CAAC Minutes: 2015-04-21

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Curriculum and Academic Affairs Committee Minutes

April 21, 2015

Members Present: Bo Aguilar, Paul Allen, Paul Arrigo, Marice Ivey for Howard Bushart, Layton Childress, Rosemary Coffman, Andy Miller for Michael Gos, Graeme Cox for Karen Guthmiller, Vicky Hart, Charlotte Mueller, Steve Showalter, Doylean Sprauve, Charles Thomas. Guests: Joyce Jacobs

Members Absent: Keith Coleman, Stewart Edwards, Joseph Ganakos, Tia Hall, Rod Hellyer, Cathy Kemper, Sharon Lockett, Donnetta Suchon, Tex Woodall

Meeting called to order at 2 p.m.

  1. Approval of Minutes: Minutes from March 17, 2015 were approved as written.
  2. Old Business: None
  3. New Business:
  • Charles Ganze proposed to remove IMED 2309 and ITSC 1316 from the Computer and Graphics Technology AAS degree and Certificate of Completion. Charles Ganze proposed to remove COSC 1437 as “or” option from the Game Development Specialist AAS degree and Certificate of Completion. A motion was made by Joyce Jacobs and seconded by Vicky Hart. Motion carried. (Req. #604,605,612)
  • Charles Ganze proposed replacing ITSC 1309 with BCIS 1405 and ITSE 1331 with ITSE 1431 in the Computer and Graphics Technology AAS degree and Certificate of Completion. A motion was made by Joyce Jacobs and seconded Charlotte Mueller. Motion carried. (Req. #606,607)
  • Charles Ganze proposed moving SBS/History/Govt PS to the third semester and moving SPCH XXXX to the first semester in the Computer and Graphics Technology AAS degree. Charles Ganze proposed adding TECM 1349 to the second semester of the Computer and Network Maintenance Technology AAS degree. A motion was made by Charles Thomas and seconded by Joyce Jacobs. Motion carried. (Req. #608,609)
  • David Jaroszewski presented for Dana Byal. David Jaroszewski proposed changes to the Associate of Applied Science degree in Computer-Aided Drafting and Design Engineering Technology (see Maintenance Requests #610 & 647). A motion was made by Graeme Cox and seconded by Charles Thomas. Motion carried.
  • Marice Ivey proposed to discontinue the Certificate of Completion in Medical Transcription. A motion was made by Vicky Hart and seconded by Joyce Jacobs. Motion carried. (Req. #613)
  • Marice Ivey proposed to discontinue MRMT 1307, MRMT 2433 and MRMT 1167 from the Medical Records Technology program. A motion was made by Graeme Cox and seconded by Charlotte Mueller. Motion carried. (Req. #614,615,616)
  • Roberta McClure proposed changing the 1-3 credit hours elective to 1 credit hour in the Computer Science program. A motion was made by Charles Thomas and seconded by Graeme Cox. Motion carried. (Req. #621)
  • Charles Thomas proposed adding PTAC 1302 and removing SCIT 1414 in the Manufacturing Engineering Technology AAS degree. A motion was made by Joyce Jacobs and seconded by Graeme Cox. Motion carried. (Req. #624,625)
  • Charles Thomas proposed adding PTAC 1302 and removing SCIT 1414 in the Certificate of Completion in Manufacturing Engineering. A motion was made by Joyce Jacobs and seconded by Graeme Cox. Motion carried. (Req. #626)
  • David Jaroszewski proposed deleting COSC 1301 and adding one hour of KINE to the Field of Study curriculum for Criminal Justice. A motion was made by Vicky Hart and seconded by Charles Thomas. Motion carried. (Req. #627)
  • Francisca Castillo proposed changing the number of General Elective hours to 4-5 in the Spanish degree. A motion was made by Joyce Jacobs and seconded by Charlotte Mueller. Motion carried. (Req. #643)
