CAAC Minutes: 2023-02-21

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Paul Allen, Vicki Hart, Bryant Dryer, Karen Guthmiller, Roshele Friudenberg, Ed Korzetz, Davoud Khoini, Heather Morrill, Dana Woods, Dometrius Hill, Joe Ganakos, John Elliott, Samantha Johnson, Cassandra Bell, Scott Bennett, Christine Miller, Jamie Holloway, William Walker, Carl Husband, Joe Ganakos, Ed Korzetz, Steve Saunders, Marylou Ortuvia, Fran Parent, Gary Denson, Alexia Ramirez, Curtis White, Regina Barrera, Charlotte Mueller, Tiffany Winchester.

I. Approval of Minutes

1. November 2022 Minutes
November Minutes to be approved at the March 21, 2023 meeting.

II. Officer Reports

1. CAAC Chair: Joe Ganakos
When attaching Division Minutes to Requests, they have to be produced at the time the Request is created. Minutes must be clear and revealing information in Request.

2. CAAC Vice-Chair: Samantha Johnson
Nothing to share.

III. Informational Items - Administration

1. Provost/SACS Liaison: Douglas Walcerz
Nothing to share.

2. AVP of Academic Affairs: Dometrius Hill
Nothing to share.

3. AVP of Student Affairs: Scott Bennett
Nothing to share.

4. Registrar: Carl Husband
Nothing to share.

5. Director of Counseling: Sarah Tidwell
Not in attendance.

6. Academic Honesty Committee: Paul Arrigo
Not in attendance

IV. Old Business

V. Informational Items – New Business

VI. New Business

1. Sybil Rollins
i. Misc.: VNSG 1423 Contact Hour Change (1789)
ii. Change/Update Semester Credit Hours: VNSG 1330 (1790)
iii. Change/ Update Semester Credit Hours: VNSG 2460 (1791)

Approved at prior meeting.

2. Davoud Khoini
i. Discontinue Degree/Certificate: Electrical, Instrumentation, & Analytical Cert. 1 (1792)
ii. Discontinue Degree/Certificate: Wiring Installation Cert. 1 (1793)
(1792 & 1793) Taken together

Wally Collins made motion; John Elliott seconded. Courses are staying in the catalog.

Motion passes unanimously.

iii. Change/Update Degree or Certificate Plan: Electrical Technology Cert. 1 (1795)
iv. Change/Update Degree or Certificate Plan: Electrical Technology AAS (1815) (1795 & 1815) Taken together
Roshele Friudenberg made motion; Wally Collins seconded.

Going to affect MOU with Liberty Campus. Liberty Campus students cannot complete 44 hours of contact hours. Lee College has an ethical obligation to hold up the MOU.

Joe Ganakos made motion to TABLE (1795) & (1815); Karen Guthmiller seconded. Motion passes unanimously.

v. Replace Course: TECM 1349 to TECM 1341 (1818)
Roshele Friudenberg made motion; Dana Woods seconded.

Dana Woods made motion to TABLE; Curtis White seconded. Motion Passes unanimously.

vi. Change/Update Degree or Certificate Plan: Instrumentation Technology AAS (1819)
Roshele Friudenberg made motion; Wally Collins seconded.

Minutes need to be more detailed. Can’t approve a Degree Plan without the course that is changing being voted on and approved by CAAC.

Dana Woods made motion to TABLE; Roshele Friudenberg seconded. Motion passes unanimously.

vii. Change/Update Degree or Certificate Plan: Instrumentation Technology Cert. 1 (1820)
Added to the above TABLED Request.

viii. Change/Update Course Requisite: TECM 1349 (1834)
John Elliott made motion; Wally Collins seconded.

Currently in Catalog as ENRD 400 or equivalent and Math 100 or equivalent. Karen Guthmiller made motion to TABLE; Dana Woods seconded.
Motion passes unanimously.

3. Regina Barrera
i. Change/Update Course Requisite: BIOL 1409 (1796)
ii. Change/Update Course Requisite: BIOL 1407 (1797)
iii. Change/Update Course Requisite: BIOL 1402 (1798) (1796, 1797 & 1798) taken together.

Take away “C” or better in Pre Req – Keep Def Ed
Pre Req remains in place.
BIOL 1402 should be ENBE 1402 – Jodi Rodriguez will move information of requisites in Request –
they were submitted in the wrong place.

Dana Woods made motion; John Elliott seconded. Motion passes unanimously.

4. Fran Parent
i. Misc.: Certified Logistics Technician Crosswalk (1769)
John Elliott made motion; Dana Woods seconded. Motion passes unanimously.
Carl Husband will email Jodi Rodriguez the wording to be included.

ii. New Degree/Certificate: Global Logistics & Supply Chain Cert. 1 (1799)
Dana Woods made motion; John Elliott seconded.

