CAAC Minutes: 2022-07-19

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Members in attendance:
Joe Ganakos; Jamie Halloway; Sarah Tidwell; Vicki Hart; Dana Woods; Frances Parent; Shari Carter; Nicole Tunmire; Roshele Friudenberg; Samantha Johnson; John Elliott; Jodi Rodriguez; Frederic Churchman; Dometrius Hill; and Karen Guthmiller

I. Approval of Minutes

1. April 2022 Minutes

II. Officer Reports

1. CAAC Chair: Joe Ganakos
Oracle is going to stop supporting PeopleSoft in the next couple of years. All the work that was put into Watermark, we may be revisiting that with whatever the new platform is. Annette Ferguson and Julie Lee assure there are some really good options out there.

2. CAAC Vice-Chair: Samantha Johnson
Nothing to share.

III. Informational Items - Administration

1. Provost/SACS Liaison: Douglas Walcerz
Not in attendance.

2. AVP of Academic Affairs: Dometrius Hill
Nothing to share.

3. AVP of Student Affairs: Scott Bennett
Not in attendance.

4. Registrar: Carl Husband
Not in attendance.

5. Director of Counseling: Sarah Tidwell
Registration is in full swing and we’re excited that we are entering the busy season. We’ve been pretty steady almost like Pre-COVID in the Student Success Center. Dr. Walcerz did send out an email letting the campus community know about registration events. We have spots in case anyone would like to showcase your programs. We have spots for folks to serve as greeters and/or to help the students register on the computers.

6. Academic Honesty Committee: Paul Arrigo
Not in attendance.

IV. Old Business

1. None.

V. Informational Items – New Business


VI. New Business

1. Davoud Khoini
i. Replace Course: TECM 1349 to TECM 1301 (1764) – NEED DOCUMENTATION
ii. Replace Course: IEIR 1302 to ELPT 1411 (1765) – NEED DOCUMENTATION
(1764 & 1765) are still lacking documentation. May be calling upon everyone to handle as an email vote. At some point, if this is considered mission critical, Dr. Hill can possibly speak to this but in the absence of documentation, we do have to start drawing a line in the sand.
These two items are tabled temporarily.

2. Janena Norris
i. Discontinue Degree: Health Information Management (1767)
ii. Discontinue Degree: Medical Coding Certificate (1768)
Removing from the curriculum due to a lack of faculty and the accreditation limitations.

Dana Woods made motion; Seconded by John Elliott.
Motion passes unanimously.

3. Shari Carter
i. Miscellaneous: Cross Credit Option (1769)
Still at Level 1. There are some hiccups in the system that are being worked out. Fran Parent, who is the division chair, can’t approve them because she doesn’t have chair privileges yet. So, literally no one can move this up to level 2.

We have a true gear grant for the certified logistics technician course. It’s a two phase course. They take certified logistics associate then take the exam and pass. Then they go on to certify technicians 2 week course. Upon completion of both of the courses they will be certified logistics technician. There is recommendation to give academic credit for the industry certification.

John Elliott made motion; seconded by Dana Woods.
Motion passes unanimously.

VII. Open Forum

Note: ( ) indicates the number of the item in the Curriculum Maintenance System.