  • David Jaroszewski presented for Gregory Lattier. David Jaroszewski proposed moving BMGT 1307 from the third semester to the first semester in the Management AAS degree. David Jaroszewski proposed replacing ACCT 2401 with ACNT 1311 in the Management AAS degree. A motion was made by Graeme Cox and seconded by Charles Thomas. Motion carried. (Req. #645,646)
  • Vicky Hart proposed removing POFT 1232 and POFT 1227 from the Certificate of Completion in Application Specialization. Vicky Hart proposed removing ITSC 1416 and IMED 2315 from the Certificate of Completion in Computer and Graphics Technology I & II. A motion was made by Graeme Cox and seconded by Charles Thomas. Motion carried. (Req. #650,651,652,653)
  • Vicky Hart proposed moving SBS/Hist/Govt PS from the second semester to the fourth semester and replacing ITSC 1309 with BCIS 1405 in the Computer and Graphic Technology AAS degree. A motion was made by Graeme Cox and seconded by Joyce Jacobs. Motion carried. (Req. 663,664)
  • Vicky Hart proposed replacing ITSC 1309 with BCIS 1405 in the following Certification of Completions: Application Specialization, Computer and Graphics Technology I and Computer and Graphics Technology II. A motion was made by Joyce Jacobs and seconded by Charles Thomas. Motion carried. (Req. 665,666,667)
  • Vicky Hart proposed replacing ITSE 1331 with ITSE 1431 and ITSC 2321 with ITSC 2421. A motion was made by Joyce Jacobs and seconded by Graeme Cox. Motion carried. (Req.# 655,659)
  • Vicky Hart proposed updating the requisite on IMED 1445 to read: Prerequisite: ARTC 1453, READ 301 or equivalent. Vicky Hart proposed updating the requisite on ITSC 2321 to read: Pre/co-requisite: ITSC 1309 or BCIS 1405, ENRD 401 or equivalent. A motion was made by Charles Thomas and seconded by Graeme Cox. Motion carried. (Req. #657,658)
  • Charlotte Mueller proposed changing the course title and the number of credit hours to three on MUSI 2189. (MUSI 2389 – Academic Cooperative). Charlotte Mueller proposed changing the course description on MUSI 2389 to be in compliance with the ACGM. A motion was made by Joyce Jacobs and seconded by Graeme Cox. Motion carried. (Req. #656,735)
  • Joyce Jacobs announced to the CAAC members the Developmental Education division has changed the grading scheme for the Bridge options only. The division will use S for Satisfactorily and U for Unsatisfactorily.
  • Steve Showalter presented for James Dobberstine. Steve Showalter proposed removing the Biology elective from the “Areas of Concentration” and add a 2-3 hour “General Elective” to the Biology degree. (Req. #668)
  • Steve Showalter proposed removing CHEM 1411 and MATH 2320, adding 1-2 “General Elective” hours to the Chemistry degree. (Req. #669)
  • Steve Showalter proposed reducing the Core to 42 hours to the Geology and Environmental Science degrees. (Req. #670,671)
  • Steve Showalter proposed reducing the general electives to 4-5 SCH to the Mathematics degree. (Req. #672)
  • Steve Showalter proposed removing MATH 2318 from the “Areas of Concentration” to the Physics degree. (Req. #673)
  • Steve Showalter proposed removing ENGR 1304, ENGR 2301 and ENGR 2304 from the “Areas of Concentration” and add 1-2 “General Elective” hours to the Pre-Engineering degree. The plan will note ENGR 1304, ENGR 2301 and ENGR 2304 as “Optional Engineering Electives”. (Req. #674) A motion was made by Graeme Cox and seconded by Charlotte Mueller on the above degree plans. Motion carried.
  • Charlotte Mueller proposed changing the course descriptions on the following courses: MUSI 1306, MUSI 1307, MUSI 1181, MUSI 1182, MUSI 2182, MUSI 2181, MUSI 1183, MUSI 1184, MUSI 2183, MUSI 1311, MUSI 1312, MUSI 1116, MUSI 1117, MUSI 1192, MUSI 1193, MUSI 2311, MUSI 2312, MUSI 2116, MUSI 2117, MUSI 1263. A motion was made by Joyce Jacobs and seconded by Graeme Cox. Motion carried.