16 HR Certificate (Add to Inventory) Needs to go to the Coordinating Board.

Motion passes unanimously.

iii. Change/Update Semester Credit Hours: LMGT 1393 (1800)
John Elliott made motion; Roshele Friudenberg seconded. Motion passes unanimously.
5. John Elliot
i. New Course: DFTG 1445 (1801)
Roshele Friudenberg made motion; Wally Collins seconded. Motion passes unanimously.
ii. Change/Update Degree or Certificate Plan: CAD & Design Cert. 1 (1802)

Samantha Johnson made motion; Dana Woods seconded. Motion passes unanimously.
iii. Change/Update Degree or Certificate Plan: CAD & Design Technology AAS (1803)
Dana Woods made motion; Ed Korzetz seconded. Motion passes unanimously.
iv. Change/Update Degree or Certificate Plan: Mechanical Technology Cert. 1 (1804)
28 HRS to 32 HRS
Karen Guthmiller made motion; Wally Collins seconded.

v. Change/Update Course Requisite: DFTG 2435 (1805)
Dana Woods made motion; Roshele Friudenberg seconded. Motion passes unanimously.
vi. New Course: MCHN 1320 (1806)

Dana Woods made motion; Wally Collins seconded. Motion passes unanimously.
vii. New Course: MCHN 1426 (1807)
Karen Guthmiller made motion; Dana Woods seconded.

Motion passes unanimously.
viii. Discontinue Course – Degree/Certificate: WLDG 1428 (1808)
Wally Collins made motion; Dana Woods seconded. Motion passes unanimously.
ix. Change/Update Degree or Certificate: Industrial Systems Machinist Cert. 1 (1809)
Wally Collins made motion; Vicki Hart seconded. Motion passes unanimously.
6. Cassandra Bell
i. Misc.: Inclusion of PHIL 2306 in Core (1810)
Dana Woods made motion; John Elliott seconded. Motion passes unanimously.
Karen Guthmiller states “We are creating all these Pathways that sometimes do not allow for these types of important courses. I think that we need to keep in mind the greater need for preparing students for the real world. I get concerned with us saying you can’t take hours outside of your Pathway when some of us do not even fit in our path. This is a very important class. I think we need to step back and say are we now teaching students to be good stewards or a holistic approach liberally understanding all the things they will need to have the skill sets when they go into the world. I think that sometimes we are on the FastTrack and these types of classes get lost. Our Institutional Core needs to be respected and not worked around, like it is right now.”

7. Steven Saunders
i. Replace Course: IMED 1316 to ITSY 1300 (1811)
John Elliott made motion; Regina Barrera seconded. Motion passes unanimously.
ii. New Course: CPMT 1443 (1812)
John Elliott made motion; Wally Collins seconded. Motion passes unanimously.
iii. Replace Course: ITCC 1408 to CPMT 1443 (1813)
Dana Woods made motion; Vicki Hart seconded. Motion passes unanimously.
iv. Change/Update Degree or Certificate Plan: Computer & Network Maintenance AAS (1827)
Wally Collins made motion; Vicki Hart seconded. Motion passes unanimously.
8. John Weinel
i. New Course: MUEN 1136 (1814)
Wally Collins made motion; John Elliott seconded.

Motion passes unanimously.

9. Heather Morill
i. Change/Update SCH: DRAM 1330 (1821)
ii. Change/Update SCH: DRAM 2331 (1822)
iii. Change/Update SCH: DRAM 2366 (1823)
(1821, 1822 & 1823) taken together
John Elliott made motion; Wally Collins seconded. Motion passes unanimously.
10. Bryant Dyer (proxy submission by Joe Ganakos)
i. Discontinue Course: ENGT 2310 (1824)
Wally Collins made motion, Dana Woods seconded. Motion passes unanimously.
ii. Replace Course: ENGT 2310 (1825)
iii. Replace Course: ENGT 2310 (1826)
(1825 & 1826) taken together

John Elliott made motion; Dana Woods seconded. Motion passes unanimously.
iv. New Course: OSHT 1307 (1829)
v. New Course: OSHT 1391 (1830)
vi. New Course: EPCT 1301 (1832)
(1829, 1830 & 1832) taken together

Dana Woods made motion; John Elliott seconded. Motion passes unanimously.
vii. Change/Update Degree or Certificate Plan: Safety Management AAS (1831)

Wally Collins made motion; Dana Woods seconded. Motion passes unanimously.
11. Richard Tunstall
i. Change/Update Course Requisite: ELPT 2405 (1828) Wally Collins made motion; Ed Korzetz seconded. Motion passes unanimously.
12. Joe Ganakos
i. Academic Affairs Issue: CAAC Workgroup on ChatGPT/AI Issues and Academic Honesty
ii. Substitution/Requisite Policy: Blanket Policy for Chair Approval of Course Substitution or Alternative Requisite
Joe postponed informing about above items.

VII. Open Forum

Meeting adjourned at 4:35 pm

Note: ( ) indicates the number of the item in the Curriculum Maintenance System.