CAAC Minutes: 2015-02-17

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Curriculum and Academic Affairs Committee Minutes

February 17, 2015

Members Present: Bo Aguilar, Paul Allen, Paul Arrigo, Marice Ivey for Howard Bushart, Layton Childress, Keith Coleman, Stewart Edwards, Joseph Ganakos, Michael Gos, Karen Guthmiller, Chuck Ganze for Vicky Hart, Rod Hellyer, Cathy Kemper, Ingrid Wallace for Sharon Lockett, Charlotte Mueller, Steve Showalter for Jeff Thies, Charles Thomas.

Members Absent: Rosemary Coffman, Tia Hall, Doylean Sprauve, Donnetta Suchon, Tex Woodall

Meeting was called to order at 2:02 p.m.

  1. Approval of Minutes: Minutes from November 18, 2014 and December 4, 2014 were approved as written.
  2. Old Business:
  • Jim Dobberstine presented for Evan Richards. Jim Dobberstine proposed changing prerequisites for PHYS 1405 and PHYS 1407 to read: Prerequisite: ENRD 402 or equivalent (READ 302 and ENGL 302 or equivalent may replace ENRD 402). Pre/Corequisite to: MATH 320, TECM 1341, TECM 1349, or equivalent. A motion was made by Rod Hellyer and seconded by Paul Arrigo. Motion carried. (Req. #510, 511)
  • David Jaroszewski presented for Dana Byal. David Jaroszewski proposed removing ENGT 2307 from the AAS Process Piping Design degree. A motion was made by Joseph Ganakos and seconded by Charlotte Mueller. Motion carried. (Req. #503)
  1. New Business:
  • Michael Gos proposed approving all changes in the new ACGM and WECM regarding course titles/course descriptions/prerequisites and student learning outcomes. Seconded by Karen Guthmiller. Motion carried.
  • Tracy Allen proposed replacing RNSG 2207 with RNSG 2307. Tracy Allen proposed changing RNSG 1362 and RNSG 2263 to reflect 2 semester credit hours. A motion was made by Stuart Edwards and seconded by Charlotte Mueller. Motion carried. (Req. #547,548,560)
  • Marice Ivey proposed discontinuing HITT 2261 and MRMT 1307 from the AAS Health Information degree. Marice Ivey proposed new courses HITT 1311 and HITT 2249 for the Health Information Technology program. A motion was made by Paul Arrigo and seconded by Stuart Edwards. Motion carried. (Req. #551,552,553,554)
  • Michael Gos presented for Gordon Lee. Michael Gos proposed changing prerequisites for Dram 2366 to read: Prerequisite: ENRD 402 or equivalent. Michael Gos proposed adding a new course HUMA 2319 to the Mexican American Studies degree. Michael Gos proposed adding HUMA 2319 to the Area of Concentration in the Mexican American Studies program. A motion was made by Karen Guthmiller and seconded by Joseph Ganakos. Motion carried. (Req. # 555,556,598)
  • Michael Gos proposed replacing BUSI 1304 with ENGL 1301T. A motion was made by Joseph Ganakos and seconded by Paul Arrigo. Motion carried. (Req. #557)
  • David Jaroszewski presented for Greg Lattier. David Jaroszewski requested that Maintenance Req. #486 and Req. #487 be withdrawn.
  • Jim Dobberstine presented for Evan Richards. Jim Dobberstine proposed noting ENGR 1304 as an elective for the Pre-Engineering degree. A motion was made by Joseph Ganakos and seconded by Stuart Edwards. Motion carried. (Req. #509)
  • Georgeann Ward proposed adding the omega symbol and approved courses to the Optional Honors Contracts: BIOL 1408, BIOL 1409, BIOL 2389, BIOL 1414, PHYS 1403, PHYS 1404, COSC 1301, COSC 1436, COSC 1437, COSC 2436, COSC 2325, ARCE 2444, DFTG 2445, DFTG 2407, DFTG 2408, DFTG 2438, ARTS 1316, ARTS 2314, ARTS 2317, ARTS 2323, ARTS 2324, ARTS 2326, ARTS 2327, ARTS 2333, ARTS 2334, ARTS 2346, ARTS 2347, ARTS 2348, ARTS 2349, ARTS 2356, ARTS 2357, EDUC 1200, HUMA 1305 and ENGL 2351. A motion was made by Joseph Ganakos and seconded by Charlotte Mueller. Motion Carried. (Req. #536,538,540,558,559)
  • Georgeann Ward proposed removing PSYC 2316 from the list of Optional Honors Contracts. A motion was made by Paul Arrigo and seconded by Charlotte Mueller. Motion carried. (Req. #537)
  • Georgeann Ward proposed changing the course title of DRAM 2120 to “Theatre Practicum III”. A motion was made by Joseph Ganakos and seconded by Keith Coleman. Motion carried. (Req. #539)
  • Rod Hellyer proposed changing the AAS degree title in welding to: Industrial Welding Technology. A motion was made by Joseph Ganakos and seconded by Stuart Edwards. Motion carried. (Req. #561)
  • Rod Hellyer proposed changing the course description for the following courses: MCHN 1438, HYDR 1345 and MCHN 2434. A motion was made by Paul Allen and seconded by Charlotte Mueller. Motion carried. (Req. #562,563,564)