  • Charlotte Mueller presented for Jennifer Herzberg. Charlotte Mueller proposed changing the course descriptions on the following courses: ARTS 1311, ARTS 1312, ARTS 1316, ARTS 1317, ARTS 2313, ARTS 2314, ARTS 2316, ARTS 2317, ARTS 2323, ARTS 2324, ARTS 2326, ARTS 2327, ARTS 2333, ARTS 2334, ARTS 2346, ARTS 2347, ARTS 2348, ARTS 2349, ARTS 2356, ARTS 2357. A motion was made by Joyce Jacobs and seconded by Graeme Cox. Motion carried. (Req. #696,697,698,699,700,701,702,703,704,705,706,707,708,709,710,711,712,713,714,715)
  • Charlotte Mueller presented for Harold Martin. Charlotte Mueller proposed changing the course descriptions on the following courses: DRAM 2362, DRAM 2361, DRAM 2121, DRAM 2120, DRAM 1342, DRAM 1120, DRAM 1121. (Req. #730,729,725,724,721,717,718). Charlotte Mueller proposed changing the course descriptions and titles on the following courses: DRAM 2366, DRAM 2331, DRAM 2389, DRAM 1352, DRAM 1351, DRAM 1341, DRAM 1330, DRAM 1310). (Req. #731,727,726,723,722,720,719,716). Charlotte Mueller proposed changing the title on DRAM 2336. (Req. #728) A motion was made by Graeme Cox and seconded by Charles Thomas. Motion carried.
  • Howard Bushart proposed discontinuing ITSC 1309 from the Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counseling degree. A motion was made by Graeme Cox and seconded by Charles Thomas. Motion carried. (Req. #635)
  • Howard Bushart proposed replacing DAAC 2354 with DAAC 2353 in the Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counseling degree. A motion was made by Charles Thomas and seconded by Joyce Jacobs. Motion carried. (Req. #636)
  • Howard Bushart proposed the following changes to the Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counseling degree: Remove ENGL 1302 or ENGL 2311 from the degree plan. Discontinue 3 hours SBS/HIST/GOVT PS. Add DAAC 1280 in semester 4 and drop elective. Add SOCW 2361 in the fourth semester. Removed elective and place DAAC 2353 in the fifth semester. A motion was made by Joyce Jacobs and seconded by Charlotte Mueller. Motion carried. (Req. #660,648,662,661,649)
  • Layton Childress presented for Jim Richardson. Layton Childress proposed replacing LP SCIENCES/MATHEMATICS with PHYS 1407 in the Electrical Technology degree. A motion was made by Joyce Jacobs and seconded by Graeme Cox. Motion carried. (Req. #640)
  • Layton Childress proposed removing Mathematics and change LP Science to 4 SCH in the Instrumentation Technology degree. A motion was made by Graeme Cox and seconded by Vicky Hart. Motion carried. (Req. #641)
  • Layton Childress proposed replacing INTC 2359 with INTC 2459 in the Instrumentation Technology degree. A motion was made by Vicky Hart and seconded by Charles Thomas. Motion carried. (Req. #642)
  • Election of Officers:
  • Michael Gos nominated Joseph Ganakos to serve as President. All further nominations closed by acclamation. Motion carried.
  • Graeme Cox nominated Paul Arrigo to serve as Vice Chairman. All further nominations closed by acclamation. Motion carried.
  1. Open Forum:

Paul Allen asked if the reduction in courses was affecting the instructor’s loads. Paul Allen asked if all degree programs were reduced to 60 hours. Paul Allen announced the Lee College basketball team visited Huntsville and put on an expedition for the inmates.

Paul Arrigo made an announcement for Dr. Cathy Kemper. Dr. Cathy Kemper asked that all CAAC members and chairs understand that all changes require a course maintenance form, even those mandated by THECB. This provides a paper trail.

Meeting adjourned at 3:05 p.m.

Submitted by: Approved by:
Paul Arrigo for
Susan Keith, Secretary Michael Gos, Chair
