CAAC Minutes: 2015-11-17

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CAAC Meeting

November 17, 2015 – 2 p.m.


Members Present: Howard Bushart, Doylean Sprauve, Keith Coleman, Andy Miller, Charles Thomas, Karen Guthmiller, Stewart Edwards, Cathy Kemper-Pelle, Charlotte Mueller, Rosemary Coffman, Daria Willis, Joe Ganakos, Sharon Lockett, Rod Hellyer

Members Not Present: Vicky Hart, Tia Hall, Tex Woodall, Paul Arrigo, Bo Aguilar, Layton Childress

Meeting called to order 2:07 p.m.

  1. Approval of Minutes
    1. Approval of Minutes from 10/20/2015. Stewart Edwards made motion to approve, Keith Coleman seconded. All in favor. Motion carried.
  2. Old Business
    1. No old business.
  3. New Business
    1. Cassandra Cookson. Presented by Stewart Edwards
      1. Discontinue Course: SOCI 2339 (767) Remove from catalog no longer in ACGM has not been offered in 5 years. Rod Hellyer made motion to approve, Charles Thomas seconded. Motion carried.
    2. Howard Bushart (Documentation Provided)
      1. Discontinue Course: DAAC 2280 (774) Not present. Hold for now. Revisited. Remove DAAC 2280 from degree plan. Stewart Edwards made motion to approve, Karen Guthmiller seconded. No discussion. Motion carried.
      2. Change/Update Deg/Cert Plan: Alcohol & Drug Abuse Counseling (831). Replacing DAAC 1280 with DAAC 1380. Rod Hellyer made motion to approve, Keith Coleman seconded motion. No discussion. Motion carried.
    3. Wonda Collins (Documentation Provided) presented by Treva Askey.
      1. Change/Update Course Description: ENBR 402 (779)
      2. Change/Update Course Description: ENRD 401 (781)
      3. Change/Update Course Description: ENRD 402 (782)
      4. Change/Update Course Description: MABR 330 (785)
      5. Change/Update Course Description: MABR 310 (787)
      6. Change/Update Course Description: MATH 320 (788)
      7. Change/Update Course Description: MATH 330 (789)
      8. Change/Update Course Description: MATH 342 (790)
      9. Change/Update Course Description: MATH 350 (791)
      10. Change/Update Course Description: REBR 300 (792)
        779-792 – all course description changes. Karen Guthmiller made motion to approve, Stewart Edwards seconded motion. Discussion: Did 310 and 320 merge or did we do away with? MATH 310 is not offered but being replaced by bridge class. Are we adding TSI scores along with Accuplacer? There will still be students with valid Accuplacer scores from before 2013. Ran by Dana- we will use TSIA prerequisites. Accuplacer will still be accepted. All new students need to take TSIA. What will be the equalization? Accuplacer scores do not expire so we need to leave in along with TSIA. Will remove curriculum maintenance requests and resubmit to leave Accuplacer in description. Motions were rescinded.
    4. Rod Hellyer (Documentation Not Provided)
      1. Discontinue Course: MCHN 2445 (793) Seldom used. Want to remove out of degree and certificate plan. Stewart Edwards made motion to approve, Dr. Charlotte Mueller seconded. No discussion. Motion carried.
      2. Replace Course: MCHN 2445 replaced by MCHN 2434 (794) Replacing MCHN 2445 with MCHN 2434. Keith Coleman made motion to approve, Karen Guthmiller seconded. No discussion. Motion carried.
      3. Change/Update Deg/Cert Plan: Industrial Systems Technician (795)
      4. Change/Update Deg/Cert Plan: Industrial Systems Technician (796)
      5. Change/Update Deg/Cert Plan: Industrial Systems Technician (797)
      6. Change/Update Deg/Cert Plan: Industrial Systems Technician (798)
      7. Change/Update Deg/Cert Plan: Industrial Systems Technician (799)
      8. Change/Update Deg/Cert Plan: Industrial Systems Technician (800)
      9. Change/Update Deg/Cert Plan: Industrial Systems Technician (801)
      10. Change/Update Deg/Cert Plan: Industrial Systems Technician (802)
      11. Change/Update Deg/Cert Plan: Industrial Systems Technician (803)
      12. Change/Update Deg/Cert Plan: Industrial Systems Technician (804)
        795-804 changing location of classes within degree plan to even out hours. Karen Guthmiller made motion to approve, Stewart Edwards seconded. Discussion- Why changed from Machinist to Industrial Systems – done by previous chair. Motion carried.
    5. Debbie Sutton (Documentation Not Provided)
      1. Change/Update Course Requisite: POFI 1349 (805) Changing pre-req – remove pre-req and change to basic computer skills. Due to business and industry needs, change should be made. Karen Guthmiller made motion to approve, Dr. Charlotte Mueller seconded. No discussion. Motion carried.
