Former LCHC Students and Family Members

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Free World Financial Aid Info

If you need information about financial aid for colleges/universities in the “free world,” please see the following websites:

Transcript Request

If you need to request your transcripts from Lee College for the classes you completed while you were incarcerated, please go to the Lee College Admissions & Records Office on the main campus in Baytown or visit to fill out the Transcript Request Form.

Name Change

A student attending Lee College Huntsville Center under an alias must insure that his name is changed to his legal name upon release from TDCJ-ID. The student’s legal name will not appear on his diploma unless the following records are submitted to the records office: 1) a copy of the birth certificate or comparable legal document, and 2) a notarized statement from someone who knows the student under both names, certifying that he is one and the same person. While in TDCJ-ID, Lee College will enroll students under the name that TDCJ-ID lists, even if it is not the student’s correct name. Please contact the Records Office at the main campus in Baytown at 281.425.6393 or


(State Reimbursable Costs)

For ex-offenders who used reimbursement to pay for their college courses while attending LCHC:

Repayment of the loan is part of your parole stipulation; meaning you are required to repay the loan in full. When you are paroled, you will set up a payment program with your parole officer based on how much money you make. Or, if you can afford it, you can pay for it all in one payment so you don’t have to make monthly/weekly payments.

While the offender is still incarcerated, family members can start paying the loan back if they choose. If so, please follow the directions below:

  • Make I-25 or money order payable to TDCJ
  • TDCJ/RPD will place a hold on the offender’s Trust Fund account, if applicable

For more information, please contact Charlotte Trow, RPD Business Office, at 936.437.8603.
