CAAC Minutes: 2015-10-20

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CAAC Meeting

October 20, 2015 – 2:30pm



Members Present: Paul Allen, Howard Bushart, Doylean Sprauve, Keith Coleman, Vicky Hart, Andy Miller, Karen Guthmiller, Stewart Edward, Charlotte Mueller, Paul Arrigo, Rosemary Coffman, Layton Childress, Joe Ganakos

Members Absent: Tia Hall, Tex Woodall, Cathy Kemper-Pelle, Bo Aguilar, Daria Willis, Sharon Lockett, Rod Hellyer

Called to order: 2:33 p.m.

  1. Approval of Minutes
    1. Motion made by Karen Guthmiller, Second by Paul Arrigo. Minutes approved as written.
  2. Old Business
    1. There is old business pending which will be presented at next meeting.
  3. New Business
    November meeting expected to be long, will move up time to 2:00 p.m. to avoid conflict with SGA meeting at 4:00.
    1. Notification Regarding Honors Courses
      1. CRIJ 1306, CRIJ 2301, and CRIJ 2313 now have Honors Contracts approved by the Honors Committee. Will now be included in Honors Course Listing in catalog as well as have the omega symbol added to course description. Presented by Georgeann Ward for information purposes only.
      2. SPCH 1315 Honors Contract now has an alternative component allowing Honors Credit for Debate participation and competition. Presented by Georgeann Ward for information purposes only.
    2. Angela Noack
      1. New Course: CSME 2350 (763) replacing CSME 2344
        1. Supporting Documentation Posted
      2. Replace Course CSME 2344 with CSME 2350 (762)
        1. Supporting Documentation Posted
      3. New Course: CSME 2449 (764)
        1. Supporting Documentation Posted
      4. Replace Course CSME 2415 with CSME 2449 (765)
        1. Supporting Documentation Posted
          #762-#764: WECM has archived CSME 2344 and CSME 2415 and replaced with CSME 2350 and CSME 2449. Question raised on #764 the form does not indicate whether this is a capstone course. Per Angela Noack, it is not. She will correct in system. Stewart Edwards made motion, Howard Bushart seconded, all approved, motion carried.
          NOTE from Dr. Kemper’s office, unless it is a state mandated change, we cannot accept any maintenance request forms with effective term Spring 2016, they need to read Fall 2016. These do need to be changed in the system.
      5. Notification – Miscellaneous: CIP Code Changes (766)
        1. CSME 1434 Cosmetology Instructor I from CIP 13.0301 to 12.0413
          CSME 2414 Cosmetology Instructor II from CIP 13.0301 to 12.0413
          CSME 2444 Cosmetology Instructor IV from CIP 13.0301 to 12.0413
          #766 WECM has changed CIP Codes and made minor course description change to CSME 2444. Paul Arrigo made motion to approve, Karen Guthmiller seconded, all approved, motion carried.
    3. Howard Bushart
      1. Discontinue Course: SOCI 1301 (770)
      2. Change/Update Degree Plan: Alcohol & Drug Abuse Counseling (771)
      3. Change/Update Degree Plan: Alcohol & Drug Abuse Counseling (772)
      4. Discontinue Course: DAAC 2281 (773)
      5. Change/Update Degree Plan: Alcohol & Drug Abuse Counseling (775)
      6. Discontinue Course: DAAC 1280 (776)
        #s770, 771, 772, 773, 775, 776 changes to Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counseling Degree to make a minimum of 12 hours per semester, also dropped and replaced a course.
        Request made to provide documentation in form of syllabus or copy of program marked with requested changes. Karen Guthmiller made motion to approve, Stewart Edwards seconded, all approved, motion carried.
    4. Debbie Sutton, presented by Keith Coleman
      1. Change/Update Course Description: POFT 1325 (778)
      2. Change/Update Course Description: POFI 1349 (780)
      3. Change/Update Course Description: POFI 2331 (784)
      4. Change/Update Course Description: POFI 2312 (786)
        #s 778, 780, 784, and 786 state mandated course description changes effective Fall 2016. Karen Guthmiller made motion to approve, Steward Edwards seconded, all approved, motion carried.
  4. Open Forum
    When does WECM make changes and how is it communicated? They have a session every summer. Where and how are we notified of changes? Dean Childress will talk to Dr. Kemper-Pelle to find out if there is a contact person or do we need to initiate communication with them.
    Do course titles need to match for ACGM? If it is core, yes. Idea discussed for division chairs to audit courses to make sure in compliance.

Reminder: November meeting will probably be lengthy. Will be moved earlier to 2 p.m.

Note: ( ) indicates the number of the item in the Curriculum Maintenance System.

2:55 p.m. adjourned

Submitted: Jodi Rodriguez, Interim CAAC Secretary
Approved by: Joe Ganakos, Chair