    6. Dana Byal (Documentation Provided). All changes were recently approved by advisory committee. Those entered with Spring 2016 as effective term should be changed to Fall 2016 effective term.
      1. Change/Update Deg/Cert Plan: Computer-Aided Drafting & Design Tech (807)
      2. Change/Update Deg/Cert Plan: Computer-Aided Drafting & Design Tech (808)
      3. Miscellaneous: Catalog Change (809) 807– adds DFTG 2423 to electives and 808 adds MCHN 1438 to electives. 809– Drafting degree has tracks. Removing these elective tracks. Degree remains at 60 hours. Rod Hellyer made motion to approve, Charles Thomas seconded. No discussion. Motion carried.
      4. Change/Update Deg/Cert Plan: Computer-Aided Drafting & Design – Adv Tech (810).
      5. Change/Update Deg/Cert Plan: Computer-Aided Drafting & Design – Adv Tech (811)
      6. Miscellaneous: Catalog Change (812)
        810-811 – Advanced technology certificate. Add DFTG 2423, MCHN 1438 as electives and remove tracks. Certificate will be 28 semester credit hours (stays the same). Stewart Edwards made motion to approve, Rod Hellyer seconded. Discussion: Field of study tracks were created by a previous chair and not mandated by state. No further discussion. Motion carried.
      7. Change/Update Deg/Cert Plan: Mechanical Engineering Technology (813)
      8. Change/Update Deg/Cert Plan: Mechanical Engineering Technology (815)
      9. Change/Update Deg/Cert Plan: Mechanical Engineering Technology (816)
      10. Change/Update Deg/Cert Plan: Mechanical Engineering Technology (817)
        813-817 – Mechanical Technology Certificate. 813 removes ENGT 2307 from certificate, 815 removes MCHN 1302 from certificate, 816 removes INMT 1311 from certificate, and 817 is changing capstone course to DFTG 2435. Certificate 28 semester credit hours. Karen Guthmiller made motion to approve, Keith Coleman seconded. Discussion: Is 28 hours normal for certificate? Yes. Level 1 certificate is 42 SCH or less and cannot enforce pre-reqs. They are TSI exempt. No further discussion. Motion carried.
      11. Change/Update Deg/Cert Plan: Architectural Construction & Building Tech (820)
      12. Discontinue Course – Deg/Cert: DFTG 2431 (821)
        820-821. 821 removes DFTG 2431 and capstone change under 820 to DFTG 2438. Stewart Edwards made motion to approve, Dr. Charlotte Mueller seconded. No discussion. Motion carried.
      13. Discontinue Course – Deg/Cert: ARCE 2444 (824)
      14. Change/Update Deg/Cert Plan: Process Pipe Design (826)
      15. Miscellaneous: Catalog Change (828)
        824-828. Changes to process piping degree, 824 removal of ARCE 2444, 826 addition of DFTG 2407, and 828 addresses order of courses- classes not arranged well – classes now in order they should be taken. Keith Coleman made motion to approve, Rod Hellyer seconded. Motion carried.
      16. Miscellaneous: Catalog Change (829) Process piping certificate. Rearrangement of courses to match degree change. Dr. Charlotte Mueller made motion to approve, Keith Coleman seconded motion. No discussion. Motion carried.
      17. Miscellaneous: Catalog Change (830) – Addresses Prereqs in the following: DFTG 2443, adding PFPB 2449 as a co-requisite. Rod Hellyer made motion to approve, Stewart Edwards seconded motion. Discussion: Sequences rearranged and coreq added. Motion carried.
    7. David Jaroszewski (Documentation Provided) presented by Keith Coleman. Note: Logistics program is being revamped including name. Industry has asked for it to be so, also opportunity to do a 2+2 program with UofH as well as a 2+2 program with Lamar University. For the first time, they will get three certificates, an associates, and a bachelor’s degree. Lamar program will be first 2+2 program nationwide that is completely online. Will be promoting to military. 80% of armed services is logistics.
      1. New Course: LMGT 1345 (814) Adding a WECM course. Stewart Edwards made motion to approve, Rod Hellyer seconded the motion. Discussion: End result is management. Prereqs are included in request. Is there a specialization? When they become a “logistician” they have to know entire process. Motion carried.
      2. New Course: LMGT 1341 (818). Freight and damage claims. Expansion of port prompted the need for this course. UofH and Lamar asked for inclusion. Karen Guthmiller made motion to approve, Rod Hellyer seconded motion. Discussion: There are no pre-requisites. Motion carried.
