Administrative Assembly

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(See also: Constitution of the Administrative Assembly (PDF)

About the Group

The Administrative Assembly is established for the purpose of providing organized representation for each administrative staff member with regard to internal and external matters that may affect the institution. In determining institutional policies, the Administrative Assembly wishes to participate in the policy-making process by representation on appropriate committees.


The Administrative Assembly is organized with the following objectives in mind:

  1. To support the college vision and mission.
  2. To improve lines of communication between administrative staff and all other areas within the institution.
  3. To promote the welfare, opportunities, and responsibilities of its members, as well as facilitate communication with other constituents in the college community. It also encourages cooperation and unity among its members and provides opportunities for professional development.
  4. To nurture and enhance professional relationships between departments.
  5. To provide administrative staff with the opportunity to register its voice in the development of institutional policy.
  6. To provide a means to present, discuss, and consider as a group the concerns of and suggestions of the administrative staff relative to institutional matters.


The Administrative Assembly is an organization of Lee College administrative individuals engaged in interaction and dialogue within the shared governance structure of the institution. The Assembly provides increased opportunities for its members through collective input, networking, scholarship, and professional development, inspired by the experience and participation of its elected officials and committee representatives and in cooperation with its general membership. Our vision is committed to expand member opportunities and meet their needs for the future.

Meeting Schedule

The Assembly shall meet each month. Special meetings may be called by the Executive Committee as needed.


Standing Committees:

The duties and membership of each are described in the Constitution of the Administrative Assembly.

Attending Monthly Board Meetings — Executive Council Members Will Rotate
