CAAC Minutes: 2009-04-21

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Members Present: Brenda Jones; Howard Bushart; Cindy Lewis; Michael Gos; Karen Guthmiller; Harry Pang; Stu Edwards; Rod Hellyer; Kenneth Booker; Paul Arrigo; Dana Woods; Joe Ganakos; Sharon Lockett

Members Absent: Gary Gibson; Tracie Hervey; Jimmy Lockett; Donnetta Suchon; Johnette Hodgin

Meeting was called to order at 2:04 p.m.

  1. Approval of Minutes: Minutes from March 24, 2009 meeting were approved as written.
  2. Old Business: None
  3. New Business
    1. Kellie Sartor proposed a new AAS degree in Digital Media. Motion made by Dana Woods and seconded by Brenda Jones. Motion carried.
    2. Suzanne Nordhaus made a motion to approve a new course Game 2334 for the AAS in Game Development Specialist degree. Motion made by Karen Guthmiller and seconded by Joe Ganakos. Motion carried. Suzanne Nordhaus made a motion to accept two changes for the AAS degree in Game Development. Comm 2325 will be replaced with IMED 2311 and Game 2459 will change to Game 2334. Motion made by Joe Ganakos and seconded by Dana Woods. Motion carried.
    3. Odus Shoemake proposed adding two new courses to the Certificate of Completion and AAS degree in Geographic Information Systems (GISC 2311 and GISC 2320). Motion made by Dana Woods and seconded by Brenda Jones. Motion carried. GISC 2311 will replace GISC 1301 and GISC 2320 will replace GISC 2440.
    4. Dana Caudle made a motion to add four classes to the Certificate of Completion for Construction & Building Technician (CNBT 1315, FIRT 1329, FIRT 1408 and FIRT 1302). Motion made by Joe Ganakos and seconded by Dana Woods. Motion carried.
    5. Rod Hellyer made a motion to accept new course PFPB 2310. Motion made by Karen Guthmiller and seconded by Brenda Jones. Motion carried. PFPB 2310 will replace PFPB 2349.
    6. Tom O’Kuma proposed the approval of ENVR 1402 starting in Spring 2010. Motion made by Dana Woods and seconded by Joe Ganakos. Motion carried.
    7. Election of Officers
      1. Open positions – Chair and Vice-Chair
      2. Joe Ganakos made a motion to nominate Michael Gos as Chair. Seconded by Dana Woods. Dana Woods made a motion to close nominations. Seconded by Brenda Jones. Motion carried.
      3. Joe Ganakos volunteered to serve as Vice Chair. Seconded by Michael Gos. Brenda Jones made a motion to close nominations and seconded by Dana Woods. Motion carried.
  4. Open Forum – None

Meeting adjourned at 2:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, Susan Keith, Secretary
Approved by Michael Gos, CAAC Chair
