Online Learning Committee

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The charge of the Distance Education Committee is to provide appropriate faculty and staff guidance and oversight for the Office of the Vice President of Learning on issues relating to instructional technology and distance education. Faculty and staff directly involved in online teaching and learning are best equipped to recommend coordinated distance education policies, procedures, priorities, planning, and implementation practices that maximize technology and human resources while ensuring quality online delivery of programs and instruction at Lee College.

Areas of Responsibility

Recommendations to the administration regarding instructional technology as required in facilities and program planning.

Development and maintenance of distance education policies and procedures that conform to Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) and Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) policies or procedures.

Creation of distance education reports for use in accreditation, planning, quality enhancement, and budget justifications.


Each instructional division teaching DE will have one representative on the committee who is responsible for representing their division at committee meetings and reporting outcomes to division colleagues. This representative must teach annually at least three credit hours in an online or hybrid format at Lee College or received certification within a year.

The chair of the committee will be the Distance Education Coordinator, selected by the Vice President of Learning based upon competitive applications and interviews relating to the coordinator job description.

One library representative
One student affairs representative
The LMS system coordinator

Ex-Officio Members
Vice President of Learning
Dean of Academic Studies
Dean of Applied Sciences
Executive Director of Information Technology

Professional Development Funds

The Online Learning Committee has professional development funds to send faculty involved with online learning to conferences, training or workshops that pertain to online education. Please use the application form and guidelines to apply for the funds.
