CAAC Minutes: 2016-07-19

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CAAC Meeting July 19, 2016 – 2:30 p.m.

Members Present:
Howard Bushart, Keith Coleman, Andy Miller, Karen Guthmiller, Evan Richards (for Jim Dobberstine), Stewart Edwards, David Sholmire (for Tex Woodall), Charlotte Mueller, Paul Arrigo, Sarah Tidwell, David Jaroszewski, Layton Childress, Joe Ganakos

Members Not Present:
Paul Allen, Doylean Sprauve, Vicky Hart, DeDe Griffith, Rosemary Coffman, Sharon Lockett, and Rod Hellyer

  1. Approval of Minutes
    Minutes from the April 19, 2016 meeting will be approved at the September 20, 2016 meeting.
  2. Old Business
    All items for CAAC consideration must go through the proper procedures.
  3. New Business
    1. Announcements from Interim Academic Dean David Jaroszewski
      Lee College is out of compliance in reference to Core – 42 HRS a student attempts 44 HRS to get the 42 because of the way the Catalog is set up. There are 2 overflow hours of the core. Report to the State an itemize KINE as a core option.
      *Temporary measure to reflect KINE as a component area for two months and will revisit in the Fall.
      Howard Bushart made motion to approve. Paul Arrigo seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Create a committee in the Fall
    2. Jim Dobberstine (Evan Richards represented)
      1. Miscellaneous: GEOL 1405 (973)
        Title change to the course.
        Karen Guthmiller made motion to approve. Sara Tidwell seconded. No discussion. Motion passes unanimously.
      2. Miscellaneous: Pre-Engineering (991)
        Evan Richards made motion to approve. Sara Tidwell seconded. Amend 991 – Fourth Semester
        KINE/EDUC* Institutional Requirement 3
        Core* Language, Philosophy, & Culture Elective 1 Amendment passes
        Amended Motion Passes
    3. Maurice Ivey
      1. Requisite: HITT 1341 (974)
        Added Pre-reqs
        Paul Arrigo made motion to approve. Stewart Edwards seconded. No discussion. Motion passes unanimously.
      2. Requisite: HITT 2335 (976) Added Pre – reqs
        Howard Bushart made motion to approve. Evan Richards seconded.
        Motion passes unanimously.
      3. Requisite: HITT 2160 (977)
        Howard Bushart made motion to approve. Keith Coleman seconded.
        Motion passes unanimously.
    4. Paul Lucke
      1. Miscellaneous: Architecture (979)
    5. Charlotte Mueller
      1. Miscellaneous: Creative Arts-Music (980)
      2. Miscellaneous: Creative Arts-Church Music (981) Withdrawn(992)
        Updating miss information in the catalog
        Stewart Edwards made motion to approve. Evan Richards seconded.
        Motion passes unanimously.
      3. Change/Update Degree/Certificate Plan: Creative Arts (993)
        Keith Coleman made motion to approve. Paul Arrigo seconded.
        Motion passes unanimously.
      4. Discontinue Degree/Certificate: Visual Arts (994) – (997)
        Evan Richards made motion to approve (994 – 997). Howard Bushart seconded.
        Motion passes unanimously.
      5. Discontinue Degree/Certificate: Architecture (995)
      6. Discontinue Degree/Certificate: Drama (996)
      7. Discontinue Degree/Certificate: Church Music (997)
    6. Howard Bushart
      1. Replace Course: DAAC 2380 (982) & 983
        Paul Arrigo made motion to approve (982 & 983). Stewart Edwards seconded. Motion passes unanimously.
      2. Replace course: DAAC 1380 (983)
    7. Jennifer Herzberg
      1. Miscellaneous: 4-Semester Degree Plan for Creative Arts-Visual Arts (984)
    8. Harold Martin
      1. Miscellaneous: 4-Semester Degree Plan for Drama (985)
    9. Jeff Clayton
      1. Miscellaneous: 4-Semester Degree Plan for American Studies (986) – 990
        Karen Guthmiller made motion to approve (986 – 990). Keith Coleman seconded.
        Motion passes unanimously.
      2. Miscellaneous: 4-Semester Degree Plan for English (987)
      3. Miscellaneous: 4-Semester Degree Plan for Humanities (988)
      4. Miscellaneous: 4-Semester Degree Plan for Literature (989)
      5. Miscellaneous: 4-Semester Degree Plan for Mexican American Studies (990)
    10. Reminder for Divisions regarding 2016/2017 Representatives to CAAC Please make nominations for representatives.
      CAAC meetings the 3rd Tuesday of every month at 2:30 pm
  4. Open Forum
    The following course have been deleted but are still in our catalog. Biology 1424
    Chem 1419
    CHEM 2401
    Music 2183

Note: ( ) indicates the number of the item in the Curriculum Maintenance System.
