Professional Development Committee

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Definition: Faculty development is a process by which the faculty, for the students’ learning best interests, have an opportunity to improve their skills in the following areas:

  1. education skills (of either faculty or student) that is not an educational credit, certification or obtaining a license that is required to teach a course,
  2. leadership skills,
  3. skills necessary to engage in scholarly activities that is not given as a certification or obtaining a license that is required to teach a course, and
  4. personal development.

Faculty development activities are successful when individuals’ goals in these four areas and the goals of the College are being met simultaneously.

Purpose: The purpose of the Professional Development fund is to encourage professional development among employees classified as full-time probationary faculty and regular status faculty members.

Monies: $30,000 will be designated annually by Lee College for professional development activities.

  1. $14,300 for fall semester (first week of September, till the start of the spring semester or until the funds are depleted, whichever comes first)
  2. $13,000 for Spring semester (mid November – Nov. 12, 2018 – till the start of summer or until the funds are depleted, whichever comes first) and
  3. $2,700 total for both summer semesters (first February week – Jan. 28, 2018 – until the end of summer or until the funds are depleted, whichever comes first).

Composition of the PDC:

  1. The chairperson is to be elected by the Faculty Assembly.
  2. The committee members will be appointed by the chairperson.
  3. The composition of the PDC should represent the entire Lee College faculty as much as possible.

Application Packet (Applying for funds from PDC):
NOTE: Your application packet cannot be considered if ANY of the requested information is missing. Also, a completed application packet must be received by the PDC Chair at least 4-6 weeks prior to event/travel.

  1. Complete an “Application for Funds” form. To obtain the form, click on this link for the application (.xlsx). One can also get the form from the employee portal, the Professional Development Committee Chair or divisional secretary. Please ensure that the following is completed in your application:
    Your account/fund/division budget number (refer to division secretary).
    Indicate whether or not you have used your department/division travel funds.
    Your department/division chair’s (or immediate supervisor’s) signature.
  2. Write and include a memo to the committee explaining how this particular professional development activity relates and/or helps achieve at least one Lee College Goal (refer to Annual, Standard, or Strategic), Individual goal (see Definition above) and/or QEP.
  3. Attach:
    brochure or provide website to professional development that you are requesting monies. Please ensure that the brochure includes the following:
    Cost, dates of events, location, and description of event.
    mileage (use Mapquest or Google to get mileage from Lee College to event or airport if flying out of state)
    meals (use Government Service Association Per Diem to get an estimate under M&IE if out of state)
    Airline – get an estimate of airline ticket and print a copy to attach to application
    taxi / shuttle – estimate amount for airline to hotel and back if not free
    Park and Ride – estimate amount to store car when flying
    Special Needs: For example, if one needs wireless and the hotel does not offer free wireless then give a cost for the wireless and a memo stating the reason for the need.
  4. Scan, and email the signed copy of the completed PDC Application Packet to the Professional Development Committee Chair at least 4-6 weeks prior to event/travel.

Faculty member will be notified of the committee’s decision by email.

If your PDC Application is approved:

  1. You will receive an email stating that your application packet has been approved.
  2. The PDC chair will complete a Budget Amendment Form requesting monies to be credited to the budget number provide on your application. Please keep in mind the various signatures required on the Budget Amendment form: PDC Chair, Appropriate Dean, President, VP Financial Services.
  3. Please refer to our new travel policy for steps on how to pay for your event/travel.
  4. Attention travelers within the State of Texas: before you travel (pay for your hotel, car rental, and lodging) you must obtain and fill out tax exemption forms in advance. They can be obtained from Lee College web site, or from the PD Committee Chair. The forms are: Motor Vehicle Rental Tax Exemption Certificate (PDF), Texas Hotel Occupancy Tax Exemption Certificate (PDF), and Texas Sales and Use Tax Exemption Certification (PDF). You should use the one(s) that apply to your travel agenda.
  5. Upon your return, the PD Committee requires you to submit a 3-question survey to the PD Committee Chair:
    • Q1: Is this your first time to attend this particular conference?
    • Q2: Did you find what you learned/observed to be useful for you or your students?
    • Q3: Will you choose to attend the same conference next year, or will you be considering a new direction or venue?

Annual Lee College Goals:

  1. We will identify, develop, and implement measures of academic excellence and institutional effectiveness, and evaluate the progress of the institution’s achievement of its goals and strategic objectives.
  2. We will review proposed instructional programs, continue evaluating and revitalizing existing curricula and instructional technologies, and provide for lifelong learning and avocational interests.
  3. We will improve the recruitment, retention, and achievement of all students.
  4. We will maintain our commitment to educational excellence through intensive efforts to recruit and retain outstanding personnel.
  5. We will improve the college’s linkages with business, industry, and other educational institutions, including high schools, colleges, and universities, to facilitate movement into the job market, within the job market, and/or transfers to this and other institutions.
  6. We will continue expanding the college’s commitment to the economic development of the region by expanding training partnerships with business and industry and by providing opportunities for workers to upgrade their skills.
  7. We will maintain a safe and inviting physical environment.
  8. We will provide a cost-effective utilization of human, physical, fiscal, and technological resources.
  9. We will enhance students’ knowledge of other cultures and their understanding of global issues by promoting an international perspective, awareness, and understanding.
  10. We will support community service through a variety of activities.

QEP Goals:

  1. To improve student learning by creating policies and procedures that nourish an environment for student success.
  2. To improve student learning by increasing student awareness of expectations and commitment that lead to productive learning.
  3. To improve student learning by strengthening developmental courses through effective teaching strategies, meaningful practice and enrichment activities.

Awarding of Funds:

  1. Recipients and awards will be determined by a majority vote of the members of the PDC.
  2. The PDC reserves the right to refuse to award funds at their discretion.
  3. Application for Professional Development funds must be approved prior to the event.

Refund of PDC monies:

If you have remaining funds or you were unable to attend the event approved by the PDC, you must return the funds to the PDC budget (142100-10700-230010000000) by completing a Budget Amendment Form through the Business Office. Funds cannot be used for another event or transferred to another faculty member without a new application packet being submitted and approved by the PD committee.
