CAAC Minutes: 2009-03-24

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Members Present: Brenda Jones; Tracie Hervey; Stu Edwards; Jimmy Lockett; Paul Arrigo; Donnetta Suchon; Joe Ganakos; Sharon Lockett; Michael Gos

Members Absent: Gary Gibson; Howard Bushart; Cindy Lewis; Karen Guthmiller; Harry Pang; Rod Hellyer; Kenneth Booker; Dana Woods; Johnette Hodgin

Meeting was called to order at 2:03pm.

1. Approval of Minutes:
Minutes for February 17, 2009 were approved as written. A motion was made by Jimmy Lockett and seconded by Brenda Jones.

2. Old Business – None

3. New Business

1. Tom O’Kuma – proposed the approval of Biol 1445 (Introduction to Oceanography) to begin fall 2009. This course is listed under the Geol rubric in the Lower Division Academic Course Guide Manual. (See attachment). Motion made by Stu Edwards and seconded by Joe Ganakos. Motion carried.
Tom O’Kuma proposed the approval of Academic Cooperative Courses for Biology (Biol 2289/2389), Chemistry (Chem 2289/2389), Geology (Geol 2289/2389) and Physics (Phys 2289/2389). Motion made by Donnetta Suchon and seconded by Paul Arrigo. Motion carried.
Tom O’Kuma pulled the proposal for Chem 1415. This course will be considered at another time.

2. Susan Cummings – presented a proposal to approve two new courses Arts 2289 and Comm 2289 (Academic Cooperative) to be used in Visual and Performing Arts. The cooperative is a class designed to give students work-related experience in some form of communication media. Motion made by Jimmy Lockett and seconded by Donnetta Suchon. A correction was made to omit lab hours per week (72) on both courses. Motion carried.

3. Marice Ivey – proposed replacing Biol 2305 with HPRS 2301 (Pathophysiology) in the Health Information Technology program. Motion made by Joe Ganakos and seconded by Brenda Jones. Motion carried.

4. Open Forum – April will be the last CAAC meeting for the semester.

Meeting adjourned at 2:20pm

Respectfully submitted, Approved by,
Susan Keith, Secretary Michael Gos, CAAC Chair
