Guthmiller made motion to approve; Stewart Edwards seconded. Discussion – going from 3 Lec 3 Lab to 2 Lec 4 Lab
          Motion passes unanimously.
      8. Change/Update Course Description: ARCH 1308 (963)
        1. Rod Hellyer made motion to approve; Dr. Charles Thomas seconded.
          Motion passes unanimously.
      9. Change/Update Course Description: ARCH 1311 (964)
        1. Stewart Edwards motion to approve, Howard Bushart seconded.
          Motion passes unanimously.
      10. Change/Update Course Description: ARCH 1315 (965)
        1. Howard Bushart motion to approve; Karen Guthmiller seconded.
          Motion passes unanimously.
      11. Change/Update Course Description: ARCH 2301 (966)
        1. Howard Bushart motion to approve; Stewart Edwards seconded.
          Motion passes unanimously.
      12. Change/Update Course Description: ARCH 2302 (967)
        1. Tex Woodall motion to approve; Howard Bushart seconded.
          Discussion – will it change the 60 HR Degree – no they are just course description changes
          Motion passes unanimously.
    6. Teresa Landers
      1. Miscellaneous: 4-Semester Degree Plan – Teacher Education-MULTIPLE (892)
        Error proposed and approved at previous CAAC meeting
    7. Graeme Cox
      1. Change/Update SCH: KINE 1164 (969)
        Rod Hellyer motion to approve; Tex Woodall seconded.
        Motion passes unanimously.
  4. Open Forum
    Debate Tournament next week will start Thursday at 9:00 am. The rooms being used will be left in the same condition as found. If there are any issues please notify Joe Ganakos.
    Next meeting in April. Paul Arrigo will be conducting the meeting. Officer positions will be coming up for election.
    There will only be a meeting in July if the need arises.

NOTE: ( ) indicates the number of the item in the Curriculum Maintenance System.
