CAAC Minutes: 2009-11-17

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Members Present: Kenneth Booker, Howard Bushart, Michael Gos, Karen Guthmiller, Susan Hamby, Rod Hellyer, Tracie Hervey, Jimmy Lockett, Bob Slade, Donnetta Suchon, Dana Woods. Guests: Tana West, Rosemary Coffman, Ray Whitlow

Members absent: Paul Arrigo, Stewart Edwards, Joseph Ganakos, Gary Gibson

Meeting was called to order at 2:00pm

1. Approval of Minutes:
Motion to accept the minutes from October 20, 2009 meeting as written made by Dana Woods. Seconded by Karen Guthmiller. Motion carried.
2. Old Business:
Richard Tunstall – Changes in instrument technology
Jimmy Lockett presented for Richard Tunstall revisions to Analytical Instrumentation certificate. SCIT 1418 is removed from the pre-requisite column.
CTEC 1401 is added as a pre-requisite. The certificate will be expanded to 36 SCHs. A motion to accept was made by Susan Hamby. Seconded by Rod Hellyer. After discussion motion carried.
3. New Business
• Rod Hellyer – Revisions to welding degree. Rod Hellyer proposed to remove BMGT 1307 and ITSC 1309 and add WLDG 1291 to the AAS degree in Welding Technology. A motion to accept as written was made by Donnetta Suchon and seconded by Dana Woods. No discussion, motion carried.
• Rosemary Coffman – Adding SACS representative to CAAC. Rosemary Coffman recommends adding a SACS liaison as a permanent member to CAAC. A motion to accept was made by Susan Hamby and seconded by Donnetta Suchon. Michael Gos drafted a copy of the changes in the CAAC bylaws which was voted on and passed. Michael Gos suggested the following changes to the CAAC bylaws. Under Pt. 2 add the heading Voting Members. Add heading Ad hoc members. Insert SACS liaison under Ad hoc. There will be a second vote at the next meeting. A motion to accept the corrections to the bylaws was made by Dana Woods and seconded by Donnetta Suchon. Motion carried.
• Deborah Sutton – Changes in Professional Administrative Specialist Program. Deborah Sutton proposed removing POFI 2301 (Word Processing) and POFT 1367 (Practicum) from the curriculum. POFT 1321 (Business Math) will be replaced with POFT 1325 (Business Math and Machine Applications). In the Administrative Specialist I certificate, if the students do not need to take POFT 1329 (Beginning Keyboarding) they will take POFT 2203 (Speed and Accuracy Building). POFI 1341 (Computer Applications II) will be changed to a four hour class to be in alignment with POFI 1401 (Computer Applications I). The number for that course will be changed to POFI 1441. A motion to accept as written was made by Karen Guthmiller and seconded by Susan Hamby. There was no discussion and the motion carried.
• Suzanne Nordhaus – Changes in Computer Information System classes. Suzanne Nordhaus proposed the following Computer Information System program changes. COSC 1300 will replace COSC 1301. IMED 1445 will reflect a title change and course description. CPMT 1449 will replace ITCC 1401. A new elective course ITSC 1391 was proposed. Suzanne Nordhaus proposed the following new courses for the Game Design program. ARTV 1341, GAME 1336, GAME 2325, GAME 2344, GAME 2402, GAME 1394, GAME 2386, GAME 2387. These new courses will be a better alignment with UH-Victoria at Sugarland classes. A motion to accept was made by Tracie Hervey and seconded by Howard Bushart. There was discussion from Donnetta Suchon concerning ITSC 1309 or BCIS 1405 being shown as core requirement. Suzanne Nordhaus expressed concerns with students that need computer skills. After further discussion, Dana Woods made a motion to table the Game Program changes. Seconded by Donnetta Suchon. Motion carried. Vote on Computer Information System changes was unanimous. Donnetta Suchon made a motion to unbold Computer Literacy in the AAS degree for Game Design. Seconded by Karen Guthmiller. Motion carried.
• Tana West – ADN curriculum changes. Tana West proposed the following changes in Level I of the ADN program. RNSG 1413 will replace RNSG 1209, RNSG 1247 will replace RNSG 1341, and RNSG 1261 will replace RNSG 1361. A motion to accept was made by Donnetta Suchon and seconded by Dana Woods. After discussion, motion carried.
• Donnetta Suchon – Computer Literacy Changes. For information only, Donnetta Suchon passed out an update of Computer Literacy Changes recommended by each division.
• Jimmy Lockett – Wiring Certificate. Jimmy Lockett proposed a Wiring certificate. A motion to accept as written was made by Donnetta Suchon and seconded by Rod Hellyer. After brief discussion, motion carried.
4. Open Forum
Michael Gos asked that if there are any changes in representatives made during the semester, please notify him. Michael Gos will send an email containing the bylaw changes.

Meeting adjourned at 3:10pm.

Respectfully submitted, Approved by:
Susan Keith, Secretary Michael Gos, CAAC Chair
