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Britt/Hodgin Second Chance Scholarship

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The Britt/Hodgin Second Chance Scholarship provides educational opportunities for offender students who attend the Lee College Huntsville Center. The Second Chance Scholarship recognizes two outstanding individuals who are widely credited with much of the early success of the Huntsville Center and its significant contribution to the reduction of offender recidivism in the state of Texas.

John Britt was among the first Lee College instructors to teach behind the razor wire in Huntsville and often cites his experience as one of the most rewarding challenges in his illustrious teaching career. As the Technical Dean of Lee College, Johnette Hodgin provided invaluable administrative support to the Huntsville Center and was a staunch advocate of state funding for prison education programs. Today, many offenders have realized their educational goals while incarcerated and have achieved their own personal success thanks to the collected efforts of both John Britt and Johnette Hodgin.

The scholarships are only available to Lee College Huntsville Center students and may only be used to enroll in Lee College Huntsville Center academic or vocational courses. New and currently enrolled students will be eligible.

All Lee College faculty and staff are highly encouraged to contribute annually to the Britt/Hodgin scholarship fund either by payroll deduction or making a one-time annual contribution.

To donate to the Britt/Hodgin Scholarship Fund, please contact the Lee College cashier's office at 281.425.6321 or x6322 or x6324. You can also donate online. Your contributions and support are greatly needed and appreciated.
