CAAC Minutes: 2023-07-18

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Vicki Hart, Karen Guthmiller, Dana Woods, Joe Ganakos, Douglas Walcerz, Samantha Johnson, Carl Husband, Sarah Tidwell, Nicole Tunmire, Curtis White, and Walley Collins

Meeting Called to Order at 2:01 p.m.
  1. Approval of Minutes
    March 2023 Minutes
    Samantha Johnson made motion to approve March 2023 Minutes; Vicki Hart seconded. Motion passes unanimously.
    April 2023 Minutes
    Samantha Johnson made a motion to approve April 2023 Minutes; Karen Guthmiller seconded. Motion passes unanimously.

  2. Officer Reports
    1. CAAC Chair: Joe Ganakos
      There isn’t any official new business to take care of during this meeting. There were a few pieces of old business out there that had not finished obtaining necessary processes, therefore missing the cutoff date. We have to draw that line so to stay on the time constraints for Jody to enter items into the catalog.
      Joe stated from and officer report perspective, Mollie is fighting a good fight trying to make sure that all minutes are posted on the web as they should be. Joe also stated that he had a conversation with Brian, and he was told that they always get those things done. Mollie stated that Roger is out until July 24th, so after that she will follow up again.
      Carolyn said that for any substance changes that we would want to do to the curriculum maintenance system, that we would need to hire an outside consultant who works in PeopleSoft. We do not have a budget so therefore we can’t spend any money. If anyone would like to share ideas of what would be nice to see in a newer version, don’t hesitate to reach out to Joe or Samantha.
      If anyone would like to volunteer in crafting a training program or becoming a trainer for the campus, just let one of us know. It should start with the Division Chairs. Unfortunately most of the problems that we have had related with not understanding how the curriculum process works, or about maybe supporting some of the expectations, especially as it relates to documentation.
      Another big thing coming sooner rather than later is a more comprehensive review of content from Huntsville, which is an awkward situation based on how the reporting structure works within the organizational flowchart. I will probably need to tap into some of Carl’s assistance with this, as some things are just simply not in compliance.
      Our next meeting is scheduled during Convocation Week. It is rarely a business meeting as any business done there is usually due to due diligence especially in terms of reporting. Joe recommends that it be an organizational meeting again this year. With the new members we can attempt to do some light training and talk about the expectations. I am pushing HR to include some Chair training and to try to get at least start from the top down perspective. This way they will know what they are agreeing to and the fact that a Chair cannot propose and approve a motion without sufficient support from their divisions. This has been the biggest gap.
      Karen shared that the EEC has started with the process of training the Chairs. Informing and helping them to understand what their roles and responsibilities are as Chairs.
      Curtis White shared that by reading the Bylaws he had a clearer understanding of the processes.
    2. CAAC Vice-Chair: Samantha Johnson
      No report from Vice-Chair
  3. Informational Items - Administration

    1. Provost/SACS Liaison: Douglas Walcerz
      No report from Dr. Walcerz

    2. AVP of Academic Affairs: Dometrius Hill
      Not in attendance

    3. AVP of Student Affairs: Scott Bennett
      Not in attendance

    4. Registrar: Carl Husband
      No report from Carl

    5. Director of Counseling: Sarah Tidwell
      Advisors are enrolling by appointment in their offices until July 31st. After this they will be in the conference center.

    6. Academic Honesty Committee: Paul Arrigo
      Not in attendance

  4. Old Business
    No Old Business

  5. Informational Items – New Business
    No New Business

  6. Open Forum

    Alex and Laura came back from a conference on AI, they are going to reach out to brief those of us on the committee with some of this valuable information.
    A couple of executive decisions were made over the last few months in regards to typos, as it relates to submissions. Those things where we saw a definite disparity between what was submitted into the supporting documents. After speaking with the divisions, because they were critical for the catalog and it was an issue of expediency, and we didn’t have time for a vote again. They were in compliance with, the spirit of things, but there were things we missed in some cases, such as the number of hours or in other cases, it was literally just a numbering disparity. So those things have been corrected and added to the catalog.
    Nicole Tunmire followed up on the request to have Pathways on future agenda’s under the Informational Items. Joe said that is fine, but to have it written into the Bylaw’s it would have to wait until Fall or Spring.
    Walley Collins asked where to find more information on the CAAC processes. Joe will send him the Bylaws and another document that shows the workflow, but needs to be updated.
Meeting adjourned at 2:20 p.m.
Note: ( ) indicates the number of the item in the Curriculum Maintenance System.