  • Paul Allen presented for Donna Zuniga. Paul Allen proposed reducing the semester credit hours in the Associate of Applied Science degree in Horticulture and the Certificate of Completion in Landscape Management. A motion was made by Rod Hellyer and seconded by Joseph Ganakos. Motion carried. (Req. #565,566)
  • Paul Allen proposed reducing the semester credit hours in the Associate of Applied Science degree in Welding Technology and the Certificate of Completion in Combination Welding. A motion was made by Joseph Ganakos and seconded by Rod Hellyer. Motion carried. (Req. #567,568)
  • Paul Allen proposed reducing the semester credit hours in the Associate of Applied Science degree in Automotive Technology and the Certificate of Completion in Automotive Mechanics. A motion was made by Joseph Ganakos and seconded by Charlotte Mueller. Motion carried. (Req. #569,570)
  • Paul Allen proposed replacing HALT 2421 with HALT 2321, WLDG 1417 with WLDG 1317 and AUMT 1445 with AUMT 1345. A motion was made by Karen Guthmiller and seconded by Stuart Edwards. Motion carried. (Req. #571,572,573)
  • Paul Allen proposed changes to the Associate of Applied Science degree in Microcomputer Applications (see Maintenance Request #574). A motion was made by Joseph Ganakos and seconded by Paul Allen. Motion carried.
  • Paul Allen proposed removing ARTC 2413 from the Certificate of Completion in Microcomputer Applications. A motion was made by Karen Guthmiller and seconded by Charlotte Mueller. Motion carried. (Req. #575)
  • Paul Allen proposed changes to the Associate of Applied Science degree in Business Management (see Maintenance Request #590). A motion was made by Joseph Ganakos and seconded by Paul Arrigo. Motion carried.
  • David Jaroszewski proposed placing the Law Enforcement AAS degree and Certificate of Completion back into the catalog. A motion was made by Joseph Ganakos and seconded by Rod Hellyer. Motion carried. (Req. #576)
  • David Jaroszewski proposed adding the Logistics “blurb” to the catalog under Logistics and Supply Chain Management (see Maintenance Request #589). A motion was made by Stuart Edwards and seconded by Paul Arrigo. Motion carried.
  • Karen Guthmiller presented for Graeme Cox. Karen Guthmiller proposed changing the grading basis to Pass/Fail on the following courses: KINE 1109, KINE 1110, KINE 1115, KINE 1116, KINE 1127, KINE 1128, KINE 1141 and KINE 1142. A motion was made by Joseph Ganakos and seconded by Keith Coleman. Motion carried. (Req. #580,591,592,593,594,595,596,597)
  • Paul Lucke proposed combining the Areas of Concentration from the Visual and Performing Arts Division into one Area of Concentration with the title of Creative Arts (Architecture, Visual Arts, Visual Arts: Imaging, Church Music and Drama). A motion was made by Paul Arrigo and seconded by Joseph Ganakos. Motion carried. (Req. #581,582,583,584,585)
  • Jim Dobberstine proposed changes to the Environmental Science degree (see Maintenance Request #579). A motion was made by Joseph Ganakos and seconded by Charlotte Mueller. Motion carried.
  • Jim Dobberstine proposed adding a notation to the core curriculum option table indicating ENVR 1401 and GEOL 1405 are cross listed courses. **Courses are cross listed and cannot be used as two different courses to fulfill the science core requirement for a degree plan. A motion was made by Paul Arrigo and seconded by Joseph Ganakos. Motion carried. (Req. #578)
  • Jim Dobberstine proposed changes to the Geology degree plan (see Maintenance Request #586). A motion was made by Karen Guthmiller and seconded by Charlotte Mueller. Motion carried.
  • Charles Thomas proposed changing PTAC Technical Elective in the 4th semester to any Technical Elective in the Safety Management Technology degree and Certificate of Completion. A motion was made by Joseph Ganakos and seconded by Paul Arrigo. Motion carried. (Req. #587)
  • Layton Childress presented for Jim Richardson. Layton Childress proposed changes to the Electrical Technology program (see Maintenance Request #479). A motion was made by Rod Hellyer and seconded by Keith Coleman. Motion carried.
  1. Open Forum:

Cathy Kemper announced the category “Undecided” will be removed from the Academic Plan option.

Meeting adjourned at 3:00 p.m.

Submitted by: Approved by:
Susan Keith, Secretary Michael Gos, CAAC Chair
