Student Financial Aid (LCHC)

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Interest free loan; “Agreement to Reimburse” tuition and fee upon release; based on what the student can pay. This loan amount covers the cost of up to 6 academic credit hours per semester and 2 technical programs.

Incarcerated Individuals Program Grant (IIP)

Eligibility criteria: 35 years of age and younger on the date of enrollment; eligible for parole or release within seven years; High School diploma or GED; no detainers; not been convicted of “criminal offense against a victim who is a minor” or “sexually violent offense” or murder; not have a Y, M, or H risk level on the Sex Offender Tracking Program (SOTP). Offenders need to see their Lee College Huntsville Center advisor for more details.

Texas Public Education Grant (TPEG)

Assists academic students who enroll in 7 credit hours or more (TDCJ-ID loans up to 6 credit hours). Students do not reimburse. Amount of grant is determined by available funds. Satisfactory progress required. Allowed a maximum of 72 attempted hours to complete degree. This includes incompletes, withdrawals, remedial and requested courses. Vocational courses are not counted.

Hazlewood Act

Home of record must be in Texas – Honorable discharge 180 Active days of service 10 years elapsed since military discharge/separation date.

Veterans Educational Benefits

Your DD 214 is needed. Chapter 30 – The Montgomery GI Bill.

Financial Aid Eligibility
To qualify for financial aid at Lee College, Applicants must:

  • Be accepted for admission or be enrolled in a degree or certificate program.
  • Not be in default on any loan.
  • Not owe a refund on a loan, grant or scholarship.
  • Be in good academic standing.
  • Maintain satisfactory academic progress.
  • If a transfer student, submit a financial aid transcript from each university attended, showing whether or not aid was received.

Financial Aid Satisfactory Progress Statement

Students receiving financial aid are required by federal regulations to be making satisfactory progress toward a degree or certificate program. Copies of the standards of satisfactory progress are available in the Financial Aid Office and are distributed to all students receiving state and/or federal funds.

Financial Aid Probation

Students who do not complete the required number of credit hours or grade point average are placed on financial aid probation. If the required grade point average and progress rate are successfully completed by the end of the following semester, the student is removed from probationary status.

Financial Aid Suspension

Students who are on probation and fail to meet the minimum satisfactory progress requirements will be suspended from all financial aid. Students on suspension who re-enroll at their own expense and successfully meet the satisfactory progress requirements may have their financial aid eligibility reinstated. Students who have had their financial aid eligibility reinstated remain on permanent probationary status, but may continue to receive financial aid up to the maximum time allowed as long as the satisfactory progress requirements are met each semester. Students who are suspended a second time must appeal to the Financial Aid Advisory Committee for reinstatement of aid.


Students on suspension may appeal for reinstatement of financial aid due to extenuating circumstances such as injury, illness, death in the immediate family or undue hardship. The student must submit a written appeal for reinstatement of aid and a degree plan to the Financial Aid Officer. The student should provide any documentation that may help to substantiate the appeal. The Financial Aid Officer will respond in writing to the student. If the student does not agree with the decision of the Financial Aid Officer, the student may then appeal to the Financial Advisory Committee.

Tuition and Fees

Tuition and other charges, along with related regulations and requirements, are subject to change as necessitated by college and/or state legislative actions. Students should refer to the LCHC Schedule of Tuition and Fees to determine tuition and fees for the current semester.

State Reimbursement Costs

All college expenses incurred, labeled as “State Reimbursable Costs,” will either be paid by the offender at registration or repaid by the offender upon release. State Reimbursable Costs are defined as follows:

State Reimbursable Costs include tuition and fees for college credit and non-credit associate and baccalaureate level courses, required testing and graduation fees. TSI tests registered for by the offender, and for college remedial courses required as a result of TSI testing.

As a State Reimbursable Cost, the state will pay for only the cost of the offender’s initial academic course each semester. Additional courses each semester will be at the expense of the student, which will be paid at registration from personal funds.

State Reimbursable Costs include tuition and fees for college credit and non-credit vocational courses for each qualified offender student.

Financial Aid eligibility and utilization is a matter between the student and the college or university. The outstanding amount not covered by financial aid will be the amount financed by TDCJ which will be repaid by the student. The outstanding amount (State Reimbursable Cost) may not be more than the cost of one course.

Since books are reused each semester, the offender will not be required to reimburse book costs.

In some instances, an offender may not be required to reimburse certain Reimbursable Costs. If an offender is dropped from a course and the reason is deemed excused, he will not be liable for the reimbursement. It will be the responsibility of the Regional Community Education Coordinator to track the excused drops and to make the appropriate adjustments to the diskette billings to insure the costs of the dropped course are not added to the offender’s account.

Offender Payment From Personal Funds

Rather than reimbursing the state after release, the offender may opt to pay for all coursework completing the Inmate Withdrawal Form (I-25). Also, in the event offender elects to enroll in more than one academic course each semester, he may do so by completing the I-25 for the amount which is in excess of the cost of the initial course.

Additional I-25s will be completed by offenders who wish to participate in a course for which the state will not pay, such as a third vocational program or in additional degree at the same level.
