CAAC Minutes: 2023-10-17

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Paul Allen, Vicky Hart, Karen Guthmiller, Roshele Friudenberg, Heather Morrill, Dana Woods, Joe Ganakos, Curtis White, Carl Husband, Georgeann Ward, Wally Collins, Christine Miller, Regina Barrera, Robert Miller, Jessica Thompson-Falla, William Walker, David Jaroszewski, Jodi Rodriguez

Meeting Called to Order at 2:03 p.m.

  1. Approval of Minutes

    September 2023 Minutes

  2. Officer Reports
    1. CAAC Chair: Joe Ganakos
      1. SACS 10 year accreditation coming up. CAAC bylaws amendment submitted along with training policy for chairs.
    2. CAAC Vice-Chair: Vacant
      1. No report
  3. Informational Items - Administration

    1. Provost/SACS Liaison: Douglas Walcerz – absent/No report

    2. AVP of Academic Affairs: Dometrius Hill – absent/No report

    3. AVP of Student Affairs: Scott Bennett – absent/No report

    4. Registrar: Carl Husband
      Spring registration begins in two weeks (October 31), commencement details will be coming soon. Question: who will send out pre-req notifications now that Dr. Coffman is no longer doing this?
      Answer: Scott Bennett is the one to ask
      Discussion regarding new Dual Credit Director, Anthony Perez and scheduling issues. He is new so contact him directly about issues and he will work with you to correct.

    5. Director of Counseling: Sarah Tidwell – absent/No report

    6. Academic Honesty Committee: Paul Arrigo – absent/No report

    7. Director of Guided Pathways: Nicole Tunmire – absent/No report
      EEC report – Karen Guthmiller
      EEC will help support CAAC training through blackboard shell for access/videos, they will facilitate training process.

  4. Old Business

  5. Informational Items — New Business

    Dr. Georgeann Ward, Honors Program Coordinator, presented non-voting informational items: adding Honors omega symbol to catalog indicating Optional Honors Contract component to CHEM 2425. Adding omega symbol and add listing under Honors courses for INTC 2433 and ARTS 1304

  6. New Business
    1. Curtis White
      1. Misc.: Reactivation of Engineering AS Degree (1845)
        1. Due to the new funding model determined by HB 8, each associate degree awards the college $3500, but each associate degree in a high-demand field, such as engineering, will earn the college $4500. As the college has awarded about 11 engineering degrees, on average each academic year, it is worthwhile to reactivate the standalone engineering degree. Prior to the consolidation of degrees in the AY 2021/2022 catalog, there was a standalone engineering degree. This request is to reinstate the degree plan as it existed then (and currently exists on the Lee College website as a general AS degree).
          Motion: Roshele Friudenberg, Second: Wally Collins. Motion passed.
      2. Joe Ganakos
        1. Misc.: Bylaw Amendments (1847)
          CAAC bylaw amendments. The item as it relates to "Membership" will clarify that all division delegates will hold faculty rank and be elected solely by faculty members in their divisions.
          The item on Officers will extend the terms for CAAC officers to two (2) years each, and stagger their terms to provide better continuity of service and to permit biannual transitions if needed.
          Motion: Karen Guthmiller, Second: Dana Woods. Motion passed.
      3. Nominations for CAAC Vice Chair
        1. Position vacated following departure of Samantha Johnson
          Alexa Ramirez, FT Faculty, ADN Nursing and Roshele Friudenberg, FT Faculty, Mathematics have expressed an interest in the position of CAAC Vice-Chair.
  7. Open Forum
Meeting adjourned at 2:45 p.m.

Submitted by: Jodi Rodriguez, Administrative Secretary