      3. New Course: LMGT 1321 (819). Intro to Material Handling. Different containers and boxes, different palletizations, etc. Different aspects of Material Handling and safety. Rod Hellyer made motion to approve, Stewart Edwards seconded. Discussion: What is percentage are new courses for this degree? Almost 30% -it is a substantive change (more than ) and must be reported. Will there be an on-campus component for U of H? Yes. Motion carried.
      4. New Course: LMGT 1301 (822). Radio Frequency Identification- packaging identification and history, tracking. Karen Guthmiller made motion to approve, Rod Hellyer seconded motion. No discussion. Motion carried.
      5. New Course: LMGT 1393 (823). Special Topics – what is current and trending. This is where we input drone training. WalMart is now using drones, refineries also using. Karen Guthmiller made motion to approve, Stewart Edwards seconded motion. Discussion: Is there any chance of converting into a conventional course? WECM may decide to do this. Industry driven course. Motion carried.
      6. New Course: LMGT 2334 (825). Principles of traffic management. Rod Hellyer made motion to approve, Karen Guthmiller seconded motion. Discussion: Mostly over ground? Air? Water? All, but mainly ground in US. Motion carried.
      7. Change/Update Deg/Cert Title: Logistics & Supply Chain Management becomes Technology (827). Changing title from Management to Technology. Stewart Edwards made motion, Dr. Charlotte Mueller seconded motion. No discussion. Motion carried.
      8. Change/Update Deg/Cert Plan: Logistical Operations Management (832). Certificate LOM1- changing course sequence. Rod Hellyer made motion to approve, Stewart Edwards seconded motion. No discussion. Motion passed.
      9. Change/Update Deg/Cert Plan: Logistics & Supply Change Management (834). LOG2, changing sequence of degree. Karen Guthmiller made motion to approve, Rod Hellyer seconded motion. No Discussion. Motion carried.
      10. New Degree/Certificate: Logistics Advanced Technology (835). Part of 2nd degree adding courses newly added. Discussion: clarify with Lamar and U of H regarding SPCH requirement. Rod Hellyer made motion to approve, Karen Guthmiller seconded motion. Motion carried.
    8. Charlotte Mueller (Documentation Provided)
      1. Change/Update Deg/Cert Plan: Creative Arts (833). Change one sentence in description of creative arts degree program. Rod Hellyer made motion to approve, Karen Guthmiller seconded motion. No discussion. Motion carried.
    9. Charles Thomas (Documentation Not Provided)
      1. Discontinue Degree/Cert: Process Technology – Cert. PT1 (836)
      2. Discontinue Degree/Cert: Process Technology (837)
      3. Discontinue Degree/Cert: Safety Management Technology – Cert. SM1 (839)
      4. Discontinue Degree/Cert: Safety Management Technology (840)
      5. Discontinue Course – Deg/Cert: ENGT 2310 (841)
      6. Change/Update SCH: SCIT 1418 (842)
      7. Change/Update Deg/Cert Plan: Process Technology (843)
      8. Discontinue Course – Deg/Cert: PHYS 14xx (844)
      9. Change/Update SCH: PTAC 2446 (845)
      10. Change/Update Deg/Cert Plan: Process Technology (846)
        836-846 tabled for now due to structural issues. Will present at February meeting.
    10. Steve Showalter (Documentation Provided). Presented by Stewart Edwards.
      1. New Course: ZBB 101 (806) New online orientation course to begin Fall 2016 – Intro to Blackboard for all FTIC students. No credit. Per Dr. Kemper – if they haven’t completed it – they cannot take an online course. Basically a pre-req for all online courses. Can we differentiate from face-to-face courses? Online committee still accepting feedback on this. Rod Hellyer made motion to approve, Karen Guthmiller seconded motion. Motion carried.
  4. Open Forum- presentation from Registrar’s office, Scott Bennett. Re: General Studies degree and vagueness of Areas of Concentration requirement (common discipline/common rubric) and its influence on graduation rates. There is no General Studies division – it was suggested that Bo Aguilar submit maintenance request and bring forth proposal to next CAAC meeting.

    Brief discussion on training for Curriculum Maintenance Requests. Please share any issues/questions with the system and share to create a checklist to address.

Note: ( ) indicates the number of the item in the Curriculum Maintenance System.

Meeting adjourned: 3:35 p.m.

Submitted: Jodi Rodriguez, Interim CAAC Secretary

Approved by: Joe Ganakos, Chair
