Members Present: Paul Arrigo; Kenneth Booker; Howard Bushart; Stewart Edwards; Joseph Ganakos; Michael Gos; Karen Guthmiller; Rod Hellyer; Tracie Hervey; Jimmy Lockett; Sharon Lockett; Thomas O’Kuma in for Harry Pang; Donnetta Suchon Guests: Becki Griffith
Members Absent: Gary Gibson; Cindy Lewis; Dana Woods
Meeting was called to order at 2:05pm.
1. Approval of Minutes:
Minutes from April 21, 2009 were approved as written. A motion was made by Stewart Edwards and seconded by Tracie Hervey.
2. Old Business – None
3. New Business
1. Karen Guthmiller presented a proposal to approve two new courses Kine 1143 (Walking/Jogging, Beginning) and Kine 1144 (Walking/Jogging, Experienced) to the Kinesiology program. Motion made by Joseph Ganakos and seconded by Paul Arrigo. Motion carried.
2. Donnetta Suchon proposed making revisions to the Academic Probation and Suspension policy. Revised Version: Certificate and degree seeking students will receive a warning before going into probation. Students who have attempted 18 SCH and have GPA below 2.0 will be placed on academic probation and are required to receive academic advising before registering. Students who have attempted 24 SCH and have a GPA below 2.0 will be placed on academic suspension and maybe denied enrollment for a minimum of one term (one long semester or 10-week summer session). Students are returned to good standing when for two subsequent semesters they take a minimum of 6 SCH and their term GPA exceeds 2.0. Motion made by Joseph Ganakos and seconded by Howard Bushart. Discussion followed. Motion carried.
Donnetta Suchon proposed changes to the Core Curriculum for transfer of AA, AS, and AAS degrees. Add Biol 1475, Envr 1402, and Phys 1415 to Natural Science. Delete Anth 2351 under Other: Social/Behavioral Science. Delete Computer Literacy from core requirements. Add new courses Kine 1143 & 1144 to Health, Wellness, Kinesiology. Tracie Hervey made a motion to accept changes. Seconded by Stewart Edwards.
Becki Griffith suggested not taking computer literacy completely out of the degree plans. After further discussion, motion carried.
3. Michael Gos presented a revised version of the wording in the student appeals process.
The original version: Students and Lee College employees may choose to have one adviser present who is not a witness. Although advisers may not participate in the proceeding, students and employees may confer with their advisers during the proceedings. Lee College employees may not have an attorney for their adviser; however, if students choose an attorney for an adviser, the college may elect to have an attorney present.
The revised version: Students and Lee College employees may choose to have one adviser present who is not a witness. Although advisers may not participate in the proceeding, students and employees may confer with their advisers during the proceedings. If students choose an attorney for an adviser, the employee and the college may elect to have an attorney present.
The sentence was revised to read: “If students choose an attorney for an adviser, both the employee and the college may elect to have an attorney present.”
Karen Guthmiller made a motion to accept revision and seconded by Tracie Hervey. Motion carried. Revision will be posted in current catalogue.
4. Open Forum
Becki Griffith discussed the core approval process by College Board and State Board and field of study. Paul Arrigo asked Becki to create a flow chart for better understanding.
Becki Griffith noted how the academic courses tended to be scheduled in the last semesters of several AAS degrees. Becki would like to see these courses scheduled earlier.
5. Meeting adjourned at 2:45pm.
Respectfully submitted, Approved by:
Susan Keith, Secretary Michael Gos, CAAC Chair